Конспект урока "Ничто не вечно" 7 класс

Тема урока:
Тип урока:
Цель урока:
Ничто не вечно!
Урок – обобщение изученного материала по теме
Формирование экологической культуры учащихся.
1)Систематизировать лексику по теме «Экология»
основе изученных грамматических структур
(придаточные условные; структура Used to…;
видовременные формы глагола).
2) Развивать навыки аудирования.
3) Развивать навыки и умения логического
монологической и диалогической речи по теме.
1)Научить беречь ценности, данные природой.
2)Научить создавать вокруг себя экологически
безопасную обстановку.
3)Развивать у учащихся активную жизненную
позицию, вырабатывать желание не быть
равнодушным к окружающей действительности.
1)Расширить кругозор, повысить интерес к
изучению английского языка.
2)Развивать творческую активность и языковую
1)Плакаты с темой, эпиграфом.
2)Рисунок дома с планетой Земля внутри.
3)Карточки с заданиями к тексту.
Motto: I hug the Earth, the Earth hugs me.” ( by Lorrain Bays )
I. Организационный момент.
T- Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!
Cl- Good afternoon, teacher!
T- I am glad to see you!
Cl- We are glad to see you too!
T- Sit down, please. You know, children, when I left home in the morning I was
in a nice mood. The weather was fine. I was excited about today’s lesson. But
when I saw big containers full of rubbish, and trash was everywhere around them,
I was so disappointed. That’s why I want to speak to you about ecology and
environmental problems. Look at the blackboard. The theme of our lesson is
“Nothing is forever”. How do you understand this phrase? Tell me, please.
P- I think that nothing can last long. Everything ends.
II. Фонетическая зарядка.
T- Unfortunately, this is true. And I want to appeal to you with this poem:
Look at the litter in the street,
Look at the stumps of the cut-down trees.
Look at the pollution of the air.
Look at the way we just don’t care.
T- We will learn it. But at first, there are two words on the blackboard:
Stump пень, we dont care нам все равно. Repeat them after me three times.
And now say after me ( учитель читает по строчке, дети хором за ним ).
T –This poem touches on a very important problem: the problem of people’s
indifference to nature.
III. Речевая зарядка.
T- Why do you think it is so? Express your opinion.
Sasha, you, please.
P1- People cut down trees.
T- What do you think?
P2- They drop rubbish in the streets.
T- What is your opinion?
P3- People throw industrial wastes into the rivers.
T- You, please.
P4- There are a lot of cars which pollute the atmosphere.
T What is your point of view?
P5- Picnickers leave the campfire when they go camping.
T And what about you?
P6 People don’t clean up after their dogs.
T What do you think?
P7- People kill animals for clothes.
T How do you think?
P8- They don’t turn off the lights and water.
IV.Основная часть урока.
T I agree with you. And I think The Earth is in danger.
Look, there is a house on the blackboard. Let’s drop into the house.
You can see the Earth here. Why?
P I think the Earth is our home!
T You are right. That’s why I chose the words from the poem by Lorrain
Bays “I hug the Earth, the Earth hugs me” as the motto of our lesson. We learnt it
before. The Earth cries for our help. Tell me, please, what you do to help our
planet? The phrases on the blackboard will help you. Read and translate these
( на доске: water the potted flowers, smoke, plant flowers, cut down a fir- tree
to a New Year, throw litter in public places, sort my rubbish, reuse my old
exercise-books, break glass bottles, save family newspapers, clean rubbish, stop
aerosol spray, leave the campsite clean, paint trees, burn rubbish ). Use these
phrases. Work in a chain.
T - Pasha, what do you do to help the Earth?
P1 I water the potted flowers at home and at school. What do you do to
help our planet?
P2 I don’t smoke. What do you do to help our planet?
P3 I plant flowers in the garden. What do you do to help the Earth?
P4 I don’t cut down a fir-tree to a New Year holiday. What do you do
to help our planet?
P5 I don’t throw litter in public places. What do you do to help the Earth?
P6 I sort my rubbish. What do you do to help our planet?
P7 I reuse my old exercise-books. What do you do to help the Earth?
P8 I never break glass bottles. What do you do to help our planet?
P9 I save the family newspapers to recycle. What do you do to help the
P10- I clean rubbish near my house. What do you do to help our planet?
P11- I stopped using aerosol spray. What do you do to help the Earth?
P12- I always leave the campsite clean. What do you do to help our
P13- I never paint trees. What do you do to help the Earth?
P14- I don’t burn rubbish and trees.
T How nice of you! You really try to do your best.
But not only you understand that the environment is in danger. People from
international organizations work hard to protect the environment.
Listen to the text. In this text you will know about one of these organizations,
“Greenpeace”. The words in the cards will be useful for you. Read them and
translate into Russian ( was founded, appear, including, ”Greenpeace” members,
aim )
T - You will listen to the text twice to understand as much as you can. Then you
will agree or disagree with the statements in the cards.
