Контрольная работа по дисциплине СОО.06 "Иностранный язык"

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Варианты заданий к контрольной работе предназначены для контроля и оценки
результатов освоения дисциплины СОО 06 Иностранный язык в группах 1 курса 2324,
2324к 09.02.07 Информационные системы и программирование (Администратор баз
данных), 2325, 2325 к Информационные системы и программирование (Программист),
2326,2326к 09.02.01 Компьютерные системы и комплексы.
Контрольная работа в форме тестирования проводится одновременно для всей
учебной группы.
Количество вариантов заданий – четыре. Число заданий в каждом варианте – 10.
Тестовые задания направлены на контроль понимания и знания лексики и грамматических
явлений по изученным темам.
Задания предусматривают одновременную проверку освоения группы компетенций
по дисциплине. Количество вариантов задания для обучающегося каждому 1/4. Время
выполнения задания – 1 час 20 мин.
Задание 1 направлено на выявление понимания грамматического материала Простое
настоящее время, во 2 задания проверяется знание магазинов и отделов на английском
языке, задание 2-8 выявляют уровень знания грамматических тем 9задание направлено на
понимание текста, где необходимо ответить на вопросы. В 10 задании нужно выписать из
текста необходимые части речи и перевести на русский язык.
Максимальное количество за правильное выполнение практического задания 100
Итоговые оценки выставляются в соответствии с коэффициентом усвоения (КУ).
КУ = количество баллов, набранных учащимся
максимальное количество баллов в задании
Критерии оценок
КУ от 0,81 до 1,0
81 - 100 баллов
- «отлично»
КУ от 0,71 до 0,8
71 - 80 баллов
- «хорошо»
КУ от 0,61 до 0,7
60 - 70 баллов
- «удовлетворительно»
КУ менее 0,6
менее 60 баллов
- «неудовлетворительно»
Вариант 1
1. Put the verbs in the Present Simple.
1. You (to like) living in England?
2. I (not/to go) to work on Saturdays.
3. When this shop (to open)?
4. My friend (to speak) English.
5. She (not/to want) to stay here.
2. Write the names of shops.
1. Mary usually goes to ….. on Tuesday and on Saturday to buy vegetables.
2. I’ll go to the… for 6 or 8 kilos of pork.
3. We buy bread at this …
3. Write the adjectives in comparative and superlative degrees.
Tall, large, short, high, good, busy, difficult, hot, beautiful, heavy
4. Put the adjectives in the correct form.
1. This man is (tall) than that one. 2. Asia is (large) than Australia. 3. The Volga is (short) than the
Mississippi. 4. Which building is the (high) in Moscow? 5. Mary is (clever) student than Lucy.
5. Fill in the gaps with little, a little, few, a few, much, many.
1. There were ... new words in the text and Peter spent ... time learning them. 2. There was ... sugar
in the bowl, and we had to put ... sugar there. 3. My mother knows German ... and she can help
you with the translation of this text. 4. When we walked ... farther down the road we met another
group of pupils. 5. Have you got... time before the lesson?
6. Match English and Russian word combinations.
1. It takes to get
2. to wash up and iron clothes
3. to do nothing
4. to look forward to
5. before falling asleep
a) перед тем, как заснуть
b) стирать и утюжить одежду
c) занимает (по времени), чтобы
d) ждать с нетерпением
e) ничего не делать
7. Write time in English.
8. Finish the sentences.
1. I get up at ... o'clock.
2. It takes ... minutes to brush and order my hair
3. I leave home at ....
4. My working day starts at ...
5. It takes ... minutes to get home on taxi.
6. . I work ... days a week from ... till ....
7. I try to go to bed at ... o’clock.
9.Read the text and translate the 1 paragraph.
My working day
I get up at 7 o’clock. I should admit that I don’t quickly jump out of bed. I am definitely
not an early riser. Then I take a shower, clean my teeth. It takes 15 minutes to brush and order my
hair and put on makeup. After then I am ready for breakfast. I usually have a cup of strong coffee
and a sandwich for breakfast. When I am full up I get dressed. I don’t do morning exercises.
Perhaps I am lazy; perhaps I don’t have much time.
