Открытое мероприятие "I am a part of the world and the world is a part of me" 6-7 класс

I am a part of the world and the world is a part of me
Цель: формирование духовно-нравственных качеств у учащихся.
1. Развитие навыков речевого этикета.
2. Воспитание нравственных чувств и этического сознания.
3. Развивать умение выражать свои мысли на английском языке.
Оборудование: "магическое" яблоко, отпечатки ладошек из бумаги, заранее
приготовленные бумажные сердечки, компьютер с проектором для показа пословиц
и поговорок.
Ход мероприятия
Учитель: Good morning, pupils! How are you? I think we will have a wonderful time together. And first
of all let′s welcome each other with compliments.
(Ребята инсценируют мини-диалоги с различными вариантами приветствий)
Well, kids. We are going to have a very interesting topic today. Let′s speak about love, peace, respect
and tolerance today. And there is a poem that much in common with our topic "Yours and Mine".
(Ученик рассказывает стихотворение)
The sun, the trees, the grass, the sky,
The silver Moon that’s sailing by.
The rain and dew and snowflakes white,
The flowers sweet and stars of night.
The songs of birds, wind whispering,
The autumn leaves, the buds of spring
Such lovely things to hear and see
Belong to you, belong to me.
And what is this poem about? How did you understand it?
Учитель: Thank you very much. I think that love, respect and tolerance begin in our families. Take this
"magic" apple. It will be a symbol of many interesting things, tell some words about your families.
(рассказывают понемногу о своей семье)
Учитель: Thank you, pupils. I see love reigns in your families. And what magic words help you and
your parents?
(перечисляют все известные им "волшебные" слова)
Учитель: Pupils, let′s remember about friendship. What do you think, are you good friends? Take your
handprints and show them for everybody. What words did you write on the fingers?
(ребята показывают отпечатки ладошек и зачитывают добрые чувства и качества – love,
tolerance, mercy, kindness, modesty и т.д.)
Учитель: This words are really magic and wonderful. I am sure they always help you. And now what
has happened? A bad magician caught our boy! He became angry, rude and hostile. Let′s say him some
good words to him.
(произносят добрые слова, а злой мальчик расколдовывается на глазах)
You are right, friendship is very important in our life. Let′s remember about our "magic" apple and tell
about your friends.
(передают друг другу "магическое" яблоко и рассказывают о своих друзьях)
Учитель: I am glad, that you are good friends. And now it is time to have a rest. Let′s sing the song
about happiness.
(все вместе поют песню "If You Happy And You Know It)
Учитель: Pupils, I know many proverbs about good manners. I asked you to find their Russian
He who laughs at crooked men should need walk very straight.
A good name is better than riches.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
My home is my castle.
A man is known by his company.
Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Smile to each coming day.
Charity begins at home.
A good dog deserves a good bone.
После того, как ребята подберут эквиваленты пословиц, на экране для них откроются скороговорки.
Задача учеников – несколько раз произнести их, постоянно наращивая темп речи.
If you, Sandy, have two candies,
Give one candy to Andy, Sandy.
I thought, I thought of thinking of thanking you.
Учитель: Pupils, there is a Wisdom Tree. All of you has the small heart. Please, hang it on our Tree and
wish something kind.
(дети вешают сердечки на Дерево Мудрости и загадывают добрые пожелания)
You work hard today and I have some presents for all of you. учитель раздает детям конфетки с
приклеенными пожеланиями.