Контрольная работа по английскому языку 1 курс 2 семестр

Контрольная работа по английскому языку 1 курс 2 семестр
Variant 1
№ 1. Заполните анкету
First name: …………………… Surname: ……………………………..
Age: ………… Date of birth: ……………………… Sex: M / F (male / female)
Nationality: ……………………….
Address: ………………………………….. Postcode (ZIP code): ……………………….
Country: ……………………………..
Phone number: ………………………….
Date: ……………………… Signature: …………………………………….
№ 2. Найдите описание жанров фильма
1. A film about space travel or life in an
imaginary future.
2. A film about criminals and detectives.
3. A film with lots of music and dance.
4. A film about cowboys and life in the Wild
5. A funny film with happy ending.
a. musical
b. a western
c. a comedy
d. a science fiction film
e. a crime film
№ 3. Из букв составьте слова и найдите подходящее определение
lalh trcnoce sucirc gedbir remkat niclic
1. ____________ is a place where people buy and sell goods.
2. ____________ is a place where music is performed by musicians.
3. ___________ is a place where people go to receive medical advice or treatment.
4. ___________ is a road or railway line built over something.
5. ___________ is a show performed by people and trained animals, often in a large tent.
№ 4. Вставьте правильную степень сравнения прилагательного
1. Nick is (happy) boy that I know.
2. Jane’s notebook is (cheap) than mine.
3. This is (delicious) cheese-cake I have ever had!
4. This bookcase is (beautiful) than that one.
5. Do you feel (good) today than yesterday?
№ 5. Какая погода в вашем городе? Заполните пропуски
1. At the beginning of winter it is ____________and ____________.
2. In early spring it is mostly ____________and ____________.
3. In June it is always ____________and ____________.
4. In autumn it is ____________and ____________.
5. Last month it was ____________and ____________.
Контрольная работа по английскому языку 1 курс 2 семестр
Variant 2
№ 1. Заполните анкету
First name: …………………… Surname: ……………………………..
Age: ………… Date of birth: ……………………… Sex: M / F (male / female)
Nationality: ……………………….
Address: ………………………………….. Postcode (ZIP code): ……………………….
Country: ……………………………..
Phone number: ………………………….
Date: ……………………… Signature: …………………………………….
№ 2. Найдите описание жанров фильма
1. A film about space travel or life in an
imaginary future.
2. A film about criminals and detectives.
3. A film with lots of music and dance.
4. A film about cowboys and life in the Wild
5. A film in which mysterious and frightening
things happen.
a. musical
b. a western
c. a science fiction film
d. a crime film
e. a horror film
№ 3. Из букв составьте слова и найдите подходящее определение
tar ylgreal ruarobh lasect uchcrh yribarl
1. ____________ is a place where people go to pray.
2. ____________ is an area of water next to the land where the ships are safe.
3. ___________ is a very large strong building, built in the past as a safe place.
4. ___________ is a room or building where there are books to be borrowed.
5. ___________ is a building or a large long room where paintings, photographs etc
are shown to the public
№ 4. Вставьте правильную степень сравнения прилагательного
1. I think my cat is (pretty) of all the cats in the world.
2. Steve Jobs is (famous) than Stephen Wozniak.
3. Our new house is (expensive) than the old one.
4. Girls are usually (clean) than boys.
5. Chemistry was (hard) subject at school.
№ 5. Какая погода в вашем городе? Заполните пропуски
1. In January and February it is ____________and ____________.
2. In late spring it is mostly ____________and ____________.
3. In summer it is always ____________and ____________.
4. In autumn it is ____________and ____________.
5. Last week it was ____________and ____________.