Конспект открытого урока "Телемост Россия - Америка: Права и обязанности школьников" 11 класс

Министерство образования Челябинской области
Муниципальное казенное образовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №4 города Аши
Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 11 классе
«Телемост Россия Америка: Права и обязанности школьников»
УМК Spotlight-11. Авторы О.В. Афанасьева, Дж. Дули, И.В. Михеева.
Учителя: Семенова Г.М.
Генералова Ю.В.
Тип урока: обобщающий
Цель урока: обобщить знания по изученной теме «Права и обязанности»
Задачи урока:
Обобщить лексический и грамматический материал, изученный по
данной теме.
Совершенствовать и контролировать умения и навыки
практического владения английским языком по данной теме по
Совершенствовать грамматические навыки говорения (настоящие
времена, модальные глаголы)
Стимулировать желание учащихся высказываться на английском
Оснащение: доска, магниты, карты США и России, флаги США и России,
проектор, экран, карточки с вопросами по теме, презентация с темой урока и
основными тезисами (права и обязанности)
Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент. Сообщение темы и типа урока, объяснение
порядка работы.
Good morning, today we are having a spacebridge to discuss your rights
and responsibilities. We have two teams: the team of Russia and the team
of the United States. They will compare their opinions and discuss some
questions we have prepared for you. Now, let me introduce you our host
(ведущий заранее подготовленный ученик, имеющий список всех
вопросов; он следит за ходом обсуждения и направляет дискуссию)
Andrey. Let our experiment begin.
2. Host: Hello, everybody! Today we are holding a spacebridge between
Russia and the United States. The main question to discuss is “Rights &
Responsibilities in our countries: similarities and differences” I’m glad to
introduce you our helpers and interpreters: Galiya Magafurovna and Yulia
Well, if we look into the constitutions of these two countries, we’ll find the
next thing: (показывает на слайд презентации)
We have rights
To be educated
To be safe
To live and work in a clean unpolluted environment
To be treated with respect
We also have responsibilities, such as
To respect others regardless of sex, age, ethnic origin, nationality
Not to bully/harm others
To obey the law
To look after the environment
I have some questions for you. The team of America, you are our guests, so you
are the first to choose the question. (Подходит к американской команде, они
вытягивают карточку с вопросом. Вопрос оглашается. Команда России
совещается 5 минут, затем дает ответ на вопрос. Если есть какие-то
дополнения у стороны, задающей вопрос, они проговариваются после
отвечающей команды с разрешения ведущего.)
Реплики ведущего в ходе телемоста:
Now, I’m waiting for your answers. Yes, we’ve got the first one! What is your
question? Let’s listen carefully, because we’ve got the answer, too. Any more
answers? Is it quite clear? Thank you very much! It’s your turn. Hm, it’s an
interesting question, thank you. Who would like to answer?
Вопросы для обсуждения:
1. We have heard here, in the United States (in Russia), that in Russia (in the
USA) there isn’t any law, and people can’t feel safe even when they are at
home. Is it right? Don’t your police help you?
2. One of the main rights is the right to work. What can you tell us about this?
Can your teenagers get a job easily? Why do you think it is helpful?
3. Sometimes we hear that teenagers protest against school uniform. They
say it denies their individuality. What do you think about this?
Примерные ответы учащихся на каждый вопрос.
1. Учащиеся могут привести реальные примеры для ответа на вопрос,
либо воспользоваться изученным материалом из учебника.
Ученик 1: A couple of months ago I received a letter out of the blue saying
I’d won a prize in an international lottery. I couldn’t even remember buying
a ticket! Anyway, I contacted the people the letter was from, who asked me
to send them a fee to process my winnings. Like an idiot, I fell for it and
sent them the money, I realized it was a scam when I didn’t hear from them
again. So, basically the prizes don’t exist! These terrible fraudsters are just
trying to trick gullible people into sending them money. The police say
they’ve been investigating this crime for a while now. But they haven’t
found the culprits yet.
Ученик 2: Burglars recently broke into our house while we were sleeping
upstairs! My sister and I heard a noise, so we woke up our dad, who called
the police. By the time the police arrived, the burglars had gone. While we
were checking what they had taken, a neighbour reported a burglary at
their house too. The police caught them red-handed! My dad’s got to give
evidence in court in a few weeks!
Ученик 3: I used to think crime was just something that happen to other
people until I got mugged on the way home from school last year. The
attacker just came out of now where, threatened me with a knife, grabbed
my mobile phone and ran away. Fortunately I was able to identify the
mugger from a photo at the police station. He was a well-known criminal in
the area, so the police knew where to find him. Anyway, he confessed to
the crime, the police arrested him, and he received a two year prison
sentence! I was shaken up and bruised, but it could have been a lot worse. I
even got my phone back!
Ученик 4: I something that looked like bird mess landed on my shoulder!
