Конспект урока "Подростки: их жизнь и проблемы" 9 класс

Конспект урока
с использованием информационно – коммуникативных технологий в образовании
Предмет: английский язык, открытый урок
Тема: «Подростки: их жизнь и проблемы» Слайд № 1
Продолжительность: 1 урок продолжительностью 45 минут
Класс: 9 класс
Технологии: презентация
В познавательном аспекте учащиеся знакомятся с молодежными течениями
различных направлений, популярными среди молодежи и оказывающими влияние на
молодое поколение. Основной воспитательной задачей данного урока является
формирование сознания собственного достоинства и уважительного отношения к мнению
другого человека, формирование потребности и способности понимать чужие точки
В начале разработки урока обсуждаются занятия подростков во внеурочное
время. Затем дается описание таких молодежных субкультур как панки, готы, хиппи,
байкеры. Учащиеся знакомятся с музыкальными стилями, прослушивают и отгадывают
5 отрывков из разных музыкальных стилей. Во второй части разработки описываются
проблемы подростков, даются советы психолога детям и родителям. Затем учащимся
предлагается посмотреть 2 различные ситуации и обсудить их. Желательно пригласить
детей из другого класса, чтобы они участвовали в сценках. Ситуации готовятся заранее.
В конце урока некоторые ребята зачитывают свои сочинения по данной теме.
T: Who is a teenager? It is a person from 11 till 14 or 15 years old. It is a
complicated and contradictory age because teens can relate themselves
neither to children nor to adults. First let’s speak about teen activities.
Слайд № 2
T: What do you like to do most of all? Why?
Teens try to be independent, to differ from social norms and have their own
There are many groupings or subcultures in the world such as
Слайд № 3
№ 4-8
№ 9-12
№ 13-15
№ 16-17
T: What do you do to express yourselves? What do you do to develop your
own lifestyle?
One of the main components of any subculture is music. Here are some
musical styles:
Слайд № 18
Match the descriptions with the styles:
Слайд № 19
Ответы к музыкальным стилям:
А. - psychedelic rock
B. - reggae
C. - punk rock
D. - rock and roll
E. - techno
T: You will hear 5 extracts. What musical styles do they belong to?
муз. отрывков
Ответы к музыкальным отрывкам:
1. reggae - Bob Marley
2. rock and roll - Elvis Presley
3. techno - Prodigy
4.punk rock - Sex Pistols
5. psychedelic rock - Pink Floyd
Cлайд № 20
T: Teenagers often ask themselves a question: Who am I? But as they have
no life’s experience and practice, they can’t answer this question. Teens try
to make a lot of friends. They begin to smoke, drink alcohol, use drugs, come
home late in order to differ from others. They have problems with their
parents because they don’t want to obey them. Here are some problems of
teenagers in Russia.
Слайд № 21
T: Teen problems in Britain are nearly the same. Look at the diagram. We
see that the problem of pocket money is the most essential one nowadays. It
is 49 per cent. 18 per cent of teenagers have problems with teachers and 20
per cent of teens have problems with parents. The problem of teaching at
school is 13 per cent.
Слайд № 22
T: What problems do you have? Are the relations with your parents good?
How important are your friends for you? Here are some tips for teens:
Слайд № 23
Аnd here are some tips for parents:
Слайд № 24
T: Now let’s watch two different situations and discuss them.
(участники сценки: мама, дочка и подруга дочки).
Просмотр двух
Hello, my friend. What are you doing now?
Hi. I'm listening to music. And you?
Nothing really. Have you got any plans for today?
No, I haven't.
Let's go to the cinema then. A very interesting film is on today.
That's a good idea.
OK. See you in half an hour in the street.
( входит мама).
Hello, daughter. How are you?
Hello, mummy. Fine, thanks. I'm going to the cinema with my friend
Have you gone to the shop today? We've run out of bread and milk at
No, I haven't.
Why didn’t you go to the shop?
I didn't have time to do that. Now I must go to the cinema because
my friend is waiting for me.
Сценка № 1
Hello, my friend. What are you doing now?
Hi. I'm listening to music. And you?
Nothing really. Have you got any plans for today?
No, I haven't.
Let's go to the cinema then. A very interesting film is on today.
That's a good idea.
OK. See you in half an hour in the street.
(входит мама).
Hello, daughter. How are you?
Hello, mummy. Fine, thanks. I'm going to the cinema with my
friend now.
You see, daughter. We've run out of bread and milk at home. I was
busy at work and got very tired. I would like you to do the shopping
OK, mummy. I won't go to the cinema with my friend today. We
will be able to do it the other day.
I would be very grateful for your help.
Don't mention it.
Сценка № 2
T: What situation do you support? What would you do if you were a
daughter? What would you do if you were a mother? So the conclusion is
the following: only respectful relations of adults to teenagers can help them
communicate on a good positive level and without any conflicts.
В конце урока учащиеся зачитывают свои сочинения по данной теме.
Используемая литература:
1. Кузовлев В.П. «Английский язык», учебник для 10-11 кл. общеобразовательных
учреждений, изд. Просвещение 2008 г.
2. Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В. и др. «Английский в фокусе», 10 класс, учебник
для общеобразовательных учреждений, изд. Просвещение 2008 г.
Учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ 1 г.о. Звенигород Вихорева Елена