I don’t like to be late. So I leave home at 8. My working day starts at 9. My house is far
from the office and I usually go by car. Sometimes when it is broken I use a taxi because It takes
40 minutes to get there. I work 5 days a week from 9 till 6.
After my working day I prefer to have a rest. But rest for me is not just sitting in front of
TV and doing nothing. So straight from the office I go to the supermarket, buy some food and go
home. There at first I prepare supper. I have a lot of thing to do about the house: water the flowers,
tidy up the house, wash up and iron clothes. I don’t like to go out at week-days. But sometimes
my friends or parents come to visit me. I am happy, of course. Twice a week I go to fitness.
As usual after supper I watch TV. I try to go to bed at 11 o’clock. Before falling asleep I
usually read a book or a magazine.
So, that’s all I can say about my daily activities. Of course I look forward to weekends
coming and make plans.
10. Write nouns from the text and translate them into Russian.
Вариант 2
1. Put the verbs in the Present Simple.
1. I usually (to wake) up at 7 o’clock in the morning.
2. Elizabeth (to play) the piano very well.
3. You (to speak) French?
4. I have a car, but I (not/to use) it very often.
5. What you (to like) to do in your spare time?
2. Write the names of shops.
1. Mary is going to the ….to buy a new dress for her school party.
2. I’ll go to the… for 3 fruit cakes.
3. My family usually goes to ……to buy fresh fish.
3.Write the adjectives in comparative and superlative degrees.
Light, nice, angry, cold, grey, bad, dry, easy, big, interesting
4. Put the adjectives in the correct form.
1. The Alps are (high) than the Urals. 2. This garden is the (beautiful) in our town. 3. She speaks
Italian (good) than English. 4. Is the word "newspaper" (long) than the word "book"? 5. The
Thames is (short) than the Volga.
5. Fill in the gaps with little, a little, few, a few, much, many.
1. I'd like to say ... words about my travelling. 2. She gave him ... water to wash his hands and
face. 3. He had ... English books at home, so he had to go to the library. 4. After the lesson
everybody felt ... tired. 5. Let's stay here ... longer. I like it here.
6. Match English and Russian word combinations.
1. daily routine
2. follow more or less
3. to jump out of bed
4. definitely
5. to get up
a) вставать, просыпаться
b) быстро вставать с кровати (выпрыгивать)
c) ежедневный распорядок
d) более или менее соблюдаю
e) определенно
7. Write time in English.
8. Finish the sentences.
1. I get up at ... o'clock.
2. It takes ... minutes to brush and order my hair
3. I leave home at ....
4. My working day starts at ...
5. It takes ... minutes to get home on taxi.
6. . I work ... days a week from ... till ....
7. I try to go to bed at ... o’clock.
9. Read the text and translate the 2 paragraph.
My working day
I get up at 7 o’clock. I should admit that I don’t quickly jump out of bed. I am definitely
not an early riser. Then I take a shower, clean my teeth. It takes 15 minutes to brush and order my
hair and put on make up. After then I am ready for breakfast. I usually have a cup of strong coffee
and a sandwich for breakfast. When I am full up I get dressed. I don’t do morning exercises.
Perhaps I am lazy, perhaps I don’t have much time.
I don’t like to be late. So I leave home at 8. My working day starts at 9. My house is far
from the office and I usually go by car. Sometimes when it is broken I use a taxi because It takes
40 minutes to get there. I work 5 days a week from 9 till 6.
After my working day I prefer to have a rest. But rest for me is not just sitting in front of
TV and doing nothing. So straight from the office I go to the supermarket, buy some food and go
home. There at first I prepare supper. I have a lot of thing to do about the house: water the flowers,
tidy up the house, wash up and iron clothes. I don’t like to go out at week-days. But sometimes
my friends or parents come to visit me. I am happy, of course. Twice a week I go to fitness.
As usual after supper I watch TV. I try to go to bed at 11 o’clock. Before falling asleep I
usually read a book or a magazine.
So, that’s all I can say about my daily activities. Of course I look forward to weekends
coming and make plans.
