Контрольно-измерительные материалы для итогового контроля по английскому языку 4 класс

Контрольно-измерительные материалы для итогового
контроля по английскому языку
Класс 4а, 4б,
Программа – примерная программа по учебным предметам. Начальная
школа. В 2-х частях. Часть 2: проек. 4-е изд., испр.- М:Просвещение, 2011.
(Стандарты второго поколения).
Учебник – "Forward" М.В. Вербицкая для 4-го класса в 2-х частях, М:
Вентана -Граф, 2013.
1. Назначение КИМ
Работа предназначена для проведения процедуры итоговой диагностики
индивидуальной общеобразовательной подготовки обучающихся по
предмету «Английский язык» в 4 классе.
2. Документы, определяющие содержание КИМ.
Федеральный государственный образовательный стандарт начального
общего образования, утвержденный приказом Министерством
образования науки Российской Федерации от 06.10.2009 г. 3733.
Содержание и структура КИМ.
Работа представлена в двух вариантах. Каждый вариант итоговой
работы состоит из 5 заданий: 1 аудио-задание с выбором одного ответа (ВО),
1 задание на чтение и заполнение предложений,2 лексических задания и 1
грамматическое трансформационное задание. Распределение заданий работы
по основным содержательным разделам учебного предмета «Английский
язык» 4 класса.
Содержательные разделы
1. В дождевом лесу.
1. Экскурсия в зоопарк.
2. Новые друзья. Едем
1.Международная летняя школа.
3. Что ты знаешь о России? Послание в храме. Где мистер Биг?
1.Названия стран. Профессии.
2. Общие и специальные вопросы.
3. Глаголы в Present, Past, Future
Simple Tense.
4. Распределение заданий работы по уровням сложности
Уровень сложности
Количество заданий
5. Продолжительность выполнения задания.
Примерное время на выполнение заданий составляет:
для заданий базового уровня сложности 2 - 5 минуты;
для заданий повышенной сложности – от 5 до 10 минут.
На выполнение всей работы отводится 45 минут
6. Дополнительные материалы и оборудование не требуется.
7. Система оценивания отдельных заданий и работы в целом.
Задания 1,2,3,4,и 5 оцениваются в 1 балл.
Максимальный балл за выполнение работы – 49.
Система оценивания по пятибалльной системе
49 44
43 34
33 25
24 баллов
и менее
90 100%
70 89%
50 69%
менее 50%
Перечень элементов содержания, проверяемых на контрольной работе по
английскому языку.
Код элементов
Элементы содержания, проверяемые на
контрольной работе
В дождевом лесу.
Экскурсия в зоопарк.
Новые друзья. Едем
Международная летняя школа. Австралия.
Что ты знаешь о России? Послание в храме. Где
мистер Биг?
Названия стран. Профессии. Календарь.
Общие и специальные вопросы.
Глаголы в Present, Past, Future Simple Tense.
Перечень требований к уровню подготовки учащихся,
достижение, которого проверяется на контрольной работе по английскому
Код требования
Требования к уровню подготовки учащихся,
достижение которого проверяется на контрольной
работе (итоговом тесте)
извлекать необходимую информацию из прослушанного
выбирать вид чтения в зависимости от поставленной
навыком систематизации слов по тематическому
навыком употребления в речи лексических единиц,
изученных в пределах тематики начальной школы
навыком употребления изученных глаголов в Present, Past
и Future Simple Tense.
Ключи к КИМу
I. Listening.
Good morning Class 6 and welcome to Green Trees Zoo on this sunny Thursday .
My name is Davis Edwards and I'm the zoo keeper. Here is always welcome to
children from Park Street School from Manchester. Today the 10th of April is a
very special day. We have a new baby tiger for you to see. Her name is Ellie and
she was born free weeks ago. She likes to eat ice-cream but usually eats meat. Her
mother, Martha is a good mother and plays with Ellie a lot. They really like to play
football. It is now ten o'clock and let's go but be very quiet Ellie might be asleep.
1) b
2) c
6) b
7) d
8) c
9) a
II. Reading.
I Variant
II Variant
1. the USA
2. eight
1. island
2. English
4. camping / camping with his sister 4.biggest
and his friends 5.desert
5. Rada 6.dry
6. sister 7. kangaroos
7. like cooking / like cooking outside 8. can't
8.doesn't like
III. Use of English.
I. Professions I.
teacher ,detective, vet engineer, postman, chef
the USA, Italy, Australia America, Argentina, Spain
Russian, British, Italian Australian, Polish, Chinese
April, December, August May, January, September
1. I was .......................................................... 1. No, I wasn't.
2. I must ..........................................................2. Yes, I do./No, I don't.
3. There are four seasons. 3. There are twelve months.
4. My favourite month is ... . 4. My favourite season is ... .
5. No, I mustn't. 5.No, I mustn't.
6. I ... . 6. I must ... .
7. Yes, I do./ No, I don't. 7.I will ...
8. I will go ... . 8. I ... .
1. are 7.didn't take 1. are 7. didn't go
2. don't 8. was 2. is 8. worked
3. is 9. will go 3. visited 9. will go
10. Were
4. liked
10. Were
5. liked
11. Did you like
5. walked
11. Did you like
6. took
I Variant
I. Listening.
Listen and choose the right answer.
