Конспект урока "We love the world" 5 класс

Ақтөбе облысы, Шалқар қаласы
№2 мектеп-гимназияның
ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Кеулімжаева Базаркүл Елеуқызы.
Учительница английского языка
школы – гимназии № 2
города Шалкар Актюбинской области
Кеулимжаева Базаркуль Елеукызы.
5-th form .
The theme: We love the world.
The objectives: to develop pupils’ speaking, reading, writing and singing abilities.
to enrich their word stock and train them in Grammar.
to bring them up to be good to nature and love it.
Intersubjective link: Music, Russian, Kazakh.
Visual aids used at the lesson: cards, pictures in slides.
The procedure of the lesson:
I. The beginning of the lesson: greeting, short conversation with pupils, etc .
Warming up Exercise 1.
Spring is green
Summer is bright
Autumn is yellow
Winter is white.
II. Revision of the previous material about ecology:
a) T’s leading questions.
b) Video about Shalkar’s ecology.
III. Introduction of the new theme We love the world.
a) Grammar : The formation of Present Progressive tense.
b) Fill in the gaps using Present Progressive tense.
c) New active vocabulary according to the theme.
IV. Classroom Exercise 2 page 138. What’s happening around the world?
V. Translate the following sentences from Kazakh into English and Russian.
VI. a) Let us read and work on the text of Exercise 7 “ The world is beautiful “
b) Comprehension check: True or false ?
c) Find sentences with Present Progressive tense.
VII. Game “Why…? ...because… .”
VIII. Answer the questions:
What should we do or shouldn’t do in order to help the nature? T-Cl-P1-P2-Etc
IX. Conclusion. Song. Poem in English and Russian. Marks.
X. Home task: Exercise 10. Write a letter to the people who destroy the environment.
XI. The end of the lesson .
The course of the lesson:
I. Good morning! Let’s begin the lesson. Children, be more active at the lesson and try
to show your knowledge of three languages.
T: How many seasons are there in a year? What season is it now? T-Cl-P1-P2-Etc.
b) Spring is green
Summer is bright
Autumn is yellow
Winter is white.
II. Teacher’s leading questions according to the previous material “Ecology and our
- What is it “Ecology”?
P1: Ecology is a science.
P2: It is one of the global problems of the 21-st century.
T: What does it study?
P3: It studies our environment.
T: And what is it environment- ?
P4: All around us is our environment.
b) T: Yes, you are quite right. As it is mentioned above ecology is one of the global
problems of the 21-st century. This problem becomes more and more serious with
every passing day. As you know our town Shalkar is also situated in the zone of
ecological disaster because some people are destroying the environment.
Let’s see the video material .( Video)
And what else is happening around us we ‘ll know from our today’s lesson.
III. New theme : We love the world.
T: Children, before taking the new theme, let’s take the new words and be
acquainted with the formation of the Present Progressive tense.
a) am I-am
is + V ing He, she, it is
are We, they, you are.
I - , you - , he - , she - ,
We -, it-, they-.
He - , she-, I-, We-
You - , it-, that’s all!( You may recite it or sing it on the melody of song
“В лесу родилась елочка )
b) Fill in the gaps with Present Progressive and sing it on the melody of Russian
song “Песенка крокодила Гены
Автор музыки - Владимир Шаинский.
Автор слов текста –я, Кеулимжаева Базаркуль Елеукызы.
I ___ plant ___ the flowers.
You ___ prun ___ dead branches.
We ___ water ___ flowers and trees.
He ___ help ___ his father.
They ___ work ___ together.
She ___ whitewash ___ all the fruit trees.
I ___ plant ___
You ___ prun ___
We ___ water ___ all the trees
He ___ help ___
They ___ work ___
She ___ whitewash ___ trees.
c)New words:
Cut [knt] кесу
Pollute [pәlju:t] – ластау
Burn [bә:n] – өртеу
Kill [kil]-өлтіру
Dump [dnmp]- лақтыру, тастау
Rubbish [‘rnbis] қоқыс. Etc.
IV. a) Classroom Exercise 2 page 158 in a written form.
T: Dear children! The world we live in is very beautiful, but some people are
destroying it. And what’s happening around us we’ll know from the following task.
Look at the pictures of Exercise 2 and answer the question -What’s happening
around ? using Present Progressive tense.
P1: They are burning the trees.
P2: Someone is polluting water.
P3: Factories are polluting air.
P4:Oil is killing birds.