10. Write verbs from the text and translate them into Russian.
Вариант 3
1. Put the verbs in the Present Simple.
1. My friend (to speak) four languages.
2. You (to work) on Saturdays?
3. He likes football, but he (not/to play) very often.
4. What you usually (to have) for lunch?
5. Jack (not/to like) classical music.
2. Write the names of shops.
1. Mary is going to the ….to buy a tin of sardines for salad.
2. I’ll go to the… for toothpaste and shampoo.
3. My family usually goes to ……to buy jar of honey.
3. Write the adjectives in comparative and superlative degrees.
Small, tall, high, weak, strong, heavy, light, green, brave, useful
4. Put the adjectives in the correct form.
1. January is the (cold) month of the year. 2. My sister speaks English (bad) than I do. 3.
Which is the (hot) month of the year? 4. Which is the (beautiful) place in this part of the country?
5. This nice-looking girl is the (good) student in our group.
5. Fill in the gaps with little, a little, few, a few, much, many.
1. There were ... new words in the text and Peter spent ... time learning them. 2. There was ... sugar
in the bowl, and we had to put ... sugar there. 3. My mother knows German ... and she can help
you with the translation of this text. 4. When we walked ... farther down the road we met another
group of pupils. 5. Have you got... time before the lesson?
6. Match English and Russian word combinations.
1. to order one’s hair
2. an early riser
3. to take a shower
4. to be ready for
5. to clean my teeth
6. to put on make up
a) ранняя пташка
b) принимать душ
c) чистить зубы
d) приводить волосы в порядок
e) наносить макияж
f) быть готовым для
7. Write time in English.
8. Finish the sentences.
1. I get up at ... o'clock.
2. It takes ... minutes to brush and order my hair
3. I leave home at ....
4. My working day starts at ...
5. It takes ... minutes to get home on taxi.
6. . I work ... days a week from ... till ....
7. I try to go to bed at ... o’clock.
9. Read the text and translate the 3 paragraph.
My working day
I get up at 7 o’clock. I should admit that I don’t quickly jump out of bed. I am definitely
not an early riser. Then I take a shower, clean my teeth. It takes 15 minutes to brush and order my
hair and put on make up. After then I am ready for breakfast. I usually have a cup of strong coffee
and a sandwich for breakfast. When I am full up I get dressed. I don’t do morning exercises.
Perhaps I am lazy, perhaps I don’t have much time.
I don’t like to be late. So I leave home at 8. My working day starts at 9. My house is far
from the office and I usually go by car. Sometimes when it is broken I use a taxi because It takes
40 minutes to get there. I work 5 days a week from 9 till 6.
After my working day I prefer to have a rest. But rest for me is not just sitting in front of
TV and doing nothing. So straight from the office I go to the supermarket, buy some food and go
home. There at first I prepare supper. I have a lot of thing to do about the house: water the flowers,
tidy up the house, wash up and iron clothes. I don’t like to go out at week-days. But sometimes
my friends or parents come to visit me. I am happy, of course. Twice a week I go to fitness.
As usual after supper I watch TV. I try to go to bed at 11 o’clock. Before falling asleep I
usually read a book or a magazine.
So, that’s all I can say about my daily activities. Of course I look forward to weekends
coming and make plans.
10. Write nouns from the text and translate them into Russian.
Вариант 4
1. Put the verbs in the Present Simple.
1. I (not/to know) everybody in this photograph.
2. You (to live) near sea?
3. What you usually (to have) for breakfast?
4. John (to work) in a small business company.
5. My mother (not/to wear glasses).
2. Write the names of shops.
1. Mary is going to the ….to buy vegetables.
2. I like the odor of the perfume “Into the Blue” and buy it at the ……..
3. My family usually goes to ……to buy chicken.
3. Write the adjectives in comparative and superlative degrees.
Dry, clean, dirty, wide, deep, hot, long, short, clever, important.
4. Put the adjectives in the correct form.1. Bobby was a (quiet) child. He was (quiet) than his
sister. 2. Her eyes are (grey) than mine. 3. He was the (fat) man in the village. 4. As he went on,
the box became (heavy) and (heavy). 5. My sister is the (tall) girl in her class.
