Обобщающий урок "Friends of the Earth" 6 класс
Обобщающий урок по теме “Ecology”
“Friends of the Earth”
По учебнику Афанасьевой О. В., Михеевой И. В.
English 6 (6 класс)
Закирова А.Х.
Москва 2008
Обобщающий урок по теме “Ecology” (Экология)
“Friends of the Earth” (Друзья планеты)
- обобщающее повторение изученной тематической лексики в устной речи
учащихся в процессе развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции.
- развитие умений сотрудничать в процессе групповой работы на уроке;
- умений выражать личное отношение к проблеме, предлагая собственные пути
её решения
- экологческое воспитание детей
- создание на уроке атмосферы психологического комфорта
- повторить изученные ЛЕ и РО по теме;
- совершенствовать навыки чтения;
- познакомить с элементами технологии “Jigsaw Reading” (Чтение в технологии
- воспитывать потребность бережного отношения к природе;
- способствовать экологическому воспитанию детей
Формы проведения:
- интерактивная беседа, деловая игра (урок-симпозиум)
Учебные пособия и оборудование:
УМК «Eanglish VI” О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, компьютер
мультимедийный проектор, экран, магнитная доска, раздаточный материал
На доске:
слова для фонетической зарядки;
определение слова Symposium
Symposium- is a meeting where experts discuss a particular problem.
Stages (Ход урока)
I. Introduction (Организационный момент. Приветствие)
Good-afternoon, children.
My name is Alfiya Kharisovna. I’m your teacher of English for this lesson. Today
we are having an unusual lesson.
Emagine, that you are delegates of the international ecological symposium on
protecting the environment “Friends of the Earth”
(Сегодня у нас необычный урок. Представьте, что вы делегаты
международного экологичекого симпозиума “Друзья Планеты”.)
II. Aim (Целеполагание)
Let’s speak about ecology and the importance of keeping the environment clean.
Let’s speak about different kinds of pollution and try to find ways to solve these
(Давайте поговорим о важности сохранения окружающей среды, о
различных видах загрязнений и путях решения проблемы.)
III.Warming-up (Речевая разминка)
But first of all, will you please introduce yourselves. You have come from around
the world, from different countries, haven’t you. Stick the names of your countries
on the map, tell us your names and what your native languages are.
(Вы прибыли из разных стран – представьтесь, пожалуйста. Прикрепите
карточки с названием стран на карте мира, назовите имя и ваш родной
For example: I’m Tom. I’m from Canada. I speak French.
Oh, I see your native languages are different. But we all speak English. We can
easily understand each other.
(Вы говорите на разных языках, но все мы говорим и на английском. Мы
легко поймём друг друга.)
Do you think the problem of environmental protection is important?
Let’s discuss it.
IV.Phonetic exercises. (Фонетическая зарядка)
These words will help us. Read after me:
(Считаете ли вы проблему защиты окружающей среды важной? Давайте
обсудим. Слова в транскрипции нам помогут.)
Dear delegates, let’s discuss 3 large groups of problems: land pollution, air pollution
and water pollution.
V.Reading (чтение)
Each group has got a text. Read them please and make a short report about different
kinds of pollution.
You may underline the main ideas, the key sentences
One delegate from a group will gave a report on the problem.
(Дорогие делегаты, предлагаю обсудить 3 группы проблем – загрязнение почвы,
воздуха и воды. Каждая группа получила текст. Прочитайте и сделайте
небольшое сообщение по проблеме. Можете совещаться, выделять главные
идеи, ключевые предложения. Один представитель группы сделает краткое
VI.Speaking (Reports) (доклады)
I want to thank all the speakers for your reports. We can realize now that the problem
is very serious. Our planet is in danger. And we all should do our best to save the
What can you, the young ecologists, suggest?
(Я благодарю всех докладчиков за сообщения. Мы осознаём, насколько серьёзна
проблема. Наша планета в опасности. Какие пути решения предлагаете вы,
юные экологи?)
VII. Writing (Письмо)
Will you, please, write down your suggestions. Let’s stick them on the the
blackboard. That will be the programme of the symposium.
(Запишите ваши предложения. Давайте разместим их на доске. Мы
выработали решение нашего симпозиума.)
VIII. Conclusion(Подведение итогов)
Tell me, please, is it difficult to follow these rules? Is it important to follow them? I
believe, you’ll be the real friends of the Earth.
