Разработка урока "The Wonderful World of the Theatre" 11 класс

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение лицей № 66
имени Героя Советского Союза Меркулова С.П.
Разработка урока
по английскому языку
на тему:
Учитель Макарова Л.В.
г. Липецк
Урок – беседа « за круглым столом »
Тема урока: «The Wonderful World of the Theatre»
Цель урока: развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи.
Сопутствующая задача: развитие навыков аудирования.
Воспитательная задача: показать воспитательную, культурологическую роль
театра в жизни человека и общества.
Развивающая задача: формирование навыков общения.
План проведения урока.
1. Организационный момент.
2. Речевая подготовка.
Dear friends! Try to forget that we are at the lesson. We are going to have a friendly
talk. You know, I am always glad to see you so beautiful, dignified and calm, satisfied
and easy in your mind … like that dog from “Three Men in a Boat”, floating dreamily
down the river with its four legs stuck up straight into the air. Do you remember?
Well, it’s a real pleasure not only to see you but to talk and to listen to you. And I don’t
ask if it’s a pleasure for you because I’m sure you like our English lessons and
discussions, don’t you? Why? ( Краткие ответы учащихся. )
Well, you know my close friend when she was your age dreamt of becoming an actress.
She thought she was born to be a cinema actress because she could imitate a voice, a
walk, a gesture. She could observe and interpret characters. But you see, it was
impossible to enter all those drama schools and moreover, she was to shy and
embarrassed to risk. It was just a mere land of her dreams. That’s why she gave up the
idea. But this nostalgia is haunting her even now. And just to embody all her hopes and
great expectations she made up her mind to become a teacher because she does believe
these occupations (a teacher and an actor) have much in common. What do you think?
( Учащиеся дают ответы на вопрос, делают выводы. )
Actually, she has to act and play every day, every lesson, trying to do her best to teach
schoolchildren and influence upon them.
Well, all the world is a stage and we are actors”. (W. Shakespeare)
And today we are going to spend our lesson talking about “the wonderful world of the
theatre”. (J.B. Priestley)
3. Беседа о проблемах театра за “круглым столом”.
I just want to discuss some theatre problems, its significance and to find out your
opinions on the subject.
1) Theatre is something enchanting and everlasting.
Do you agree? Anything to be added?
Предполагаемые ответы учащихся.
It’s an enduring home of “dramatic experience”.
It’s a magical place where man meets his image.
It’s anything but trivial and tawdry. (Etc.)
2) Why has it lasted so long?
Предполагаемые ответы.
It’s the ancient but ever-youthful parent of all entertainment in dramatic
It’s something searching, rewarding, enchanting.
It teaches actors their art. (Etc.)
3) We read some clever assertions of John B. Priestly about the Theatre. Do you
remember what comparison the author makes when he wants to show how different
a theatrical production is from that of the radio, cinema and TV?
Предполагаемый ответ учащихся.
In a very good restaurant we have a dinner that is specially cooked for us; in a canteen
we are merely served with standard portions of a standard meal. And this is the
difference between the living Theatre and the mass entertainment. In the Theatre the
play is specially cooked for us.
4) Do you think the comparison is appropriate here? How do you find it?
(Выслушать мнения нескольких учащихся.)
5) Theatre has existed on and off for 2500 years. But it had to meet three challenges
from the radio, cinema and TV. Actually these three are not bad at all, are they?
They possess certain advantages that theatre does not. Am I right? (Обращаясь к
учащимся, выслушивая их мнения)
Dwell upon them, will you?
Предполагаемый ответ.
As a rule it doesn’t cost as much to see a film as it does to see a play; and films can be
seen in many places that have never known a theatre. The radio and television can be
enjoyed at home, at home with a minimum of efforts, turning the living- room into a
playhouse. And all three can offer casts of players that only the best theatres could
afford. (Попутная оценка содержания сказанного и выяснение мнений других
6) The radio, cinema and TV are produced for a mass audience. Does it mean that
theatre is only for the elect? Your ideas, opinions on the subject.
(Выслушиваются разные мнения учащихся.)
7) The radio, cinema and TV possess certain advantages, I quite agree here. What about
the Theatre? What are its advantages, if any at all?
Предполагаемые ответы учащихся.
Without a living theatre movies and TV plays would be crude. With films, the radio and
TV the vast audience can only receive what is being offered. But in the theatre the
audience is receptive. The actors are not playing to microphones and cameras but to
warmly responsive creatures. If the audience tends to be heavy, unresponsive on a wet
Monday, perhaps the company brings it to life, and vice versa, if the audience is too
8) You are quite right: theatre has a lot of advantages. But you see, even the most
passionate theatre-goers can’t but admit that it has serious problems as well.
When television first became popular, many people said that there would be a
serious decline in the number of people going to the theatre. Do you think theatre
became less popular and the audience less receptive and responsive?
(Мнения нескольких учащихся)
9) Many people think that with their television sets at home and occasional visits to
the cinema, they no longer need the theatre and don’t care whether it lives or
dies. Do you approve of such people? Do you care whether the Theatre lives or
dies? (Мнения учащихся.)