5. Fill in the gaps with little, a little, few, a few, much, many.
1. I'd like to say ... words about my travelling. 2. She gave him ... water to wash his hands and
face. 3. He had ... English books at home, so he had to go to the library. 4. After the lesson
everybody felt ... tired. 5. Let's stay here ... longer. I like it here.
6. Match English and Russian word combinations.
1. to be far from
2. to be late for
3. to have a rest
4. to go to work by car
5. It takes … to get
a) опаздывать на
b) отдыхать
c) находиться далеко от
d) занимает (по времени), чтобы добраться
e) ездить на работу на машине
7. Write time in English.
8. Finish the sentences.
1. I get up at ... o'clock.
2. It takes ... minutes to brush and order my hair
3. I leave home at ....
4. My working day starts at ...
5. It takes ... minutes to get home on taxi.
6. . I work ... days a week from ... till ....
7. I try to go to bed at ... o’clock.
9. Read the text and translate the 2,3 and 4 paragraphs.
My working day
I get up at 7 o’clock. I should admit that I don’t quickly jump out of bed. I am definitely
not an early riser. Then I take a shower, clean my teeth. It takes 15 minutes to brush and order my
hair and put on make up. After then I am ready for breakfast. I usually have a cup of strong coffee
and a sandwich for breakfast. When I am full up I get dressed. I don’t do morning exercises.
Perhaps I am lazy, perhaps I don’t have much time.
I don’t like to be late. So I leave home at 8. My working day starts at 9. My house is far
from the office and I usually go by car. Sometimes when it is broken I use a taxi because It takes
40 minutes to get there. I work 5 days a week from 9 till 6.
After my working day I prefer to have a rest. But rest for me is not just sitting in front of
TV and doing nothing. So straight from the office I go to the supermarket, buy some food and go
home. There at first I prepare supper. I have a lot of thing to do about the house: water the flowers,
tidy up the house, wash up and iron clothes. I don’t like to go out at week-days. But sometimes
my friends or parents come to visit me. I am happy, of course. Twice a week I go to fitness.
As usual after supper I watch TV. I try to go to bed at 11 o’clock. Before falling asleep I
usually read a book or a magazine.
So, that’s all I can say about my daily activities. Of course I look forward to weekends
coming and make plans.
10. Write verbs from the text and translate them into Russian.
Эталоны ответов
1 вариант
1.10 баллов
1. Do you like living in England?
2. I do not go to work on Saturdays.
3. When does this shop open?
4. My friend speaks English.
5. She do not want to stay here.
2. 5 баллов
1) Greengrocer’s. 2) Butcher’s. 3) Baker’s -5 баллов
3.10 баллов
Tall taller the tallest,
Large lager the largest,
Short shorter the shortest,
High- higher the highest,
Good better the best,
Busy busier the busiest,
Difficult more difficult the most difficult,
Hot hotter the hottest,
Beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful,
Heavy- heavier the heaviest
4. 10 баллов
1. This man is taller than that one. 2. Asia is larger than Australia. 3. The Volga is shorter
than the Mississippi. 4. Which building is the highest in Moscow? 5. Mary is a cleverer student
than Lucy.
5. 10 баллов
1. There were many new words in the text and Peter spent much time learning them. 2. There was
a little sugar in the bowl, and we had to put little sugar there. 3. My mother knows German a little
and she can help you with the translation of this text. 4. When we walked little farther down the
road we met another group of pupils. 5. Have you got much time before the lesson?
6. 10 баллов.
1-c; 2-b; 3-e; 4-d; 5-a
7.10 баллов.
It’s half past three. 3. It’s a quarter to seven. 4. It’s a quarter past ten. 5. It’s a quarter to
three. 6. It’s half past twelve. 7. It’s a quarter past one.
8. 10 баллов.
1. I get up at seven o'clock.
2. It takes five minutes to brush and order my hair
3. I leave home at a half past seven.
4. My working day starts at a half past eight.
5. It takes ten minutes to get home on taxi.
6. I work six days a week from a half past eight till twenty past three pm
7. I try to go to bed at eleven o’clock.
9.10 баллов.