“Greenpeace” is an international environmental organization. It was founded in
1969 by a group of Canadian ecologists. Members of “Greenpeace” appear
in the places where environment is damaged. “Greenpeace” has offices in many
countries of the world including Russia. We usually call “Greenpeace” members
as “greens”. The “greens” are groups of people whose aim is protection of
natural things: plants and animals.
T- And now you are going to do the task:
Read the statements. What do you think: Are they true or false? Correct
the false ones.
1) “Greenpeace” is a political organization.
2) “Greenpeace” was founded by the English Queen.
3) Members of “Greenpeace” appear when the environment is damaged.
4) There are no “Greenpeace” offices in Russia.
5) We usually call “Greenpeace” members as “red”.
6) The aim of the “ greens” is protection of natural things.
T- Well done! Thank you!
T But, children, what will happen if we don’t care about ecology?
Let’s play the “If-Chain” game. Work in groups. The first row will discuss
water pollution, the second row will discuss forests destruction, the third
row will discuss air pollution. Start, please.
1) T- If we wash cars in the rivers, what will happen?
P1-If we wash cars in the rivers, the water will be dirty and poisonous.
P2- If the water is poisonous, fish will be poisonous too.
P3- If fish is poisonous, we will eat such fish.
P4- If we eat such fish, we will be ill.
P5- If we are ill, we will die.
2) T- If we cut down trees, what will happen?
P1-If we cut down trees, we will damage forests.
P2-If we damage forests, we will damage animals’ habitats.
P3-If we damage animals’ habitats, animals will disappear.
P4-If they disappear, there will be nothing to eat.
P5-If there is nothing to eat, we will die.
3) T- If we use a lot of cars, what will happen?
P1-If we use a lot of cars, they will pollute the atmosphere.
P2-If they pollute the atmosphere, the air will be polluted.
P3-If the air is polluted, it will be less oxygen.
P4-If it is less oxygen, it will more carbon dioxide.
P5- If it is more carbon dioxide, we will die.
T So as you see if people damage nature, it will lead to a global disaster.
And now pretend that you are in the year 2170. You are old. You take
your grandson to have a camping in the forest. It was your homework:
to follow my instructions and make up a dialogue. Act out your dialogues.
(Образец диалога)
-Oh, Granddad, how awful is here! There are only few trees and a little river here!
-But there used to be a big forest and a long river here.
- I can’t play hide-and-seek.
- In my time we used to play a lot here.
- Look at these berries and mushrooms! I know they are poisonous.
- But in my time we used to eat them, they didn’t use to be poisonous.
- The air is polluted!
- And in my time the air used to be clean, the sun used to shine. We used to
swim in this river and drink water from it.
- You are pulling my leg, Granddad!
- I don’t think so. And the worst thing is that we didn’t use to think about the
T Thank you. Good job! But the result may be bad.
V. Физкультминутка.
T Now, I think you are tired. Let’s have a rest.
1) We will do exercises for our eyes. Sit straight!
Look up, look down.
Look to the right, look to the left.
Draw a circle, draw a square!
And once more. Thank you.
2) Children, get out of your desks. On the spot! Do as I do and repeat all
together in chorus:
To be healthy in your life,
Don’t forget to do all five:
1) Get up early, quick and bright,
2) Exercise with all your might.
3) In the morning jump and run,
4) Eat your breakfast you have done.
5) Train your body, train your brain,
And all bad habits will pass away.
VI. Cocтавление свода экологических правил.
T Well, take your seats, children. And after the rest let’s get down to
business. We are going to write the Code of Ecological Rules for the people in
Monino. There are leaves on your desks. Take felt-tip pens and write one rule
on the leaf. Then come to the blackboard and put your leaves in our ecological
1) Reuse and recycle old things.
2) Keep dogs under control.
3) Grow trees and flowers.
4) Don’t frighten birds and animals.
5) Don’t burn fires.
5) Never throw rubbish into the river.
6) Save energy and water at home.
7) Never catch small animals and birds.
8) Don’t wash your cars in the river.
9) Always take litter home after a picnic.
10) Sort your rubbish.
11) Never break glass bottles.
12) Stop using the aerosol spray.
13) Don’t cut down trees.
T Thank you! You have worked well. What will we do with these rules?
P1 I think we will put them in the wall newspaper and hang for everybody to
T I agree with you.
VII. Заключительный этап урока.
T Well, ladies and gentlemen, our lesson is going to the end.
We discussed the environmental problems nowadays, we spoke about what
we mustn’t do and what we should do to help our planet to survive.
You are hardworking pupils. That was good job. Your marks are…
Your homework is: Sasha, Milana, Pasha, Vanya and Sasha will write
a composition about what we do in our school to keep the environment clean.
The others will read, translate the text in the cards and do the tasks after it.
T You are free. Good-bye.