Обучение письму в формате ОГЭ "Writing an email"

Обучение письму в формате ОГЭ
Тема урока:Writing an email.
Цель: Обучение и развитие навыков письменной речи.
Уровень образования ООО
Draw the Ss attention to the email/ Ask the Ss to read the message and answer the
1 Who wrote the email? 2 What are the ques-s you have to answer? 3 How many
words can you write?
To: Russian_friend@sdamgia.ru
Subject: Dear friend
…My friend has decided to become a model and has just gone on a diet. I told her
that it could be dangerous but she wouldn’t listen. Besides she is a vegetarian, so
there are not many products she can let herself eat now
Why do people become vegetarians? What do you do to keep fit? What food do you
try to avoid?
Write a message to Ann and answer her 3 questions. Write 100–120 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
Teacher's comments
Правила написания письма
Самое главное – объем письма100 – 120 слов(плюс-минус 10%). Если письмо
будет меньше 90 слов – оно не будет оцениваться. Если больше 132 –
оцениваться будет лишь часть.
Имя друга по переписке указываем в приветствии. Однако допускается
обращениеHi, Hello again! Hi there!
Приступаем к написанию email
Нам НЕ нfljо писать дату или адрес – этоemail и у него свои требования. Дата и
адрес будут считаться ошибкой.
Обратите внимание на пунктуацию, ставим запятую. Восклицательный знак
можно использовать только в приветствии без имени (Hi, Hello again! Hi there!):
Dear Ann,
Hello Ann,
Hi Ann,
Далее мы пропускаем строку. Можно начинать с красной строки, с отступом
или без. Пишем благодарность за письмо и/или выражение положительных
эмоций от его получения.
Thanks for your recent email.
Thanks for your message.
Thanks for writing to me.
I was very glad to hear from you again.
I’m always glad to get messages from you.
Thanks for your message. I was very glad to hear from you again.
Thanks for writing to me. I’m always glad to get messages from you.
Далее делаем еще один отступ и с новой строки начинаем отвечать на вопросы.
Здесь нужен мостик-переход.
You asked me about… Well, I can say that…
As you are interested in… I’d like to tell you that…
Здесь как раз можно использовать тему из email. Например:
In your email you asked (ask) me about time out.
Далее отвечаем на вопросы друга. Лучше отвечать на них по порядку, чтобы не
нарушать логику. Не надо писать ответы в разных абзацах, всё в одном.
Используйте слова связки:
Well, in my opinion,
As far as I know,
As for my exam,
Как закончить письмо?
Далее можно обозначить то, что вы заканчиваете писать письмо. Фразы типа:
That's all for now.
That's all I have to tell you.
Now it's time to finish my email.
That’s all for now, I have to go as my mum is calling me.
Well, I'd better go now as I've got to do some homework.
That's all from me for now. I'll be in touch again soon.
Это не является обязательным. Далее нужно обязательно написать предложение
– надежду на будущие контакты:
Keep in touch.
Drop me a line.
Write back soon.
Hope to get your email soon.
Далее, на отдельной строке завершающая фраза:
Best wishes,
All the best,
With love,
После нее запятая и вновь на новой строке подпись - имя:
Только имя без фамилии, можно краткий вариант имени. После имени никаких
знаков не должно быть.
Dear Ann,
Thanks for your last email, and sorry I couldn’t answer you earlier.
You asked me about vegetarians and how I keep fit. As for me, I’m a meat eater and I
totally don’t understand the vegetarians. Usually people stop eating meat because they
feel pity about animals and even some of vegetarians say that meat eaters are savages.
For me, the main thing to keep myself fit is sleep enough, if I get up earlier than usually.
I feel bad all day long. Well, the other important component of fitness is sport: I do
swimming. I only avoid sweets and super fat products, because it’s bad for health and
for teeth as well. That’s all for now, I have to go as my mum is calling me.
Write back soon.
Best wishes,
Task 1 Put the sentences in the correct order
Write back soon.
Thanks for your last letter, and sorry I couldn’t answer you earlier.
In your email you asked me about zoos. Actually. I'm totally against zoos. I think that it’s very
unnatural for animals to live in the natural surroundings. After all, the majority of zoos aren't giving
the animal normal living conditions. The other thing is reserve which are created especially for
protect some rare species of disappearance. Well, in my northern region we have mooses, wolves,
bears, foxes and other animals in the woods. They are pretty common here. Once I saw a deer
crossing the highway. That’s all for now, I have to go as my mum is calling me.
Dear Ben,
Best wishes,
Task 2 Answer 3 questions.
From: Ann@mail.ukTo: [email protected]: Dear friend
My older brother has got a new hobby – he has become a mountain biker. I know that mountain
biking is a dangerous kind of sport and I worry about him. I would like him to spend more time at
home. I wish he had chosen a safer entertainment…
What indoor sports are most popular with teenagers in your country? Why do teenagers often do
extreme sports? What kind of sport is your favourite?
Task 3 Working in 2 groups
Step 1 Group 1 will think of ques-ns about sport, Group 2 think of ques-ns about animals.
Ste p2 Work with a partner from the other group. Ask and answe the ques-ns you have prepared in
Step 1.
Task 4 Write a letter
Subject: Dear friend
Yesterday our teacher asked us to stay after classes. A basketball star came to us to talk about
sport in everyday life. The way he spoke about being a teenager was funny. He said he didn’t like
getting up early!…
When do you get up in the morning? What do you do to keep fit? Would you like to go in for
sports professionally, why?
Write a message to Ben and answer his 3 questions. Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of
letter writing