My working day
Я просыпаюсь в 7 часов. Должен признаться, что я не прыгаю с постели. Я определенно не
ранняя пташка. Затем я принимаю душ, чищу зубы. Это занимает 15 минут, чтобы
почистить и причесаться и сделать макияж. После этого я готов на завтрак. Это обычно
чашка крепкого кофе и сэндвич на завтрак. Когда я наедаюсь, я одеваюсь. Я не делаю
утреннюю зарядку. Возможно, я ленив, возможно, у меня мало времени.
10. 10 баллов
Bed - кровать
teeth -зубы
hair -волосы
breakfast - завтрак
cup -чашка
coffee -кофе
exercises- упражнения
Вариант 2
1. I usually wake up at 7 o’clock in the morning.
2. Elizabeth plays the piano very well.
3. Do you speak French?
4. I have a car, but I do not use it very often.
5. What do you like to do in your spare time?
2. 5
1) Women’s Clothes department (boutique). 2) Confectioner’s. 3) Fishmonger’s.
3. Light-lighter the lightest,
4. Nice nicer the nicest,
5. Angry angrier the angriest,
6. Cold colder the coldest,
7. Grey greyer the greyest,
8. Bad worse the worst,
9. Dry drier the driest,
10. Easy easier the easiest,
11. Big bigger the biggest,
12. Interesting more interesting - the most interesting
1. The Alps are higher than the Urals. 2. This garden is the most beautiful in our town. 3. She
speaks Italian better than English. 4. Is the word "newspaper" longer than the word "book"? 5.
The Thames is shorter than the Volga.
1. I'd like to say many words about my travelling. 2. She gave him a little water to wash his hands
and face. 3. He had a few English books at home, so he had to go to the library. 4. After the lesson
everybody felt a little tired. 5. Let's stay here a little longer. I like it here.
1- c; 2-d; 3-b; 4-e; 5- a
It’s half past three. 3. It’s a quarter to seven. 4. It’s a quarter past ten. 5. It’s a quarter to
three. 6. It’s half past twelve. 7. It’s a quarter past one.
1. I get up at seven o'clock.
2. It takes five minutes to brush and order my hair
3. I leave home at a half past seven.
4. My working day starts at a half past eight.
5. It takes ten minutes to get home on taxi.
6. I work six days a week from a half past eight till twenty past three pm
7. I try to go to bed at eleven o’clock.
My working day
Я не люблю опаздывать. Поэтому я выезжаю из домой в 8. Мой рабочий день начинается
в 9. Мой дом далеко от офиса, и я обычно езжу на машине. Иногда, когда она сломан, я
пользуюсь такси, потому что для этого требуется 40 минут. Я работаю 5 дней в неделю с 9
до 6.
get up -вставать
jump out -выпрыгивать
wash up -умываться
leave -покидать
like -нравится
look –смотреть
put on-надеть
Вариант 3
1. My friend speaks four languages.
2. Do you work on Saturdays?
3. He likes football, but he does not play very often.
4. What do you usually have for lunch?
5. Jack does not like classical music.
1) Grocer’s. 2) Household goods department. (Manufactured goods shop). 3) Grocer’s (baker’s,
1. Small smaller the smallest,
2. Tall taller the tallest,
3. High higher the highest,
4. Weak weaker the weakest,
5. Strong stronger the strongest,
6. Heavy heavier the heaviest,
7. Light lighter the lightest,
8. Green greener the greenest,
9. Brave braver the bravest,
10. Useful more useful - the most useful
1. January is the coldest month of the year. 2. My sister speaks English worse than I do. 3.
Which is the hottest month of the year? 4. Which is the most beautiful place in this part of the
country? 5. This nice-looking girl is the best student in our group.
1. There were many new words in the text and Peter spent much time learning them. 2. There was
a little sugar in the bowl, and we had to put little sugar there. 3. My mother knows German a little
and she can help you with the translation of this text. 4. When we walked little farther down the
road we met another group of pupils. 5. Have you got much time before the lesson?
1-d; 2-a;3-b;4-f;5-c;6-e.
It’s half past three. 3. It’s a quarter to seven. 4. It’s a quarter past ten. 5. It’s a quarter to
three. 6. It’s half past twelve. 7. It’s a quarter past one.
