Контрольная работа по английскому языку № 22 курс заочное отделение

Контрольная работа по английскому языку №2
2 курс заочное отделение
Задание 1. Переведите письменно текст (текст прилагается).
About Russia
Russia is also officially known as the Russian Federation. It’s the largest country in
the world with the total area of about 17 million square kilometers. Russia is
situated in Europe and in Asia. It is washed by 12 seas. Russia borders on Norway,
Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan,
Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and North Korea. It also has a sea border with Japan
and the United States. The population of Russia is about 142 million people. It’s
the ninth most populous nation in the world. The capital of the country is Moscow.
Russia has a great variety of landscapes. There are plains and forests, highlands
and deserts, tundra and taiga. There are lots of mountains and over two million
rivers in the country. The main ones are the Volga, which is the longest river in
Europe, the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena. Russia’s lakes contain one-quarter of the
world’s fresh water. The deepest and the purest lake Baikal is situated in Russia.
Industrial country
Russia is a highly developed industrial country. It has the world’s largest reserves
of mineral and energy resources. The country is rich in oil, coal, iron ore, natural
gas, copper, nickel and other mineral resources. Despite the economic problems
that Russia is facing nowadays, the country remains one of the leading countries in
the world.
Russia is a parliamentary republic with the President being the Head of the State.
The legislative powers are exercised by the Duma.
Russia is a country of unique culture. Its largest and most beautiful cities are
Moscow and St. Petersburg where one can find numerous museums, parks,
theatres, monuments, churches and lots of other interesting places.
Russia attracts millions of tourists every year.
Задание 2. Задайте к тексту 7 вопросов.
Задание 3. Найдите в тексте все имена существительные и образуйте их
множественное число.
Задание 4. Найдите в тексте все качественные имена прилагательные и
образуйте их степени сравнения.
Задание 5. Распределите данные глаголы по 3 группам в зависимости от
чтения окончания (-ed) в Past Simple.
1) Looked, watched, washed, locked,
2) visited, decided, invited, celebrated, wanted, studied
3) learned, opened, closed, , managed, played.
Задание 6. Запишите глаголы в два столбика: правильные и неправильные и
укажите инфинитив данных глаголов.
1) skated - skate , stopped - stop, worked - work, played - play, wanted
2) Took - take, had - have, gave - give, met meet, saw - see, made - make,
were be/
Задание 7. Подберите к глаголам из раздела (а) прошедшую форму из
раздела (б), переведите глаголы.
be - was\were
meet - met
drink drank
take- took
have- had
leave left
do did
go - went,
eat- ate
buy - bought
Задание 8. Сделайте предложения отрицательными.
1. He didn’t help his uncle last Friday.
2. We weren’t at the circus yesterday.
3. Sarah didn’t come to York a week ago.
4. He didn’t meet his friend at the station.
5. They didn’t go to the seaside on holidays.
Задание 9. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в нужном времени.
Last weekend we went to Edinburgh by train from London. We stayed at a
hotel. It was cold and windy when we arrived in Scotland. But the hotel was
warm and comfortable. On Sunday morning we got up at 8 o’clock and had a
good breakfast. Then we went on an excursion. We visited the famous Edinburgh
Задание 10. Переделайте данные предложения в прошедшее время (Past
Simple) и переведите их на русский язык.
1. Last night we listened to the news.
2. I bought CDs yesterday.
3. Last Sunday father took my brother to the country.
4. I didn’t wake up early my last day off.
5. Tom gave Betty flowers for her last birthday.
Задание 11. Задайте вопросы к предложениям, начиная их со слов в скобках.
1. Where did Ann spend her winter holidays?
2. When did you have supper?
3. How much tea did you drink?
4. How did they travel by sea?
5. What did your friends give you?
Задание 12. Дайте краткие ответы на следующие вопросы.
1. Do they swim well? (No, I don’t
2. Did you come to your classes yesterday? (Yes, I did
3. Did he learn English last year? (Yes, he did
4. Does the dog bite? (No, it doesn’t
5. Did she understand the rule? (No, she didn’t
Задание 13. Напишите следующие предложения в Future Simple и переведите
их на русский язык.
1. What books will you borrow from the library?
2. I will work not far from my house.
3. He will speak English well.
4. She will stay at home in the evening.
5. Will you go to the seaside in summer?
6. What will you write him?
7. I will often see him at our pedagogical college.
Задание 14. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы.
1. Do you go in for sports?
Yes, I do
2. Where will you wait for your friends?
I will wait for my friends near our pedagogical college
3. Who brought you this book?
My sister brought me it
4. How many hours do you work every day?
I work 8 hours every day.
5. What did you do after you work yesterday?
I read an interesting book.
6. Do you live in Tver?
Yes, I do \ No, I don’t
7. What will you do tomorrow?
I will go to the country
8. How many students are there in your group?
There are 25 students in my group
9. Where do you work?
I work at a school.
10. Is your work interesting?
Yes, it is.
Задание 15. Напишите короткий рассказ (10-15 предложений) на тему
Yesterday evening”, используя следующие слова и выражения: to rest, to read
newspapers and magazines, to watch TV, to receive guests, to discuss plans for the
Перечень рекомендуемых учебных изданий, Интернет-ресурсов,
дополнительной литературы
1. Агабекян И.П. Английский язык для ссузов: учебное пособие. М.: ТК
Велби, Изд-во Проспект, 2006.
2. Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика: Сборник упражнений. СПб.: КАРО,
3. Верба Л.Г., Верба Г.В. Грамматика современного английского языка.
Справочник. – Киев: «Логос», 2001.
3. 200 тем английского языка./Сост. Бойко В., Жидких Н., Каверина В.,
Панина Е. – М.: ЗАО «БАО-ПРЕСС», 2006.
4. Кошманова И.И. Тесты по английскому языку. Орфография. Лексика.
Грамматика. – М.: Айрис-пресс, 2009.
5. Мюллер В. К. Большой англо-русский словарь: В новой редакции: 210 000
слов, словосочетаний, идиоматических выражений, пословиц и поговорок.
Изд. 5-е, стереотип. М.: Цитадель-трейд: РИПОЛ КЛАССИК: Дом ХХI век,
6.Мюллер В.К. Новый русско-английский словарь. – М.: Адрес-Пресс, 2003.
Интернет ресурсы:
1. www.britishcouncil.org/learning-elt-resources.htm
2. www.macmillanenglish.com
3. www.teachingenglish.org.uk