Моя школа. Оборот there is/there are

Тема: "Моя школа. Оборот there is/there are"
Образовательные задачи:
активизировать употребление в речи учащихся ранее
введенных структур и лексических единиц по теме;
повторить употребление Present Continuous Tense;
Воспитательные задачи:
воспитывать личностные качества (чувство взаимопомощи и
воспитывать умение работать в коллективе и принимать
совместные решения.
Развивающие задачи:
развивать слух, память, внимание, речь учащихся;
развивать умение преодолевать трудности.
Личностные: формирование познавательного интереса; умение
обустраивать собственную классную комнату.
Предметные: осознание необходимости использования обороты
there is/are при описании обстановки, понимание
дифференциации is are в изучаемой конструкции, умение
соблюдать правильный порядок слов в предложении и
представлять окружающую обстановку и расположение предметов
на основе прочитанного текста.
Познавательные: преобразовывать модель для описания
обстановки, строить логическое предложение и рассуждать,
структурировать текст, выделяя главные факты для изображения
местонахождения предметов.
Коммуникативные: аргументировать свою точку зрения и
бесконфликтно отстаивать ее, осуществлять контроль, коррекцию,
эффективно работать в группе, взаимодействовать с
Оборудование: мультимедийные средства, учебные предметы,
дидактические материалы.
I. Организационный момент.
- Good afternoon, boys and girls!
- Nice to meet you ( дети приветствуют учителя - Nice to meet you
I’m happy today and how are you?
- We are fine/ Thank you(хором)
Sit down, please!
Well done! I hope the lesson will be interesting for you.
II. Фонетическая зарядка
Look at the blackboard, you can see words and sounds. Match
sounds and the words (звуки и карточки со словами на доске)
listen and repeat the words after me.
III. Речевая разминка. Введение в тему Слайд 1
-Look at the screen and read the poem, please
На слайде:
“They go to school at eight,”
Says little Kate.
“At school they read and write,
Their class is large and light.”
T: Answer my questions, please: Слайд 2
When do they go to school?
What do they do at school?
Is their class small or large?
Teacher: I’d like to ask you a question: Do you like to go to school
or not?
Teacher: Excellent!
IV. О с н о в н а я ч а с т ь у р о к а
What are we going to speak about? Слайд 3
Учащиеся: About school.
Today we will remember all the information about school and do some
exercises with the structure
На доске:
There is/are.
Let’s start. Слайд 4
- Look at the screen and help me, please
There ....... three windows and a door in our classroom.
There ....... a desk in our classroom.
Дети помогают учителю определится со связками: is или are.
(делают вывод)
Teacher: Excellent!
Слайд 5
Look at the screen. Do some exercises. Complete the sentences with is
or are. Translate.
There .....a book on the table.
There ..... pictures on the wall.
There .... a bookcase in our classroom.
There ...... ten chairs and table in my classroom.
На доске: картинки (книга, тетрадь, карандаш, ручка, пенал, ластик)
- Look at the blackboard and name it. What is it?
--Have you got a pen?
-Have you got a pencil....
-Have you got a bag?
дети отвечают на вопросы
- Ok, Let's play a game “What is there in my bag?” Слайд 6
T: Ask some questions me
Is there a pen in the bag?
P1: Yes, there is.
Аудирование Слайд 7
( задание на слайде)
Послушай диктора и скажи, в какой классной
комнате проходят
занятия у Роберта (Robert), а в какой — у Тома.
1. А big light room with four windows and a carpet on the floor.
2. A big room with some desks, the teacher’s desk and two
beautiful pictures. The room is not tidy now. Robert
- Did you guess?
- Did you hear? Some kind of knock....
Заходит почтальон some
Postmen: Нello, I’m а postman. Is this 4в?
Teacher: Yes, it is
Postmen: I have a letter for you. Here it is.
Teacher:- Thank you.
Postmen : See you. уходит почтальон.
Teacher: Look at this letter.
Письмо вывешивается на доску
Read my letter and help me
У иностранного друга возникла проблема: и он сомневается, что
употребить there is или there are.
Просит помочь в данной проблеме- найти ошибки
Hi! My name is Jeff.
I'm writing to you about my school. It is very good, new, but it is not
near my house. So I take a bus every morning and go to school. There
is thirty -one classrooms in our school. The windows are big and there
is a lot of plants on the windowsills. There is a green board on the
wall. On its right there are a clock and on its left there is two pictures.
We have eleven desks and twenty - two chairs in my classroom. My
classroom is very cosy.
Tell me please about your school.
Дети исправляют ошибки в письме
Слайд 8
-The next task for you - guess the words in written form. (письменно)-
в паре карточки
d,s,e,k, s
Let`s check……
карточки вывешиваем на доску с правильными словами
How many windows are there in our classroom?
Дети составляют предложения по образцу (на слайде)
- Let's describe our classroom and tell Jeff. Use these words (обращает
внимание на слова на доске)
Слайд 9
Работа по группам. карточки- рассказ
Our school is ................... At the moment we are studying in the 4th
form. All classrooms of our school are ............ There is a ....................in
our school. There are ....................in our school. There are
....................in our school. We like to...... We like our school.
Дети составляют предложения, затем один человек из группы
зачитывает предложения.
- Are you ready? Let's check
Well done!
Let's have a rest and sing the song Слайд 10
«I have a pencil, I have a little pen.
Now I am drawing a funny little man.
I want to go to school, I want to read and write,
My bag is new and full, my life is fine and bright !
I have a kitten, I have a little dog.
Now I am drawing a funny little frog.
I want to go to school, I want to read and write,
My bag is new and full, my life is fine and bright !»
карточки по группам
Make up the questions. Then write short answers.( Yes, there is/No,
there isn’t./ Yes, there are/ No, there aren't)
1. Are, books ,there any in the bookcase?
2. Is, in the classroom, there, a table?
3. in the classroom, Are, there, any chairs?
4. a sofa, Is ,there, in the classroom?
5. Is, on the table, there a lamp?
6. Are, there any, in the classroom ,armchairs?
Is our school nice? - Yes, it is
Is there a bookcase in our classroom?
Are there many desks in our classroom?
Is there a blackboard in our classroom?
Are there many pictures in our classroom?
Well done!
Рефлексия. Слайд 11
Did you like the lesson?
- You have smiles and show me your mood
дети показывают настроение на смайлике
- Well. I'm glad
Thank you for your good work! And your marks are fives.
- Did you hear? Some kind of knock....
Заходит почтальон
Postmen:-May I come in?
Teacher: Yes, you may
Postmen: I have package for you. You are good and get some sweets.
- Давайте скажем спасибо нашему почтальону - Thank you.
Write down the homework (на доске)
The lesson is over. Good bye!