Внеклассное мероприятие "Seven Wonders of Bashkortostan" 9 класс

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему:
«Seven Wonders of Bashkortostan»
Класс: 9
Дата: 25.02.15
Учитель: Бикметова Н.Я
Цели мероприятия:
1. Образовательная: расширение кругозора учащихся;
2. Развивающая: развитие умений и навыков чтения, говорения; развитие логического
мышления, внимания, памяти;
3. Воспитательная: воспитание уважения к культуре и обычаям своего народа,
воспитание чувство гордости и любви к Родине.
Оснащение урока: интерактивная доска, компьютер, презентация, буклеты.
I. Организационный момент:
Good morning, pupils!
Glad to see you. Today we’ll speak about the place we live – Bashkortostan, and about
seven wonders of our republic. I hope you will get a lot of useful information.
Фонетическая зарядка.
First of all let's do some task. Look at the board and try to match English proverbs with
Russian ones.
1. Nature abhors a vacuum - Природа не терпит пустоты.
2. Never cast dirt into that fountain of which you have sometime drunk - Не плюй в
колодец, из которого пьёшь
3. When at Rome, do as the Romans do - В каком народе живешь, того обычая держись.
4. Ве it never so humble, there's no place like home - Всякому мила своя сторона.
5. East or west - home is best! - Всюду хорошо, а дома лучше.
6. Great deeds live - Великие дела живут вечно
7. The voice of the people is the voice of God - Глас народа — глас божий
Учитель: Bashkortostan is an independent republic within the Russian Federation. It has
its own constitution, flag, parliament and president. Our homeland has a long and wonderful
Locals call our motherland «the Second Switzerland» because of its beautiful nature,
mountainous landscapes, meandering rivers and fresh air. In 2009 the broadcasting
company "Bashkortostan" took a vote in order to identify the Seven wonders of
Bashkortostan. 180 objects were proposed, which scored the highest number of votes.
According to the results of the competition seven sites were selected, they are the Shulgan-
Tash (Kapova) Cave, Krasnousolsk Mineral Spring, Epos “Ural-batyr”, Salavat Yulayev
Monument,Kurai,Yangantau Mountain, Bashkir Honey.
Today we would like to tell you about this wonders.
1-ый ученик: I’ll talk about the Shulgan-Tash (Kapova) Cave
Shulgan-tash cave is one of karstovy caves of South Ural. It is located on the bank of the
river Agidel, in our Burzyans district. The name «Shulgan-Tash» comes from Bashkir
language. «Tash» means «stone», and «Shulgan» is the name of the river that flows into
White river next to the cave entrance. Shulgan-Tash contains more than 3 km of passages
with big halls, galleries and lakes. Natural monument is famous for the rock paintings of
prehistoric man of the Paleolithic. It is known that in prehistoric times the cave was used as
a temple. From 1965 Shulgan-tash is declared as the natural zapovednik of Russia. Nature
reserve Shulgan-Tash is included in a Tentative UNESCO World Heritage List.
2 й ученик: Kurai
Kurai is an ancient Bashkir national musical instrument in a form of an open flute made of
certain sort of umbrella plant.Kurai refers to aerophones,its length varies from 18 cm to 1
m.There are many folk legends and fairy tales about the origin of Bashkir kurai. In the
legend of «Kurai» a boy went towards the sound and saw a reed that produces gentle
melodic sound in the wind. A boy cut the cane, put it to his lips and began to play.The
Bashkir flag contains kurai flower and symbolizes friendship. Seven petals of kurai flower
represent the unity of seven tribes who brought unity and consolidation to Bashkortostan.
3 й ученик: Bashkir Honey
Bashkir honey is a biologically active product, collected by bees from nectar of melliferous
plants. Beekeeping flourished on the territory of Bashkortostan since ancient times and
developed over the centuries. Bashkir beekeepers learnt how to produce high quality
organic honey with minimal human intervention. Every year Bashkir honey bees get the
highest score at the international exhibitions worldwide. Bashkir honey has healing
properties and is included in the daily ration of members of the space orbital stations. Since
2005 Bashkir Honey is a registered TRADE mark. It is exported to European countries,
USA, Japan and Kuwait.
4 й ученик:Salavat Yulayev Monument
Salavat Yulayev is a national hero of the Republic, a symbol of fearless fight of the Bashkir
people against tsarism. The author of this powerful monument is a sculptor and artist
Soslanbek Tavasiev. This is the largest 9,8 m high equestrian statue in the whole Russia and
even Europe.The monument stands on a cliff over looking theWhite river and picturesque
scenery. After Yulayev many things were named: hockey team, the city in Bashkortostan,
republic’s State Prize, streets and etc. The monument to Salavat Yulaev is a hallmark of
Ufa and our Republic.
5 й ученик:Yangantau Mountain
«Yangantau» is translated from Bashkir as «Burning mountain». The mountain has nothing
in common with volcanoes and is located in Salavatsky district of Bashkortostan
Meanwhile, the temperature of gases exiting there from ranges from37to 150degrees
Celsius.There is awell on the level of 90m,whichradiates heatup to380degrees. At the foot
of Yangantau a river Yuruzan flows. It is famous for its saturated with salts and gases
healing sources. Three kilometres from a mountain there is a healthful source of Kurgazak.
The «burning mountain» and area around it are declared as a nature reserve. Today the
resort “Yangan-tau” takes one of the first place in Russia
6 й ученик:Krasnousolsk Mineral Springs
A famous Russian resort Krasnousolsk was founded in 1924 and gained popularity for its
healing mineral springs. It is located in the foothills of the western slopes of the Southern
Urals in the valley of the river Usolka 120 km from Ufa. Krasnousolsk mineral springs were
famous since 16 century and are recognized as hydrological natural monument. The sources
contain hydrogen sulfide and variety of salts. The main value of sources - treatment of skin
7 й ученик:Ural-Batyr
Epos “Ural-batyr” is the largest and ancient epic work of bashkir folklore. It passed down
by word of mouth for thousands of years from generation to generation. «Ural-Batyr» is
rich in historical facts and reflects the historical memory of Bashkir ethnicity.The epic
carries a didactic and educational nature, forms the ideals of freedom, humanity, goodness
and truth. «Ural-Batyr»is a candidate for inclusion in UNESCO’s List of «Masterpieces
ofthe Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity». The main idea of epos is the love to
fatherland. The epos describe the poetik picture of settling of the Ural mountains by people,
birds and animals.