Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 3 класс за I полугодие 2021-22 учебного года

Итоговая контрольная работа
по английскому языку
за I полугодие 2021-22 учебного года
учени____ 3 Б класса
I. Listening.
Выбери и обведи правильный вариант.
1. Ben is ________________
a) Russian b) English c) Italian
2. Ben lives in ___________
a) London b) Moscow c) Oxford
3. He has got ________________pets.
a) two b) three c) five
4. He doesn’t like____________
a) eating English dishes b) sport c) watching TV
5. His favourite dish is ____________________
a) pizza b) pudding c) soup
II. Reading.
Прочитай текст и выполни задание после текста
The English have four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. In England breakfast time
is between seven and nine, lunch time is between twelve and two, tea is between four and five
and dinner time is between seven and ten. English people like porridge very much. They like
porridge with milk. English people don’t eat much bread. They never eat bread with meat or
vegetables. But they sometimes eat bread with soup.
Прочитай вопрос и найди верный ответ.
1. Do English people like porridge?
2. What do English people sometimes eat with
3. When is breakfast time in England?
4.What do the English like to eat porridge with?
5. How many meals a day do the English have?
a) They sometimes eat bread with soup.
b) They like porridge with milk.
c) English people like porridge very much.
d) English have four meals a day
e) In England breakfast time is between seven
and nine
III. Grammar.
А) Вставь глаголы am, is, are.
1. My father and my mother _____________ my parents.
2. The boy’s toys _____________ nice.
3. He ______________ clever.
4. My pencil _____________ red.
5. I _____________ten.
B) Выбери в скобках нужную форму слова и подчерки ее.
Tom (is / has) a pupil. He ( go / goes ) to school every day. For breakfast he usually (eat / eats)
porridge. He drinks (many / much ) milk, but he doesn’t eat (many / much ) sweets. He has got (
many / much) friends. They (like / likes) to play football. Yesterday they ( play / played ) football
too. Look. They ( play / are playing ) football in the stadium.
IV. Translating
Переведи следующие предложения.
1. Привет! Меня зовут Денис. _____________________________________________________
2. Мне девять лет. ________________________________________________________________
3. Я встаю в 7 часов. _______________________________________________________________
4. Я завтракаю в 8 часов. ___________________________________________________________
5. Я ем кашу и пью чай на завтрак. ___________________________________________________
6. Я умею бегать и прыгать. _________________________________________________________
7. Я не умею плавать. ______________________________________________________________
Текст для аудирования.
Ben is a schoolboy. He is English. He lives in London. He speaks and writes English.
He has got a mother, a father and a sister. Ben has got a dog and a parrot. He likes
reading and watching TV. He doesn’t like sport. Ben likes eating English dishes. He
likes fish, pudding and fruit.