Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 2 четверть 5 класс

Контрольная работа за 2 четверть
Класс: 5
Составил: Учитель английского языка
Стрежнева Алина Радиковна
ОУ: МАОУ «СОШ №118 г.Челябинска»
Источники материалов: 1. Учебник Тер-Минасова С.Г. 5 класс
2. Книга для учителя Тер-Минасова С.Г.
3. Иностранные языки в школе, февраль 2016 г.
Март 2016г.
5 класс
Контрольная работа за 2 четверть
I. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1) Children go to …………….school at the age of 7.
2) We wear ………………….at school – dark skirts and blue blouses for girls.
3) In the ……………………of Russia the weather is very cold.
4) There was a ………………..forest near the village.
5) He ……………….to see the capital of England and one day went to London.
6) In the 9
…………………..the Vikings came to Britain from the north of Europe.
II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
1) If students …………..(go) to the USA, they ……………….(visit) the
National Museum.
2) If the weather ………………..(be) warm, we ………………..(go) to the zoo.
3) If it ……………….(rain), I …………….(stay) at home.
4) If the weather ………………….(be) fine, she …………………(go) to the
5) If we ……………….(not go) to the zoo, we ………..(go) to the circus.
III. Choose other or another and complete the sentences.
1) What ……………………..books about nature have you read?
2) The Celts lived in England in the 11
century, name ……………..tribes.
3) People speak English in Wales, ………………. language is Welsh.
4) May I have …………………pen?
5) Give your mother ……………. bag.
IV. Translate from Russian into English.
1) Интересоваться чем-либо
2) Сдавать экзамены
3) Храбрый
4) Ходить в поход
5) Принимать участие в
6) Альпинизм
Критерии оценивания:
Менее 15 – «2»
To decide, primary, large, uniform, century, north.
1) Primary
2) Uniform
3) North
4) Large
5) Decided
6) Century
1) go, will visit
2) is, will go
3) rains, will stay
4) is, will go
5) don’t go, will go
1) other
2) another
3) another
4) another
5) another
1) to be interested in
2) to take exams
3) brave
4) to go hiking
5) to take part in
6) climbing