Проверочная работа по английскому языку "Complex Object" (Сложное дополнение)

Проверочная работа по английскому языку (Part 1)
на тему Complex Object (Сложное дополнение)
Task 1. Translate the sentences into English using Complex object.
I want her to go to college.
I’d like her to go to college.
I ask her to go to college.
1.Я хочу,чтобы вы приехали к нам завтра.2.Я не хочу ,чтобы она знала об
этом.3.Наша мама хочет,чтобы мы не тратили время впустую на
каникулах.4.Папа попросил меня помочь ему чинить машину.5.Мы бы
хотели,чтобы они сделали вклад в нашу благотворительную ярмарку.6.Кейт
просит меня не участвовать в этом состязании.7.Я не хочу,чтобы ты получил
плохую оценку.8.Мы хотим,чтобы этот артист приехал к нам в
школу.9.Хотите,я дам вам мой словарь?10.Ты часто просишь своего друга
помочь тебе?
Task 2.Open the brackets using Complex object.
Mother makes me clean up the room.
Mother lets me clean up the room.
But :
I was made to clean up the room.
I was allowed to clean up the room.
1.Susan (make,he,promise)that he wouldn’t leave her any more.2.The workers
(be,make,stay)at work till 9 p.m. every day.3.Don’t (let,she,say)such things about
you.4.Our teacher always(make,we,do)difficult sums.5.His father refuses to
(let,he,use)a computer every day.6.Yesterday the students (be,allow,go)home
early.7.Will you (let,they,go)home?8.I don’t like wearing a school uniform but we
(be,make,wear )it in our school.9.Mark (be,allow,watch)TV all day.10.What
Task 3.Rewrite the sentences using Complex object.
I expect him to come.
I know him to be a good student.
I like her to sing.
I hate her to cry.
1.I know that my friend is an honest man.2.I expect that he will understand your
problem and help you to solve it.3.People expect that the 21
century will bring
peace on Earth.4.He knows that my mother is a very kind woman.5.I like when
children laugh.6.He hated when we broke his toys.7.I expect that the letter will
come tomorrow.8.Did you know that he was a great mathematician?9.I hate
when you forget to do your chores.10.My father likes when I speak English.
Task 4.Paraphrase the sentences using Complex object.
I saw him play the piano.=I saw him playing the piano.
I heard her sing.=I heard her singing.
I noticed them speak.=I noticed them speaking.
I felt you tremble.=I felt you trembling.
1.We noticed a girl.She was cleaning the window.2.Laura saw her neighbour.He
opened the door of his flat and went in.3.Fred heard her sister.She was talking to
her friend on the veranda.4.I watched the rain.It was beating down the flowers in
the garden.5.He bent and picked up something from the floor.The policeman saw
it.6.I noticed that Nick went in and spoke to a stranger.7.The doctor touched the
boy’s leg.The boy felt it.8.The wounded hunter felt that the bear was touching
him,but he did not move.9. Some people were walking in the corridor.Nancy
heard them.10.He shut the door of his study and went down.Robert saw him.
Task 5. Translate the sentences into Russian using Complex object.
I want the article to be published=I want the article published.
I must have my report finished.
I have my hair cut.
I want to have my hair cut.
I’m going to have my article published.
1.She did not want her child to be taken to hospital.2.Would you like your luggage
carried into the room?3.I want this bedroom prepared for my guests.4.We must
have all these documents sent.5.Are you going to have your umbrella
fixed?6.Have you had your hair cut today?7.Chris wants to have his homework
done.8.When did they have their photo taken?9.The director wanted to have the
contract signed yesterday.10.If you want things done well,do them yourself.