Конспект урока "Подготовка к ЕГЭ. Описание картинок"
Конспект урока по теме:
Подготовка к ЕГЭ. Описание картинок
Учитель английского языка
МБОУ лицей №2
Карнацкая И.А.
Task1.These two photos show people who are happy. Compare
and contrast the two photographs and say why the people
might be happy. Speak for about 1minute.
Compare : nice way to spend time, freedom, relaxing
Contrast: indoors/outdoors, normal day/relaxing holiday,
day time /evening
Why are they happy? A couple: being together on holiday
A woman: favourite music
T: What would you like to describe?
S: Two photos of people enjoying themselves
T: Are they similar? Why?
S: They are quite similar because they both show nice ways to
pass time.
T: What does the first picture show?
S: It shows a woman lying on the sofa &listening to music. I like
doing it myself in my bedroom. Anyway, the woman seems
happy because it is probably her favourite music &she loves
listening to it. It shows that you can be perfectly happy on your
own as well as with a company.
T: What can you see in picture 2?
S: In picture 2 you can see a couple walking by the sea. The
place looks perfect. It’s a lovely day, it’s obviously great to be
together and take it easy. I think they are happy because they
are on holiday. It’s a nice example of the pleasures. It reminds
me of my own holiday. I love being by the beach.
T: What are the differences between two pictures?
S: The top one is taken inside while the bottom one is outside.
There is a difference between doing things together and
individually. People can have fun and pleasure doing both
things. They show happiness in different ways.
Task2.These two photos show people who are happy. Compare
and contrast the two photographs and say why the people
might be happy. Speak for about 1minute.
Сompare: young people spending free time, seem to be
happy& have fun, both activities-shopping and biking require a
lot of energy
Contrast: people in picture B are spending their free time , in a
more active way, they are trying to keep fit and feel close to
nature while girls in picture A are spending their free time
waiting for in long queues, cycling requires some money for
equipment but when you go shopping you need to spend a lot
of money.
T: What do you think about the atmosphere?
S: The girls in picture A are probably in a big shopping mall and
they are enjoying themselves and are feeling happy. They are
going to get something to eat.
The company in picture B is probably spending time together.
They are probably friends, it seems they know each other very
well. The atmosphere is peaceful but energetic.
Интернет источник:
1. Yandex.ru:фото
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