Тест "Complex Object" 6 класс

6 Form Complex Object
1.Put “to” where necessary.
1.The doctor made me….........take the medicine.
2.The patient was made …….. take the medicine.
3.My parents won’t let me…. come to your place.
4.I won’t be allowed………... come to your place.
5.Let me ………………. concentrate on my work.
6.Nobody wants him ………climb this rocky path.
2.Translate the sentences into English.
1.Я хочу, чтобы она ушла.
2.Анне хотелось бы, чтобы мы пошли в кино.
3.Никто не хочет, чтобы она играла в футбол.
4.Мама не позволяет мне смотреть телевизор вечером.
5.Дайте мне немного подумать.
6.Бабушка никогда не заставляет нас мыть посуду.
3.Correct the mistakes.
1.I want you translate this poem.
2.I want he is a loving brother.
3.The teacher made we to learn the poem by heart.
4.Let she stay with us for a week.
5.My mother wouldn’t like that all my school friends will come to me.
6.Shakespeare’s wife didn’t want that William would become an actor.