Thank you for your work. We can send our suggestions, our programme to different
organisations, so as to turn their attention to these problems.
(Скажите, трудно ли соблюдать эти правила. Важо ли соблюдать их? Я верю,
вы станете настоящими друзьями Планты. Спасибо за работу. Мы направим
решения симпозиума в соответствующие организации, чтобы обратить их
внимание на проблему.)
Приложение: Water pollution.
We are worried about water pollution in the world. Most big cities pour their waste into seas and
rivers and pollute the water. We love rain. Rain helps our plants to grow big and strong. But sometimes the
rainwater is not as clean as could be. Man-made chemicals get into the air and mix with the rainwater,
making acid rain. The acid water runs into rivers and lakes. The rivers and lakes become so acid that fish
cannot live there.
We like to go to the river, lake and sea to swim. But if there are chemicals in the water, it is not safe
enough for swimming. If the water is polluted, it can make us sick.
Many countries buy oil and carry it by ship. The oil sometimes leaks out of the ships into the water. Some
ships clean their tanks in the ocean even though this cleaning in against law. Ships can hit reefs and sink. If
that happens near the shore oil and tar cover the water and the beaches. Many animals, birds, plants and
shells die.
Now some of this groundwater is not as clean as it used to be.
Polluted water can spread many diseases.
Air pollution.
Another kind of pollution is air pollution. When there are too many harmful things in the air, it is
polluted. People and animals need clean air with plenty of oxygen in it. Oxygen is added to the air by
plants. So you understand how important it is to have a lot of trees, bushes and grass. But we have now
destroyed too many trees. There are not enough trees from the air.
Smoke from the chimneys of the factories, gases which are in refrigerators and sprays pollute the
air. They damage the ozone layer that covers the earth. The layer of gas protects us from the dangerous
rays of the sun. With the help of sputniks our scientists discovered two large holes in the ozone layer.
One is over the North Pole and the second over the South Pole, over the South Pole, over
Antarctica. It is very dangerous for people.
Some people pollute the air by smoking. Too much smoke in the air can hurt our lungs.
The wind blows a lot of the air pollution out to sea, and the rain water mixes with the gases in the
air. Then the air pollution also becomes land and water pollution.
Some people pollute their air inside their own bodies by smoking. Their smoking also pollutes their
air outside of their bodies.
Noise pollution is another kind of air pollution. Loud noises can even make people lose their
Many people use sprays. Too many sprays can pollute the air.
Land pollution.
Another problem is land pollution is making rubbish. Rubbish is made of boxes, bags, paper, cans,
plastics, clothing and bottles. It is also made up of old food.
About one kilogram of trash per person is thrown away every day. Every year there are more and more
people throwing away more and more things.
Some rubbish is very dangerous. It can poison plants and animals. Some animals eat plants. Some
animals eat other animals. If one plant or animals dies, many animals can die. Rabbits eat grass. Foxes eat
rabbits. What happens if the grass is poisonous?
Some rubbish gets burned. When plastic and some other man-made things are burned, gases are
given off. Too much of these gases can make people and animal sick.
There will not be as much rubbish if we learn to use things over and over again. Don’t take a new
plastic bag every time you shop. Keep a bag from one shopping trip to the next. Remember that a piece of
paper has two sides – use both of them before you throw it away.
If you change some old thing into a new one, then it is used aging and it reduces pollution. Another
problem of land pollution is using too many chemical to grow vegetables and fruit. Too many chemicals in
the ground can harm the soil. If our vegetables, fruit and meat are grown without chemicals, they will be
safer for us to eat.
So you see how many problems people have got because of water, air and land pollution. They
must take care of the earth, and it will be a healthier place for all living things.
A lot of endangered – fish, insects, birds, animals – may disappear. The reason is that Man kills
them and destroys their habitats.
Экология - еще материалы к урокам:
- Лабораторная работа "Выявление полиморфизма особей в популяции растений" 8-11 класс
- Лабораторная работа "Изучение воздействия вредных химических факторов на здоровье человека" 9-11 класс
- Лабораторная работа "Биология питания птенцов шотландской куропатки" 8-11 класс
- Конспект урока "Экология и война" 9 класс
- Конспект занятия "Елочка - зеленая иголочка"
- Конспект урока "Предмет аутэкологии" 9 класс