ИССЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬСКАЯ "Сколько цветов в радуге"

Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
города Новосибирска «Гимназия № 4»
секция: Английский язык
Сколько цветов в радуге
Ученица: Тен София 1 «Б»
Учитель английского языка: Е Ольга Тогманиевна
Новосибирск 2015
Introduction ............................................................................................................... 3
What is the rainbow? ................................................................................................. 3
The main colours of the rainbow .............................................................................. 4
The different nations have different numbers of colours of the rainbow ............. 5
Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 6
Literature ................................................................................................................... 6
Appendix ................................................................................................................... 7
We can see a rainbow in the sky when the sun is shining and it is raining.
I like a rainbow. A rainbow looks like a miracle because it is very colourful.
It's a huge arch of colours in the sky.
Whenever it rains and the sun shines, I hope to see this beautiful band of
colors in the sky, and the sight of one never fails to cheer me up. Personally, I
believe rainbows are a symbol of hope, and the meaning associated with each color
adds more significance to this colorful band.
My research. The different nations have different numbers of colours of
the rainbow
My subject of study is
to find out how many colours of rainbow have different nations.
My aim is
to learn how people of different countries see
the rainbow and to compare with the vision
of Russian people
What is the rainbow?
Do you know how the rainbow looks like? Have you ever had a chance to
see it? Did you like it? Do you think it’s a miracle or just the science? As a matter
of fact, this appearance is nothing but a habitual Nature’s trick. We see a rainbow
when both it’s raining and it’s shining. Water from rain makes white sunlight
become many-colored. It always shows up mainly opposite the Sun. That’s the
way a rainbow appears.
As a rule a rainbow is circular and very colorful.