Конспект урока "On screen. Film favorites" 7 класс

МОУ Манычская СОш №11
Зерноградского района
Урок английского языка в 7 классе
«On screen.Film favorites»
Шконда О.В
Цель: создание условий для развития коммуникативных навыков
говорения, чтения, аудирования
- развитие навыков монологической речи через выражение своих чувств и
мнения по теме, Введение новых лексических единиц и их автоматизация в
речи учащихся, развитие навыков употребления грамматических форм
прилагательных на ing и ed, использование в речи эмфатических выражений.
Практиковать в чтении с извлечением необходимой информации и детальной
информации, учить определять значение слова по контексту.
-развивать толерантность в отношении мнений других людей.
-развивать память, образное мышление, умение выделять главное,
сравнивать, анализировать. Развивать догадку и умение работать в
коллективе и парах.
- формировать уважение и интерес к культуре страны изучаемого языка
посредствами ознакомления с темой, повышать мотивацию к изучению
английского языка
Ход урока
1. Оргмомент
Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you. Are you OK?
2. Введение в атмосферу урока
Today our topic is “On screen. Film favorites”. ( 1 слайд)
What do you think we’ll speak about? Films we like.
Do you like to watch films? Where do you like to watch them on TV or you like to
go to the cinema? With whom do you prefer to watch films with your parents or
with your friends? How many films do you watch a week ?
3. Speaking
Now look at the screen. There are different types of films. What type of film is
each one? ( 2 слайд) Match types of films with their Russian equivalents
Look at these films. Here are the photographs. Define what type of film it is.( 3
Вопросно-ответная работа. Is it thriller? No, what is it?
What films do you like? I like love stories. And you? What films you don’t like? I
don’t like horror films
4.Work in pairs
Работа в парах. Ученик ученик. Ask question to Natasha about films she likes.
Such films are very popular not only in Britain and America but in Russia too.
Match the names of these films with their Russian equivalents.( 4 слайд)
What Russian films do you know?
5.Reading .
Open your books at page 62
Read and say what the children are talking about. They are talking about their
favourite films.
-what kind of film was it? It was exciting and touching
-what was Melany feelings? She was bored (and what about Tom)
Look at the screen ( 5 слайд)
The film was exciting. Melany was excited.
The films was interesting. Tom was interested.
The film was boring. Melany was bored.
Cкажите, пожалуйста чем эти фразы отличаются, есть ли в них различия, и в
Let’s translate these sentences from Russian into English
Фильм был волнующим, я был взволнован
Фильм был трогательным, я был тронут
Фильм был очаровательный, я был очарован
Read and choose the right form of the adjectives ( 6 слайд)
I am not interesting/ interested in a horror films
It is touching/touched documentary film
It was boring/bored to watch a comedy
Now I want you evaluate the film you have watched.
«Harry Potter» was exciting. I was excited.
6. Grammar( 7 слайд)
Read the statements and say which of them has more feeling or more emotional?
It was exciting. It was really exciting. It was disappointing. I was extremely
7. Рефлексия.
8. Home work. Evaluate the film your friend has watched