КИМы по английскому языку 6 класс за IVчетверть по УМК «Английский в фокусе» (Spotlight 6) за IV четверть

Контрольно-измерительные материалы по английскому языку для 6 класса по УМК
«Английский в фокусе» (Spotlight 6) за IVчетверть
1)Контроль навыков аудирования
№ урока____
Дата по календарю_______ Дата по факту_______
Вы услышите рассказ о школьной экскурсии. Установите соответствие утверждений 1-10
содержанию текста. Отметьте каждое утверждение TRUE, если оно соответствует
содержанию текста, FALSE, если оно не соответствует или NOT STATED, если в тексте
нет точной информации. Вы услышите текст дважды.
1. The children didn`t go to the Theme Park because it was raining.
A.True B. False C. Not stated
2. There are only snakes and spiders in the museum.
A.True B. False C. Not stated
3. The children are allowed to do what they want.
A.True B. False C. Not stated
4. There are no dinosaurs in the museum.
A.True B. False C. Not stated
5. Kevin can feed the snakes hotdogs with ketchup.
A.True B. False C. Not stated
6. Snakes don`t like hotdogs with or without ketchup.
A.True B. False C. Not stated
7. The children came to the museum on Sunday.
A.True B. False C. Not stated
8. The chidren are expected to be back at the bus at 4.30.
A.True B. False C. Not stated
9. The children have two hours to see everything that they want to see in the Nature Museum.
A.True B. False C. Not stated
10. The children have been to the Archaeological museum recently.
A.True B. False C. Not stated
Quiet, children, and listen to me. As you can see the weather isn`t very good and we can`t go into
the Theme Park in all this rain. So we are going into the Nature Museum instead. There are lots of
interesting things to see including some rare plants and flowers. There is also an exhibition of tropical
snakes and spiders. Remember: you mustn`t touch the glass cases and disturb the reptiles and insects.
Sorry, Sophy, what did you say? Dinosaurs? No, there aren`t any dinosaurs! And, no, Kevin, you
can`t feed the snakes hotdogs with or without ketchup. You have two hours. I want you all back to the
bus at 4 o`clock not half past four like last year. Now go and enjoy yourselves!
2)Контроль навыков чтения
Дата по календарю_______ Дата по факту_______
Прочитайте текст и закончите фразы 1-10, используя информацию из текста. Обведите
букву A, B или C, соответствующую варианту ответа, который вы считаете наиболее
Everybody knows that cats love sleeping. They spend half of their lives asleep and enjoy
every minute of it. Other animals have very different sleeping habits, however. For example,
some horses may not look like they are asleep, but they are! Horses only spend three hours
asleep a day and they do it standing up! Fish sleep for about seven hours but they too have
strange habits they don’t close their eyes to sleep. So, what about people? Most of us sleep for
about a third of our lives. But the number of hours we sleep depend on the age. Newborn babies
sleep a lot about seventeen hours in every twenty four. Children need about eleven hours and
grown-ups sleep for about eight hours every night. But you’re not just asleep – you’re not really
doing nothing. A lot happens during sleep. Dreams are one way that the mind rests after a busy
1. … sleep half of their lifetime.
А. Horses B. Cats C. People
2. The animals have … sleeping habits.
А. the same B. similar C. various
3. When horses sleep they … .
А. lie B. stand C. don’t stand
4. … don’t have strange sleeping habits.
А. Fish B. Horses C. Cats
5. … sleep less than other animals in this story.
А. Fish B. Horses C. Cats
6. The length of our sleep … .
А. depends on how old we are B. depends on our work C. depends on our rest
7. … need more sleep.
А. Grown-ups B. Children C. Babies
8. Babies sleep seventeen hours … .
А. a day B. a week C. a night
9. When you sleep you do nothing.
А. It’s true B. I agree C. It’s wrong
10.Dreams help people to … .
А. sleep well B. relax C. work better
3)Контроль навыков письма
№ урока____
Дата по календарю_______ Дата по факту_______
Вы получили письмо от своего друга по переписке Тома, который пишет:
We moved to a new house two months ago and I changed school. At first it was difficult
for me but soon I made new friends. I enjoy my new school now. And what about you? Do you
like your school? What are your favourite subjects at school? What subjects are difficult for you?
Have you got any friends in your class? Who is your favourite teacher?
Напишите письмо Тому и ответьте на его вопросы.
В письме должно быть не менее 60 слов
4)Контроль навыков говорения
№ урока____
Дата по календарю_______ Дата по факту_______
Choose the correct response
1.Where do insects live? A It’s white and black
2. What do elephants eat? B It’s Max
3. What colour is the penguin? C No, I don’t
4. When do cats sleep? D During the day
5. What is your dog’s name? E Fruit and grass
6. Do you like snakes? F In your homes and gardens