10) But still the Theatre faces a great many of problems. One of them is: “It stops
being intelligent.” These words belong to a famous gifted actor Yuri Yakovlev,
you know. He said: “Intelligent and talented actors leave the Theatre.” Why?
Because of commercial conditions?
Предполагаемый ответ.
“Thank to” commercial conditions many plays become crude and tawdry. Commercial
conditions represent a danger to the theatre. It means that the Theatre should be rescued
from them. (Попутная оценка сказанного и выяснение других мнений.)
11) Despite all these facts, trivial plays and films, there are still a lot of talented
actors and actresses, aren’t there? (Краткие ответы учащихся с примерами.)
But do you agree that you get to know these actors thanks to TV? We can’t deny
it, can we? Why?
(Предполагаемые ответы учащихся.)
TV is more available to a mass audience as well as the cinema is.
Many people prefer TV to the theatre.
Television programs gather big audiences. TV gives wonderful possibilities to see
famous actors and actresses not only in films, but in many programs. (Etc.)
12) Well, it goes without saying that a lot of people prefer TV. What about you?
What do you prefer and why? Account for your choice, will you?
(Предполагаемые ответы учащихся, предпочитающих ТВ.)
I think we must watch TV to be well informed. It gives us great possibilities for
education. Besides, there is a considerable variety of programs. No doubt, TV enriches
our intellect. We can see great events and famous people. We watch documentaries,
science programs, discussions. We become more cultured people. TV helps us to relax.
Apart from their entertainment value, television programs provide useful topics of
conversation. TV brings the world to our living-room. We see people in our country and
other lands, learn of their customs, occupations, problems. I’m sure TV is a great force
in the world
13) Thank you for your honest opinions and thoughts. I quite agree that we get a great
amount of information from TV. But still I’m sure our theatres-goers have a lot of
arguments against TV. (Обращаясь к учащимся, предпочитающим театр.) Do you
think that TV is doing a lot of harm? (Ответы.) And in this respect will you please ask
TV fans some questions?
Предполагаемые вопросы и ответы учащихся.
Do you think that “thanks to TV” we begin to forget how to occupy our spare time?
(Answer: Nobody makes you watch TV. If you don’t like it, switch off your TV set, and
there’ll be no problems.)
Do you agree that little by little television cuts us off from real life? It’s so easy to sit in
our armchairs watching others working.
(Answer: I don’t think so. It’s an absurd idea. TV is a splendid medium of
communication, it offers a great variety of programs… .)
Television may lead to poor health, through rushed meals, lack of sleep. What would
say to that?
(Answer: Don’t forget about the proverb: “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man
healthy, wealthy, wise”. And be clever enough not to abuse TV. And so on.
14) I see, your opinions are quite different. Now we are going to have a sort of
“fight”. Will you (I mean those who like the Theatre and TV fans) try to convince
everybody that your kind of dramatic form is the best, the most wonderful.
(2 учащихся начинают дискуссию)
Установка: Will you please listen to them and say whose arguments are the most
(Учитель и учащиеся оценивают услышанное, обмениваются мнениями.)
В помощь учащимся на доске предложено следующее:
That may be so, but … .
Why do you think …?
Well, I’m not entirely convinced that … .
Just on the contrary.
What would you say to … .
If you ask me … .
As I see it … .
15) Teacher: So many people, so many minds. I appreciate your opinions. You were
really good at convincing us in your point of view. But still I want to ask you the
last question: “Could you imagine your life without the Theatre?”
(Спросить несколько учащихся – по 2 вопроса каждому).
Мнения учащихся разные.
I don’t think I can live without TV, but I can do without the Theatre.
I can’t imagine my life without TV, but I don’t think I could live without the Theatre.
Teacher: Judging by your answers I can say that both TV and the Theatre are important
in your life. And therefore, let’s make a final conclusion. Who’s brave enough to speak
Ученик: I’m convinced that TV and the Theatre are parts of our life, they can’t be
separate and must go side by side.
(Опрос мнений других учащихся.)
16) Teacher: Now I think it’s time to round up. But just a few more things, I am sure
you like it.
Pupil: There are many illusions about the Theatre. One is that what happens on the
stage is improvised. Actually, in a serious production the smallest movement the
shortest speech, is carefully rehearsed. We are not actors, but you never know what you
can do till you try.
Teacher: Let me introduce our actresses. They will recite Juliet’s soliloquy from
Shakespeare. Just relax and listen to.
What’s Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot.
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O’ be some other name:
What’s in a name? That which we call a rose.
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title, Romeo, doff thy name;
And for that name, which is no part of thee,
Take all myself.
Teacher: How did you like it? Do you think they coped with everything? Did you enjoy
listening to our actresses?
3. Заключительный этап урока.
В конце урока учащиеся обмениваются впечатлениями о беседе за ”круглым
столом”. Учитель благодарит всех за участие.
Thank you, my dear theatre-goers and TV fans. Good luck!