Полугодовая контрольная работа по английскому языку 5 класс «Rainbow English»

Полугодовая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5 классе
к учебнику О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова «Rainbow English».
I вариант.
ЗАДАНИЕ 2. (Чтение) Прочитайте текст и отметьте, являются ли утверждения после
него верными или неверными.(TRUE/ FALSE).
William was born in France but then his family moved to England. Now they live in a small
town not far from Oxford. The name of the town is Banbury.
Banbury has a long history. Banbury has a lot of small shops but many people like to buy things
in the market. Every Thursday and Saturday there is a big market in the Market Place. You can
buy fresh fruit and vegetables, clothes, shoes and even pictures there. Usually at the market
people drink coffee with sweet cakes. Tasty Banbury cakes are famous in Britain. People like
buying them on holidays.
William likes Banbury very much. Every evening he walks in the park where a lot of roses grow.
He meets his friends there and they play together. At weekends William and his father ride their
bikes along the Oxford Canal.
William wants to move to Oxford when he grows up. He dreams to learn French at Oxford
University and become a professor there. Then he thinks he will marry his classmate Betty and
they will live in Oxford with their two children. Every weekend he, Betty and their children will
go to Banbury to visit William’s parents. The family will have wonderful time together.
1. Banbury is a small town in France.
2. There is a big market in Banbury two times a week.
3. A lot of people know and like Banbury cakes.
4. William often goes to the park with his father.
5. William wants to work at Oxford University.
6. William dreams to live far from his parents.
ЗАДАНИЕ 3. Заполни пропуски в тексте данными в скобках глаголами в
соответствующих формах. Образуй отрицательное, вопросительное предложение и вопрос
к подлежащему.
Last Friday my friend Bob 1 (ring)_____________me early in the morning. He
2(say)______________he was in our school gym. I decided to go there too to play volleyball. I 3
(meet)___________a lot of my friends in the gym. We 4 (begin) the game at ten and half an hour
later. I 5 (know) we 6 (can) win. I 7 (leave) ________ the gym at ten o’clock p.m.
ЗАДАНИЕ 4. Вставь в словосочетания соответствующие предлоги из рамки.
at (2) for in about to
1. to be interested____________books
2. to stay_____________a hotel
3. to write____________my grandparents
4. to know a lot______________animals
5. to leave Moscow___________St Petersburg
6. to live__________33, Green Street
ЗАДАНИЕ 5. Напишите по-английски сколько времени.
10:45, 16:33, 2:58, 6:30, 20:09, 8:15
II вариант.
ЗАДАНИЕ 2. (Чтение) Прочитайте текст и отметьте, являются ли утверждения после
него верными или неверными.(TRUE/ FALSE).
A hobby is an activity that we usually do in our free time. And we love doing it! There are a lot
of indoor and outdoor hobbies. Many schoolchildren prefer indoor hobbies such as playing video
games, watching TV or listening to music.
But reading, playing a musical instrument and collecting things aren’t as popular now as in the
20th century. Now a lot of teenagers are interested in keeping fit. Boys want to be healthy and
strong. Girls want to look beautiful. Here indoor hobbies don’t help. So children choose outdoor
They enjoy cycling, skateboarding, walking and playing different sports games. In summer
riding a bike is the most popular sport, because many children have got bikes and there are a lot
of places where you can ride them.
In winter Russian children go skiing with their parents. It is a popular winter sport because it’s
usually very cold in Russia during the winter months and a lot of snow falls. Many families have
long holidays from school and work and they have free time to do sports. People usually ski in
the country or in forests and parks.
1. Many children like to sit at home and play video films.
2. A lot of children are interested in reading books as now as in the 20
3. In summer cycling and skateboarding are the most popular sports.
4. In winter many families don’t have free time to do sport.
5. In winter the children like to go skiing and spend time with their parents.
6. Winter is not cold in Russia and there is not so much snow during the winter months.
ЗАДАНИЕ 3. Заполни пропуски в тексте данными в скобках глаголами в
соответствующих формах. Образуй отрицательное, вопросительное предложение и вопрос
к подлежащему.
Yesterday I 1 (have)___________ breakfast at 8 oclock. I 2 (eat)____________ some porridge
and 3 (drink)_____________ a cup of coffee. Then I 4 (hear) __________________a doorbell, I
opened the door and 5 (see)_______________ my brother Sam. He 6 (bring)
_________________ some vegetables and 7 (put) _____________them on the kitchen table. I
invited Sam to have breakfast together with me, and he did.
ЗАДАНИЕ 4. Вставь в словосочетания соответствующие предлоги из рамки.
about in at on (2) for
1. to stay ______ the Ritz Hotel
2. to dream _______ holidays
3. to have an interest ______ farming
4. to leave Moscow __________Vladivostok
5. to spend time ________ books
6. to blow _______ hot tea
ЗАДАНИЕ 5. Напишите по-английски сколько времени.
21:15, 6:26, 9:30, 12:45, 23:06, 17:52