1)The pupils visit the Zoo on ... .
a) Tuesday b) Thursday c) Friday d) Sunday
2) Today is ... .
a) rainy b) snowy c) sunny d) nasty
3) David Edwards is a ... .
a) vet b) teacher c) doctor d) zoo keeper
4) The children are from school in ... .
a) Manchester b) Canada c) London d) Australia
5) The tenth of April is a .... day.
a) sad b) bad c)usual d) special
6) The baby's tiger name is ... .
a) Bell b) Ellie c) Ann d) Mary
7) Ellie was born three .... ago.
a) days b) months c) years d) weeks
8) Ellie usually eats ... .
a) grass b) ice-cream c)meat d) fish
9) Martha and Ellie like to play ... .
a) football b) with the children c) with other animals d) hockey
10) The children must be quiet because Ellie ... .
a)eats b)plays football c) may sleep d) watches other animals
II Reading .
Read the text and complete the sentences.
International Summer School
Welcome to the International Summer School! The children come from all
over the world here. They camp and cook outside. In the day time, they do lots of
This is Luis. He's nine years old. He's from Brazil. He likes kayaking and
playing basketball. He doesn't like painting.
And this is Alice. She's eight years old. She's from the USA. She likes doing
gymnastics and swimming. She doesn't like playing table tennis.
Vadim and his sister Rada are at the summer camp. They are from Russia.
Vadim is ten years old. He likes camping with his sister and his friends. He doesn't
like playing football. Rada is nine years old. She likes camping too. She also likes
doing pottery and playing table tennis. She doesn't like cooking outside.
1. Alice is from .
2.She is years old.
3. Vadim is from .
4.He likes .
5. is from Russia too.
6. Rada is Vadim's .
7. She doesn't .
8. Luis painting.
III. Use of English.
I. Write the words in the right columns. There are words you don't need to use.
three, April, teacher, season, the USA, Russian, forty, December, Kate, detective,
British, Italy, Monday, August, vet, Italian, Australia.
Professions Countries Nationalities Months
II. Answer the following questions.
1. Where were you yesterday?
2. What must you do at home?
3.How many seasons are there in the year?
4. What's your favourite month?
5. Must you water the flowers at the lesson?
6. What did you do yesterday?
7.Do you like swimming?
8. Where will you go tomorrow?
III. Put the verbs in the brackets in Present, Past or Future Simple.
Dear Ann,
Thank you very much for your letter. My sister and I ... (1 be) in Sochi now. We
... (2 not like) the weather because it ... (3 be) hot. Yesterday we ... (4 go) to the
Botanic Garden and we ... (5 like) it very much. We ...(6 be) in the zoo but ... (7
not take) photos because it ... (8 be) expensive. Tomorrow we ... (9 go) home.
(10 Be) you in Sochi last year? you (11 like) the weather?
Write to me,
II Variant
I. Listening.
Listen and choose the right answer.
1)The pupils visit the Zoo on ... .
a) Tuesday b) Thursday c) Friday d) Sunday
2) Today is ... .
a) rainy b) snowy c) sunny d) nasty
3) David Edwards is a ... .
a) vet b) teacher c) doctor d) zoo keeper
4) The children are from school in ... .
a) Manchester b) Canada c) London d) Australia
5) The tenth of April is a .... day.
a) sad b) bad c)usual d) special
6) The baby's tiger name is ... .
a) Bell b) Ellie c) Ann d) Mary
7) Ellie was born three .... ago.
a) days b) months c) years d) weeks
8) Ellie usually eats ... .
a) grass b) ice-cream c)meat d) fish
9) Martha and Ellie like to play ... .
a) football b) with the children c) with other animals d) hockey
10) The children must be quiet because Ellie ... .
a)eats b)plays football c) may sleep d) watches other animals
II. Reading.
Read the text and circle the right answer.
Australia is the biggest island in the world. People in Australia like surfing
and going to the beach. They speak English.
The capital of Australia is Canberra. The biggest city in Australia is Sydney.
There's a big bridge in Sydney.
There are lots of deserts in Australia. Australians call the desert "the outback".
It's a very dry country. The Great Victoria Desert is the biggest desert in Australia.
Australia has got lots of special animals. Kangaroos can jump three metres!
Koalas live in trees and eat leaves. The emu is a very big bird. It runs very fast but
it can't fly. There are crocodiles and snakes, too. They are dangerous.
1. Australia is the biggest country / island in the world.
2. Australians speak English / Italian.
3. Canberra is the desert/ capital.
4. Sydney is Australia's smallest / biggest city.
5. The biggest desert/ lake is the Great Victoria Desert.
6. The climate of the island is wet/ dry.
7. Koalas and tiger/ kangaroos are Australian animals.
8. The emu can / can't fly.
III. Use of English.
I. Write the words in the right columns. There are words you don't need to use.
May, eleven, Australian, Jane, engineer, Sunday, America, September, Polish,
Chinese, chef, seven, Spain, fifteen, January, postman.
Professions Countries Nationalities Months
II. Answer the following questions.
1. Were you in the theatre yesterday?
2. Do you like drawing?
3. How many months are there in the year?
4. What's your favourite season?
5. Must you talk with a friend at the lesson?
6. What must you do at home?
7. What will you do tomorrow?
8. What did you do yesterday?
III. Put the verbs in the brackets in Present, Past or Future Simple.
Dear Tina,
Thank you for your letter. My family and I ... (1 be) in Moscow now. It ... (2
be) the capital of Russia. Yesterday we ... (3 visit) museums in the Kremlin and we
...(4 like) it. We ... (5 walk) in the Aleksandrovsky Garden near the Kremlin and ...
(6 take ) a lot of photos. But my father ... (7 not go) with us because he ... (8
work). Next week we ... (9 go) home.
(10 Be) you in Moscow last year ? you (11 like) Red Square?
Write soon.