Immediately, a so-called passer by appeared with a cloth to wipe it off. It
wasn’t until I reached for my wallet to buy something that I realized it had
been stolen. When I reported the crime to the police, I was told that this
has been happening a lot lately. These people are professional pickpockets,
who use any means they can to distract their victims. You can see that our
police don’t stay away of the investigation and defense and help us when
we need it.
2. Ученик 1: Our teenagers can get a job while they are still at school, of
course. Moreover, we think it’s a good idea. Teenagers who have part-time
jobs gain more than just money from their experience. I believe that both
parents and teachers should encourage teenagers to work part-time. It is
important, because this teaches young adults to become reliable
individuals and citizens. An employer expects you to do your job well, and
when someone depends on you, you feel the sense of responsibility.
Ученик 2: A part-time job can teach valuable skills essential for your future
career, such as learning to be on time, handing money and dealing with
customers. In addition to this, teenagers who have a job earn their own
money and this has several advantages. Parents don’t need to find pocket
money for their children. Furthermore, when teenagers earn their own
money, they are usually more careful when deciding how to spend it. In this
way they learn how to handle money responsibly.
Ученик 3: On the other hand, some people argue that it’s unwise for
teenagers to work while still studying. In particular, they fear that having a
job can take up too much time and cause a student’s school work to suffer
seriously. That’s why some teachers and parents are against teenager’s job.
The way I see it, teenagers learn both responsibility and independence
through a part-time job. Why not learn important life lessons at an early
age? After all, as they say, “Today’s teenagers are tomorrow’s adults.
3. Ученик 1: Is it a good idea for students not to wear a uniform? While
abolishing school uniforms allows for freedom of expression and
individuality, I believe that uniforms are very important in a number of
Ученик 2: Firstly, school uniforms make it easy for students to dress every
morning. Teenagers do not have to spend countless hours searching for
something to wear. Moreover, even though uniforms are initially quite
expensive, they save parent’s lots of money in the long run because they do
not have to buy their children the latest trends. In addition to this wearing
the same clothes makes children from different economic backgrounds feel
Ученик 3: On the other hand many students argue that a uniform prevents
them from expressing themselves and revealing their personality through
their clothing. Also, some children state that they do not feel comfortable
in uniforms. For instance, they dislike the look or the cut. Despite this,
many still find ways of adjusting their uniforms to their liking, by rolling up
their sleeves or flipping up their collars for example.
Ученик 4: In conclusion, I strongly believe that uniforms are important for
displaying unity and give children a sense of loyalty to their school. School
uniforms do not hurt student’s individuality or need for self-expression.
Many schools have a choice of uniforms, so teenagers can express
themselves in a small way. For me, school uniforms play a valuable part in
school life as they help build school spirit and introduce a feeling of
Примерное дополнение к ответу первой группы.
Ученик 5: The reason for these things is that the possession of rights is not
a monolithic concept: when one has rights, one also has responsibilities. In
this case, you have the right to pursue and education at a government or
private school. Whichever school you attend, your right to that education is
balanced by the responsibility to follow the rules of that school. If that
school imposes a dress code of any kind, including uniforms, you have the
responsibility to follow that code or you encounter the third concept that
goes with rights and responsibilities: consequences for your actions.
Furthermore, the right to wear whatever you want is also subject to other
responsibilities, such as the responsibility to obey the law. Thus, if you
decide that your clothing for the day will be a single strip of Scotch tape,
you will quickly learn (if you do go to school like that) that you have also
violated your responsibility to obey the law against indecent exposure, and
will suffer additional consequences.
Ученик 6: I'm against wearing uniforms at school. Nobody should be
allowed to decide how you look except you. Wearing a uniform makes you
just like the other people - you can't express your personality if you wear
the same like everybody else. Also, a grey uniform makes even the most
beautiful girl ugly. Wear whatever you want!
Ученик 7: In an ideal society, uniforms are great. They give a sense of
consistency to all of the students and help keep kids from being judged by
their clothes. However, this isn't a perfect society. While a student would
ideally express themselves by joining a club or taking a class office or
something, most kids express themselves by their dress because it is
something that everyone can readily see. Uniforms aren't going to
eliminate cliques, peer pressure and social groups. While it does seem
beneficial on the surface, most kids won't take to uniforms happily and
most won't see the use of consistency and unity in a school. At a time when
children most are finding out their place in the world and how they will fit
in, a need for individuality cannot be discarded.
Ведется живое обсуждение, выслушивается столько ответов, сколько
позволяет время, отведенное для урока. Ведущий с помощью учителя
контролирует регламент. В заключение обсуждения он подводит итог
Ведущий: I think it was an interesting experience. We should consider,
that our countries have much in common, though, of course, there are
some differences. I must say that no matter in what country we live, we
ought to respect each other’s rights and obey our responsibilities. Only in
this case we’ll be able to have a decent life. Many thanks to everybody,
hope to meet you again!
3. Подведение итогов учителем. Называются особенно активные
выступающие, их высказывания оцениваются. Учитель благодарит за
урок всех присутствующих.