Открытый урок "Health is the greatest wealth" 6 класс

Открытый урок
в 6 классе
по теме:
«Health is the greatest wealth»
Полянская Н.А.
Урок по теме "Health is the greatest wealth"
(учебник английского языка для VI класса, авторы К.Кауфман., М. Кауфман.)
Цели урока:
образовательный аспект совершенствование умений и навыков
практического владения английским языком по данной теме;
развивающий аспект развитие креативных способностей обучающихся;
развитие общего кругозора и словарного запаса обучающихся по теме;
воспитательный аспект развития умений работать в коллективе и
Задачи урока:
готовить учащихся к активному участию в работе на уроке;
вводить в атмосферу иностранного языка;
развивать умения устной ( монологической и диалогической) речи;
активизировать лексику по теме;
реализовывать коммуникативную, речевую, технологическую,
социокультурную компететности.
слайдовая презентация
аудиокассеты с записью текстов для аудирования и с записью песни
дидактический раздаточный материал для учащихся:
1. Speaking practice;
2. Reading practice;
3. Listening practice;
4. Lexical test;
5. Laughter is the best medicine.
подручные материалы для диалогов (бинт, халат, фонендоскоп и т.д.)
Ход Урока:
I Вступительное слово учителя:
T: Good morning, everybody! I’m glad to see you. Today we are going to speak about the thing which is
very important in our life. Of course, it is health. Is there anything more important than health? I don’t
think so. You can’t be good at your studies or work well when you are ill. So, the topic of our lesson is
“Health is the greatest wealth”. What does it mean? What other proverbs about health do you know?
II Pupils’ answers: (ответы учеников)
P1 Good health is above wealth. P2 Доброе здоровье дороже богатства.
P1 A healthy mind is a healthy body. P2 В здоровом теле-здоровый дух…. etc
III Знакомство с новой пословицей (2 слайд).
Now look at the screen and read these wise words: Health is not everything, but everything without health
is nothing.
IV Фонетическая зарядка: (слайд 3)
Let’s repeat some words. Look at the screen and repeat after me.
V Речевая зарядка: (слайды 4-18)
Look at the screen and say What’s the matter with these people? For example:
He has a headache.
VI Работа в парах (Speaking practice, Ex A)
T: First look at the example. It’ll help you to make and act your own dialogues between two friends.
Let’s try: for P1- you invite your friend to do something. But she/he is ill. You give him advice.
Task for p2- you are ill, you can’t go out.
VII Слайд № 9:
T: Answer my question, please: What does the doctor do, when he comes to visit us?
Ps: He usually listens to our chest and lungs, takes our temperature, feels our pulse, tells us to take the
medicine regularly.
VIII Speaking practice, Ex B (слайд 20):
T: take your sheets of papers and look at the ex B. You can see mixed phrases. First read the doctor’s
phrases and then the patient’s.
IX Аудирование (Listening practice, слайды 21-22)
X Диалоги, подготовленные учащимися:
T: Unfortunately as you can see people can fall ill. Then you can’t go without medical care. If you
complain of a terrible headache, if your nose is running, you are sneezing and coughing, you’ d better
consult a doctor. You’ve learn some dialogues by heart. Let’s visit some of the doctors. Act your
XI Reading practice:
It’s important to know what to do to feel better. Mrs Herb gives her advice. Let’s read it.
XII Post-reading activity (слайд 23)
1)Complete the table according the text.
2) Give advice to each other. Use the table. P1- I have a headache- P2 You should drink herbal tea or just
have a rest.
XIII Lexical test
XIV Laughter is the best medicine. (слайд 24)
1) T: I’m sure whatever problem you might face, the first rule is think and act cheerfully and you will feel
cheerful. I think laughter is the best medicine. Whatever happens remember that the sun is still in the sky
and shining above you. Let’s sing a song about it.
2) Let’s do some joke exercises.
XV Итоги урока: (слайд 25)
We have done a lot of work. You worked hard to show all your best. The most active students today are
Your hometask for the next lesson will be the following. Make up your own dialogues between the
doctor and the patient.
Think about your health before you get ill and take care of your health. Our time is up. Thank you for the
lesson. Goodbye.
Приложения к уроку:
1 Слайдовая презентация.
2 Раздаточный материал.