Урок "Опасна ли планета Земля"

Урок по теме: «Опасна ли планета Земля?»
Т.С. Андрущенко, учитель английского языка, МОАУ «Лицей №7» г. Оренбург
Данный медиаурок проводился в 10 классе как урок-обобщение по теме «Опасна ли планета
Земля?», и грамматической теме: «Прошедшие времена». Цели и задачи урока соответствовали
возрасту, интересам, знаниям учащихся. Медиаурок имел воспитательную, развивающую и
образовательную направленность. Использование мультимедийных технологий на уроке
способствовало развитию познавательных универсальных учебных действий учащихся.
Актуальность урока заключается, во-первых, в его теме (природные катаклизмы, поведение людей
в чрезвычайных ситуациях, оказание первой медицинской помощи и т.п.); во-вторых, наглядность,
логичность, доступность подачи материала; в-третьих, освоение языковой картины мира.
Тип урока – урок-обобщение по теме «Is the Earth a dangerous place?», «Past Tenses»
Тема блока: «It’s a wonderful planet we live on»
Тема раздела: «Is the Earth a dangerous place?»
Тема урока: «After a Storm Comes a Calm»
Ход урока
Организационный момент и приветствие
Good morning, boys and girls!
Nice to see you again. (Nice to see you too.)
How are you? (We are fine, thanks. And how are you?)
What date is it today? What day of the week is today?
Who is absent? (… is absent. She is ill.)
Постановка цели и задач урока
- Look at the board. What are we going to talk about?
- We will have a talk about different natural disasters and work with English grammar “Past Tenses”.
Фонетико-речевая разминка
Запись на доске:
As you see our topic is “After a storm comes a calm.” It’s an English proverb. How do you think what it
After a storm comes a calm
После бури наступает затишье. Ср. После грозы - вёдро, после горя - радость. Слезы - что гроза:
потекут, да и обсохнут. Серенькое утро - красненький денек
In what situations can we use this proverb?
What pictures are suitable for this proverb? Why?
After quarrel can come a calm, because friends always put up with each other.
After parent school visiting some students have problems. But then they promise to study better and a
storm comes a calm.
After you have broken your iPhone, you’re afraid of your parents, because it costs dead expensive. After
a while it will be a calm there.
After bad marks at school you have to study better, visit extra classes and everything will be alright.
When it is raining you fill depressed and down, but you have to think that after rain comes fine weather.
Let us try to make up your own proverbs.
E.g. after a broken iPhone4 comes a new iPhone5
After a quarrel comes conciliation.
After parent’s school visiting comes an encouragement.
After a bad mark comes …
Совершенствование навыков употребления лексических единиц в речи
Come back to our topic
Let us watch a short film about natural disasters.
What disasters have you watched just?
What is flood/drought/earthquake/volcano/tornado/hurricane?
Закрепление навыков диалогической речи по теме
Try to use the information on Natural Disasters in your dialogues.
Use the scheme: - Greeting
- Have you ever heard about …?
- Conversation phrases
-I’ll give you 2-3 minutes to prepare your dialogues.
-Your time is up. Let’s check up your dialogues.
-Well done. Your marks are …
Контроль домашнего задания
Who can help people in difficult situations?
What emergency workers do you know? (They are doctors, nurses, firemen, water and gas workers,
the police and the army.)
-What should each person have to survive in difficult situations as floods, earthquakes, etc.?
-Sometimes just emergency bag can help a person to stop the bleeding, treat and cover up wounds.
-Your home task was to prepare emergency bags. Les us compare them and find out the best one.
-Thank you for your bags.
Физкультминутка для глаз
I suppose your eyes got tired. Let’s do some exercises for them.
Sit comfortably. Relax. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply. Now, blink your eyes for 10 times. Then look
up, look down, look right, look left (8 times). Rub your palms. Palm your eyes (15 seconds). That’s
Закрепление навыков употребления прошедших времен в письменной речи
-What did we do two minutes ago?
-How long were we doing it?
-What had we done before exercises?
Past Tenses. Open your books, page 32 ex. 121 Look through the table.
Simple V2
Continuous was/were Ving
Perfect had V3
What is the difference?
Let us remember irregular verbs. Watch video and repeat. Translate the verbs.
(go, put, come, shake, feed, bring, break, sleep, fly, run, catch, fall, give, hold, swim, take, fight, beat,
bite, hang)
Divide into three groups and fill in the table as quickly as you can.
Use the forms of these verbs in your grammar cards (differential cards).
The 1
Use the verbs in correct form
1. I to the cinema yesterday. (go)
2. My brother the whole evening yesterday. (sleep)
3. When mom came home, I our cat Tom. (feed)
4. They _ to New York at 7 pm yesterday. (not fly)
5. she milk into the fridge 15 minutes ago? (put)
The 2
1. I _ for some time, that’s why I was tired. (run)
2. After Alfred his leg, he didn’t visit his PEs. (break)
3. Yesterday I and my grandpa a big fish! (catch)
4. Mary in love before she met him. (not fall)
5. you in the river in summer? (swim)
The 3
What is the Tense?
She was holding an umbrella in her hands.
He took two sweets and a cake.
When mum came home, the boys had fought with each other.
Did George give you a book?
My dog didn’t bite people.
Exchange your cards with each other and check them up.
Итог урока и домашнее задание
Your home task will be p. 33 ex 123-124 (122)
Do you like the lesson? (Yes? We do.)
What did we do?
Thank you for your work.
Your marks are … .
The lesson is over. Goodbye, boys and girls.
After Rain After Quarrel
After broken iPhone5 After your parent’s
school visit
After bad marks
(Картинки взяты с сайта Яндекс Картинки)
Fill in the table
Past Simple
Past Participle
Keys to Grammar
The 1
Use the verbs in correct form
1. I went to the cinema yesterday. (go) 2. My brother was sleeping the whole evening yesterday. (sleep)
3. When mom came home, I had fed our cat Tom. (feed)4. They were not flying to New York at 7 pm
yesterday. (not fly)5. Did she put milk into the fridge 15 minutes ago? (put)
The 2
1. I was running for some time, that’s why I was tired. (run)2. After Alfred had broken his leg, he didn’t
visit his PEs. (break)3. Yesterday I and my grandpa caught a big fish! (catch)4. Mary had not fallen in
love before she met him. (not fall)5. Did you swim in the river in summer? (swim)
The 3
What is the Tense?
1. She was holding an umbrella in her hands. Past Cont.2. He took two sweets and a cake. Past Simple3.
When mum came home, the boys had fought with each other. Past Perfect4. Did George give you a book?
Past Simple5. My dog didn’t bite people. Past Simple