План-конспект урока "Britain’s Young Consumers" 6 класс

План-конспект урока английского языка.
Тема: Britains Young Consumers.
Грамматика: Present Tense.
Цель: презентация нового материала по теме.
1) активизация лексических единиц по теме.
2) развитие языкового мышления.
3) воспитывать уважение к обычаям других стран мира.
Оборудование: доска, иллюстрации-картинки по теме.
Ход урока
Этапы урока
Реплики учителя
Реплики учащихся
1. Организационный
Stand up!
Good morning!
I am glad to see you!
Take your places, please.
I’m glad to see you too.
Thank you.
Речевая зарядка
Well pupils, I’ve prepared for
you a funny poem. I want you
to repeat after me.
“Money, you have lots of friends
Hanging round the door.
When it's gone and the spending
They don't come no more.”
Billie Holiday quotes
How do you understand it?
Do you agree with it?
Do you like it? Very well!
Основной этап
Open your books p28.
Ss pay your attention to the title
of the module Living and
Spending. What can you say
about it?
In this module you will learn
about spending money, hobbies
and personalities, being
responsible with money, etc.
First of all, open your
Wordlist 2a.
Repeat after me.
That’s quite right!
Do you have pocket money?
What do you spend your money
Are you a big saver or a spender?
How do you pay for things you
Do you ever lend money to your
Do you ever borrow money from
your friends?
Do you save up to buy smth you
Are you good with money?
Now, turn over the page
28, please.
Read the text.
What the title means?
You’re right. They also
spend it on computer
Going out and
British teenagers spend
their money on clothes,
mobile phone cards,
sweets and bus fares.
What do you think the text is
What do you think British
teenagers spend their money on?
Ex 2 p28-29.
Read the teenagers quotes (1-6)
In the text on p.29 and match
each one to the comments (A-F)
Ex 4.p2829
What do you think teenagers in
your country spend their
money on? Choose from the
Let’s try to do Ex.5a)
I’ll give you 3 minutes to read
through the items, filling the gaps
with the verbs you think are
correct and check in your
dictionaries. After that we’ll
check the dictionary definitions
with the class.
1F 3B 5E
2A 4C 6D
-clothes and accessories
-going out -
1 pay 4 save 7 earn
2 lend 5 waste
3 borrow 6 cost
And now, imagine you are
allowed to have some gifts,
which you think are the most
important. Choose three gifts,
which you think are the most
good health
plenty of money
a nice house
a brilliant mind
an attractive face
lots of friends
a good job
a fast car
a happy marriage
a long life
an artistic talent
The phrases may help:
I think the most important
thing in life is…
The one thing I’d like to
have is…
2. Заключительный
Подведение итогов.
What have we learned
Your home task ex 7 , p 29
The lesson is over. All of
you were very active and
attentive today.
Thank you for your work.
Good Bye!
Have a nice day!
Today we’ve learned a
lot of information
spending money.