1. I get up at seven o'clock.
2. It takes five minutes to brush and order my hair
3. I leave home at a half past seven.
4. My working day starts at a half past eight.
5. It takes ten minutes to get home on taxi.
6. I work six days a week from a half past eight till twenty past three pm
7. I try to go to bed at eleven o’clock.
My working day
После моего рабочего дня я предпочитаю отдохнуть. Но отдых для меня не просто сидеть
перед телевизором и ничего не делает. Поэтому прямо из офиса я иду в супермаркет,
покупаю еду и возвращаюсь домой. Сначала я готовлю ужин. У меня есть много чего делать
по дому: поливать цветы, прибираться в доме, мыть и гладить одежду. Я не люблю
выходить куда-либо в будние дни. Но иногда мои друзья или родители приезжают ко мне.
Я счастлив, конечно. Два раза в неделю я хожу на фитнес.
Bed - кровать
teeth -зубы
hair -волосы
breakfast - завтрак
cup -чашка
coffee -кофе
exercises- упражнения
Вариант 4
1. I do not know everybody in this photograph.
2. Do you live near sea?
3. What did you usually have for breakfast?
4. John works in a small business company.
5. My mother does not wear glasses.
1) Greengrocer’s. 2) Perfumery. 3) Butcher’s.
Dry drier the driest,
Clean cleaner the cleanest,
Dirty dirtier the dirtiest,
Wide wider the widest,
Deep deeper the deepest,
Hot hotter the hottest,
Long longer the longest,
Short shorter the shortest,
Clever cleverer the cleverest,
Important - more important - the most important
1. Bobby was a quiet child. He was quieter than his sister. 2. Her eyes are greyer than mine. 3. He
was the fatest man in the village. 4. As he went on, the box became heavier and heavier. 5. My
sister is the tallest girl in her class.
1. I'd like to say many words about my travelling. 2. She gave him a little water to wash his hands
and face. 3. He had a few English books at home, so he had to go to the library. 4. After the lesson
everybody felt a little tired. 5. Let's stay here a little longer. I like it here.
It’s half past three. 3. It’s a quarter to seven. 4. It’s a quarter past ten. 5. It’s a quarter to
three. 6. It’s half past twelve. 7. It’s a quarter past one.
1. I get up at seven o'clock.
2. It takes five minutes to brush and order my hair
3. I leave home at a half past seven.
4. My working day starts at a half past eight.
5. It takes ten minutes to get home on taxi.
6. I work six days a week from a half past eight till twenty past three pm
7. I try to go to bed at eleven o’clock.
My working day
Как обычно после ужина я смотрю телевизор. Я пытаюсь ложиться спать в 11 часов.
Перед засыпанием я обычно читаю книгу или журнал.
Итак, это все, что я могу сказать о моей повседневной деятельности. Конечно, я с
нетерпением жду предстоящих выходных и планирую.
get up -вставать
jump out -выпрыгивать
wash up -умываться
leave -покидать
like -нравится
look –смотреть
put on-надеть
1. Безкоровайная, Г. Т.PlanetofEnglish: учебник английского языка для учреждений
СПО. / Г.Т. Безкоровайная, Н.И. Соколова, Е.А. Койранская, Г.В. Лаврик. 4-е изд.,
стер. Москва: Академия, 2022. 256 с. ISBN 978-5-4468-4305-3 Текст:
2. Голубев, А. П., Английский язык: учебник для студ. учреждений сред. проф.
образования / А.П. Голубев, Н. Балюк, И.Б. Смирнова. – 17-е изд., стер. – Москва:
Академия, 2021. – 336 с. – ISBN 978-5-4468-6550-5 Текст: непосредственный;
3. Голубев, А.П. Английский язык для всех специальностей: учебник / А.П. Голубев,
Н.В. Балюк, И.Б. Смирнова Москва: КноРус, 2021. 385 с. (Среднее
профессиональное образование). ISBN 978-5-406-07353-7. (дата обращения:
21.05.2023). Текст: электронный.
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/ Т.А. Карпова Москва: КноРус, 2021. 281 с. (Среднее профессиональное
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