Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 9 класс 1 триместр

Итоговая контрольная работа для 9 класса. Раздел 1-3. 1 триместр.
1. Listening. You will hear a girl Lisa talking about friendship in her life.
For questions 2-8 choose the best answer A, B or C. you will hear each
speaker twice. There is an example at the beginning.
1) With time Lisa understood that
a. She might lose all her friends
She should work at her relationships with friends
b. She should keep all her friends
2) Lisa can’t remember her primary school friends’ name because
a. It was too long ago
b. She had too many of them
c. They changed too often
3) Lisa became shy because she
a. Didn’t want to talk to anyone
b. Stayed in a group with the same people
c. Didn’t have enough fun with her friends
4) After quarrelling with her friend, Lisa felt
a. Miserable
b. Irritated
c. Helpless
5) The people who helped Lisa get her confidence back were
a. Teachers and neighbours
b. Friends and parents
c. Doctors and nurses
6) On the first day of Year 10 Lisa made many new friends by
a. Starting conversations
b. Saying hello to everyone
c. Smiling at people
7) Now Lisa
a. Has a few friends
b. Has many friends
c. Has no friends
8) Lisa’s advise to anyone who wants to make friends is
a. To join some clubs
b. To go to parties
c. To show readiness to communicate SCORE: 7
2. Reading. Read the story “Quiet as a mouse” by David Mursayan tick
the answers A, B, C or D as shown in the example.
Quiet as a mouse
Warm and snug in bed, Jimmy has just woken up. It’s early morning and he is
listening very hard. Outside in the garden he can hear the birds singing, while the
sunlight begins to creep round the curtain into his room. Insight the house it is silent.
Jimmy listens hard no, he can’t still hear them. Then he hears his mumcome past his
bedroom and go downstairs to get breakfast, and it’s quiet again.
Jimmy tries to remember what happened the night before. He wanted to stay awake
to see what happens at night. He thought if he stayed really still when everyone else
was asleep he would be able to hear them. Of course, it was hard to stay completely
still not moving, not even to get cool on a hot night by sliding his leg across to a cold
spot in the bed. Once his nose began to itch and he had to put his hand up to scratch it.
It all started the week before while his mother was trying to write her weekly
shopping list. Jimmy was running around the kitchen and jumping up and down
because he couldn’t get to go out. His mum stop writing and said, ”Jimmy,
sometimes you make more noise than an elephant. Couldn’t you be more like a
mouse? You know what they say “quiet as a mouse”. What’ll happen when you to
Jimmy stopped jumping, ”What do you mean, mum?”
“Well, at school you’ll have to learn to listen when the teacher is telling you
Jimmy was thoughtful. ”How quiet was a mouse?”
“Well, there are a lot of mice in this old house but you can’t hear them because they
don’t make any noise.”
For the next few days Jimmy went all over the house listening. In the sitting room he
put his ear to the floor for a whole hour. Upstairs in his room he looked into a big
cupboard and waited and waited. He even banged on the floor with his shoe to see if it
would make the mice go round, so he could hear them. Still nothing.
Soon it was time for Jimmy to get ready to start school. His mother showed him how
to write his name, bought him his first school uniform, a new blue bag and some
coloured crayons. Jimmy was so busy he forgot to go listening.
After his first day at school, Jimmy’s dad asked him how he had got on.
“Well, the teacher asked me if there was something wrong because I didn’t5 say
anything all day.”
“Why was that, Jimmy?”
“I don’t know why – I was quiet as a mouse.”
0. In the kitchen Jimmy is playing
a. With a friend
On his own
b. With an elephant
c. With his mother
1. While listening Jimmy
a. Doesn’t move at all
b. Talks to his mother
c. Moves from time to time
d. Shouts and laughs
2. The action of the story is likely to be taking place in
a. Spring
b. Autumn
c. Winter
d. Summer
3. Jimmy heard mice
a. Afew times
b. Never
c. Only once
d. Many times
4. On the first day at school Jimmy
a. Was the noisiest boy in the class
b. Was as noisy as the rest of the class
c. Talked to the teacher a lot
d. Was very quiet
5. Who got up to make breakfast?
a. Jimmy
b. Jimmy’s dad
c. Jimmy’s mum
d. Jimmy’s teacher
6. Jimmy can
a. Read books
b. Do sums
c. Make up stories
d. Write his name SCORE: 6
English in use.
Read the following text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines
are correct. And some have a word which should not be there.
If a line is correct, put a tick ( √) after it
If a line has a word that should not be there, write down this word.
There are two examples at the beginning
My pet’s a robot. ( SCORE: 10)
For people who want a real pet but are not able to look 0 _____
after one scientists in Japan have developed as a robotic cat 00 ___as__
called NeCoRo. It can to sit, stretch and sleep, although 1________
it can’t walk. When you stroke it, it will purr, wiggle its 2________
the ears and move its head, and sound sensors in its ears 3________
mean NeCoRo can recognize its name when you to call it. 4________
Doctors in the US were so impressed be the robotic 5________
cat. They have been using it to help the long-stay 6________
patients in hospital. Studies have shown that by stroking 7________
a cat can make people feel relaxed and happy. Bat with 8________
the robotic cat they don’t have to be worry about feeding 9________
it or having to find a litter tray. 10_______
3. Use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits the space. There
is an example at the beginning.
One of the truly great minds of all time, the 15
-centurt Italian artist
Leonardo Da Vinci was far ahead of his time, giving the world not
only the Mona Lisa and his other extraordinary works of art, but also
designs for a helicopter, military tank, submarine, bicycle and even
the sewing machine among many others incredibly advanced
Yet despite his genius, and the many dozen full notebooks he left to
us, the man named Leonardo remains largely (0) unknown ( KNOW)
and there is no way of knowing his deep (1)_______(THINK) or even
what really drove his restless being. Illegitimate and badly educated,
he made his own way through the world with (2)
_______(DETERMINED) and the power of his extraordinary mind,
fuelled by an intense curiosity to (3) ______(DISCOVERY) the heart
and motion of everything that surrounded him. He always
(4)____(QUESTION), ignoring the restrictions on learning from the
Church: “how does light work? How do we see? How does blood
circulate through the body? Is it (5) _____(POSSIBILITY) to crate
truly life-like images using paint or stone? Can man ever
(6)_____(FLIGHT) using some kind of apparatus or
(7)____(EXPLORATION) the bottom of the sea, while still
4. Read the postcard you got from your friend and write an answer. Your
postcard should answer your friend’s question and be no longer than 50
Dear Vanya,
There are only two weeks now before I come to
Russia. I can hardly wait to see you. I’ll stay with
you for a week and I hope both of us will have a
great time!
What clothes will I need in S.Petersburg in winter?
I have never been in Russia and I need your advise.
See you very soon,
Ivan Petrov
Flat 65,
12, Zhukova Ave,
Saint Petersburg,
You want to take an English course in a language school in Britain.
Phone their office to find out some information about the course. Ask
about the following:
When the course starts
Hours per week
The price of the course
Any final test / exam
Any certificate
How to enroll ( записаться) SCORE: 20