Тестовая работа для подготовки к итоговой контрольной по английскому языку 8 класс

Тестовая работа для подготовки к итоговой контрольной работе для обучающихся 8
1. Заполните пропуски с помощью “been to” или “gone to”.
1. I have ____________ Disney land twice.
2. I haven’t seen Victor for several days? Where has he ____________?
3. He’s ____________ London. He’ll be back next week.
4. Have you ever ____________ London?
5. I have ____________ Bali Island several times, and I still want to go again.
2. Раскройте скобки, чтобы получить Present Simple, Present Continuous или Present Perfect.
1. He _______________________ (admire) you greatly. He _______________________ (see) the play
three times.
2. I __________________________ (not know) what Harry _______________________ (tell) you.
3. We usually _______________________ (go) to the cinema twice a month.
4. Hello, what __________ you_____________ (do) here at this late hour?
5. I always _______________________ (stay) at home in the evenings.
3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или Past Continuous.
1. When my father _______________________ (to come) home, I_______________________ (to
have) dinner.
2. When Alice _______________________ (to return), I _______________________ (to listen) to the
3. While mother _______________________ (clean) his room, he _______________________ (to
draw) a picture.
4. He _______________________ (to wash) his face when somebody _______________________ (to
knock) at the door.
4. Переделайте предложения из активного залога в пассивный.
1. We have done our hometask.
2. The teacher asked the students a question.
3. She is writing an article about the accident.
4. Next year we will learn French.
5. Прочитай текст, озаглавь абзацы и ответь на вопросы.
Mexico City
Mexico City is one of the world’s largest cities. It has got beautiful old buildings, green parks,
museums and an exiting nightlife. It’s a great place to visit. Nine million people visit it each year.
Many people live in beautiful houses with gardens. Other live in blocks of flats near the city center.
Mexico City is difficult to drive in because of heavy traffic. The city’s fantastic metro network,
however, has 11 lines and is very cheap. There are hundreds of buses, trolley buses and peseros
(minibuses), too.
In their free time, Mexicans shop at colourful street markets. They also enjoy going to the cinema and
theatre. They even have street parades. Football and horse racing are the most popular sports.
The people of Mexico City are very friendly. The food is excellent, too! The restaurants serve
delicious local food like tortillas and frijoles (beans).
Transport Food Tourism Homes Leisure
1. How do Mexicans call minibuses?
2. What do Mexicans do in their free time?
3. What has Mexico City got?