Открытый урок "Desert island" 8 класс

Открытый урок
английского языка в 8 классе
(УМК М.З. Биболетовой и др.)
Яковлева И.Г.
Учитель английского языка
МБОУ «Среднекибечская СОШ»
2016 год
Необитаемый остров
Тема урока: Desert island
Цель: развитие навыков чтения, подготовка монологического высказывания на основе
Тип урока: комбинированный
Обучающая: контроль знаний активной лексики, разговорных клише и речевых
образцов, развитие коммуникативной способности, развитие умения задавать вопросы и
отвечать на них, развитие навыков диалогической речи в рамках данной тематики,
научить учащихся выражать своё мнение.
Развивающая: развитие логического мышления, познавательной активности и
внимания, способствование развитию языковой догадки и общего кругозора учащихся.
Воспитательная: воспитание культуры общения, обучение общению в группах,
воспитание чувства взаимопомощи, способствование эстетическому и патриотическому
воспитанию учащихся.
Средства обучения: компьютер, мульти медиа проектор, экран, электронная презентация,
подготовленная учителем в программе Power Point, доска, магнитофон
Ход урока
I Организационный момент
- Good Morning! I`m glad to see you. To begin with, how are you today? Good. I`m glad to hear
you are fine.
- It’s very nice that you are OK. And before we start our lesson, please, look to each other and
II Фонетическая зарядка
-Now let’s start our lesson. As usual, we begin with our pronunciation.
-Look at the board, please and find this tongue twister.
(Слайд 2)
A big black bug bit a big black bear.
A big black bear bit a big black bug.
- Listen to my reading. Read after me slowly. Do it in pairs. Now read the tongue twister
as quickly as you can.
- What sounds do you hear more often?
- Name other words with these sounds.
III Проверочная работа
- Children, Let’s remind the Past Perfect tense. You have the task on the screen.
- (Имя), read the task please.
- Now do this task yourself, please. (слайд 3)
Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or Past Perfect.
1. They (launch) the first spaceship in 1975.
2. I (look) at the clock and (realize) that it (break).
3. They (finish) the interview by that time.
4. When you (visit) your granny last?
5. We (leave) before the rain (start).
6. Nick (invite) 3 best friends yesterday.
IV Речевая разминка
-Please, give me your lists. Now look at the screen. And say what you see. What do you think
about that group of men? What are they doing? How would you call them? Where can we find
them? (On the desert island) (Слайд 4)
- That’s right. The story we are going to read and discuss is called “Six Robinson and their
Guitar. They are on the island. But before you read it tell me what is it “Desert Island”.
- Look at the words and phrases on the cards (summer all year round; sea coast; ship; swim;
climb up; go out fishing; terrible storm; fruit; dance; sing songs; to be safe; to return home; wash
the floor, clean the room…) and choose the words to explain this word combination.
(На доске фигура в виде солнца. Учащиеся выбирают слова, подходящие по смыслу
«Необитаемый остров» и прикрепляют как лучи солнца.)
- Ok, Now summarize and tell about what is it “Desert Island” and what can we do there?
(1-2 ученика составляют краткий рассказ об необитаемом острове с помощью данных
- Now we have a rest. Stand up, please.
V Физкультминутка
VI Обучение чтению и работа с текстом (Слайд5 )
-Before you read the text do some task. Please, work in pairs. You have to fill the gaps with
correct word or word combination.
Keys: island, ships, went, noticed, coast, run down, six, months, boat, storm, very well, duties,
birds, fish, sang songs, had enjoyed, glad, return, country.
- Ok. Now read your works. (Имя) please read what you have. (Читают текст несколько пар).
- Now read the text in ex. 105, p. 29 and find out you were right.
- Work in pairs and answer the questions from ex. 106, p. 29.
- Dear children, decide what proverb you would choose to finish the story. Why do you think so?
(Слайд 6)
- What do you think about the story? Is it humorous? Is it easy to read? Do you think it is easy to
arrange your life on the island? Is the text interesting for you? Do you think it is a real story?
VII Подведение итогов урока
-That is all for today. Do you like the lesson? What do you like? What did you do at the lesson?
What have you learnt? You worked hard today. And now I am going to give you marks.
The lesson is over. Good-bye.
Домашнее задание
- Boys and girls, your home task will be the next. You have to prepare the retelling of this story.
(Учащимся нужно составить краткий пересказ текста.)