P5:People are cutting the forest.
P6: The man is dumping the rubbish.
V. T: Very nice. I see you’ve understood today’s Grammar material.
T: Translate the following sentences from Kazakh into Russian and English.
T: Біз табиғатқа көмектесіп жатырмыз.
P1: We are helping the nature .
Мы помогаем природе.
T:Мен ағаштар мен гүлдер егіп жатырмын.
P2: І аm planting trees and flowers.
Я сажаю деревья и цветы.
T: Олар өзендер мен көлдерді тазартып жатыр.
P3:They are cleaning the rivers and lakes.
Они очищают реки и озера.
T: Ол қоқысты лақтырып жатыр
P4:He is dumping the rubbish.
Он бросает мусор.
T: You are right. Very nice. You showed an excellent knowledge of three languages which
is very important nowadays.
VI.T: Let’s read the text of Exercise 5page 160-161 ‘’ The world is beautiful ‘’ and
work on it.
a) Read and translate.
b) True or False.
c) Find sentences with Present Progressive tense.
VII. Game “ Why…? ...because…
P1-P2; P3-P4; Etc
P1: Why are they destroying the forest?
P2: They are destroying the forest because they want to change the forest into
farm land.
P3- Why are they dumping their rubbish?
P4: They are dumping their rubbish because they do not want to carry it.
P5: Why are people killing the red herring in the river ?
P6: People are killing the red herring because they want the caviar (уылдырық).
VIII. T: As you see people destroy the environment. What should we do or shouldn’t
do in order to help the nature and keep it clean? Let’s do the next task.
Work with additional task. Divide these word- combinations into two columns
( Should Shouldn’t) : Cut trees, help the nature, pollute the water, destroy the forests,
plant trees, water flowers, burn trees, dump the rubbish, kill birds and animals, clean the
P1: We should plant trees and flowers around us every year.
P2: We shouldn’t cut trees and burn them.
P3: We shouldn’t kill fish and dump the rubbish.
P4: We shouldn’t pollute water.
P5: We should help the nature and love it.
P6: We shouldn’t destroy forests and the grass.
P7: We should clean the rivers and lakes as our town’s Shalkar lake.
Teacher: Very nice. Thank you. If we should do or shouldn’t do such kinds of
activities, our world will be very- very beautiful.
IX. Let’s conclude our lesson with the song The world is beautiful which is
composed by me, Keulimzhaeva Bazarkul Eleukyzy, the teacher of English of
school - gymnasium №2 of Shalkar, Aktobe region.
This song is sung on the melody of children’s Russian song “Голубой вагон
Композитор (музыка): Владимир Шаинский
Автор слов (текста): Кеулимжаева Базаркуль Елеукызы
Song “The world is beautiful”
1. Our world is very-very beautiful
Don’t pollute the air and the land
Everything will be so very wonderful
If you help the nature every day.
(Refrain 2 times) Let’s keep the world so clean
Keep so clean, keep so clean.
Never forget to plant
Many-many trees!
2. Our world is very-very beautiful
Don’t destroy the forests and the grass.
Try to keep the world so clean and very nice
For the world is our native land.
(Refrain 2 times) Let’s keep the world so clean.
Keep so clean, keep so clean.
Never forget to plant
Many-many trees!
X. I’ m very satisfied with our today’s lesson. Let’s love the world we live in! If we
don’t pollute the world around us, we shall live in ecologically clean environment. If
people drink poisoned water, eat bad unhealthy food and breathe polluted air, they will
suffer from serious diseases and die early. That’s why we should love the nature, help
it and keep our environment clean. As you know the future of our country is in the
hands of the healthy generation. Thanks to all of you! Let’s listen to the pupils’ poems
“I want to live
P1: I want to live and not to die,
I want to laugh and not to cry.
I want to feel the summer sun
I want to sing when life is fun.
I want to fly into the blue,
I want to swim as fishes do.
I want to laugh and not to cry,
I want to live and not to die.
P2: Хочу очень жить, не хочу умирать,
Хочу я смеяться, не хочу я страдать.
Хочу я купаться в солнечном свете.
От жизни прекрасной хочу я петь песни.
Хочу я как птица летать в небесах.
Хочу очень плавать как рыба в морях.
Хочу я смеяться, не хочу я страдать,
Хочу очень жить, не хочу умирать.
XI. Marks. Home task : Exercise 10. Write a letter to the people who destroy the
Stand up. The lesson is over. You are free. Bye!