Контрольная работа по английскому языку "Family history" 5 класс

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5 классе по разделу “Family history
I. Use the verbs in brackets in Past Simple to complete the text.
Don’s day.
Yesterday Don 1 (get) up at 6 o’clock in the morning. Don 2 (ride) his bike in the park. He 3
(drink) a cup of coffee and 4 (eat) ham sandwich. He 5 (leave) home at 8 o’clock. He 6 (stay) at
school till late afternoon. At 4 o’clock he 7 (go) back home., where he 8 (feed) his dog and 9
(take) out for a walk. After that Don 10 (do) his homework. He 11 (spend) his evening with his
friends. Don 12 (enjoy) his day a lot.
II. Use the prepositions from the box where necessary to complete the sentences.
about, at, by, for, in, of, to
1. My parents went ___ the sea __ train
2. __7 o’clock Peter usually comes ___ home.
3.What’s your address? - I live ___15 Green Street, ____Leeds.
4. You’ll visit a lot of places ___ interest ___Washington, D.C.
5.Martha has a talent ___ music and she wants to be a music teacher ____ school.
III. Write when the people were born using ordinal numerals.
1.Peter was born on the (1st) of December.
2.Tim and Bess were born on the (2nd) of October.
3.Linda was born on the (8
) of March.
4.My mother was born on the (5th) of November.
5.Her teacher was born on the (4th) of April.
Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5 классе по разделу “Family history
I. Use the verbs in brackets in Past Simple to complete the text.
Lulu Green
Lulu Green 1(be) born in Glasgow. She 2 (be) the daughter of a businessman and a dressmaker.
She 3 (grow) up near the sea. After school Lulu 4 (go) to Glasgow University: she 5 (want)
to be a journalist. Lulu 6 (have) a talent for writing. She 7 (can) write funny and interesting
stories when she was small. Soon Lulu 8 (become) a good journalist. She 9 (work) for a
children’s magazine. In Glasgow Lulu 10 (meet) Ben, a famous actor and 11 (marry) him.
They 12 (be) a happy family.
II. Use the prepositions from the box where necessary to complete the sentences.
at, for, in, of, on, to, up, with
1. When Ron went __ Glasgow, he never stayed ____ a hotel, he stayed _ his parents.
2. Some children don’t want to get __ and go __ school __ Monday mornings.
3. Ted was born __ the 5
___ September __2004.
4. They left __ Glasgow ___ London yesterday.
5. She is interested __ modern fashion.
III. Write when the people were born using ordinal numerals.
1.Sally was born on the (3d) of August.
2.Dick was born on the (6th) of October.
3.Ted was born on the (10
) of July.
4.Martha and Kevin were born on the (1st) of June.
5.Sam was born on the (9th) of May.