Диагностические задания по английскому языку 3 класс

Диагностические задания
Тема: «Указательные местоимения this/that, these/those»
Класс: 3
Предмет: английский язык
Предметный результат: научиться употреблять указательные местоимения
в единственном и множественном числе.
Научиться использовать формы глагола to be в настоящем простом
времени с указательными местоимениями.
Формулировка задания:
I уровень : Выбери правильный ответ .(Choose the correct answer)
1. (This/These) desks are green.
2. (That/Those) toy is interesting.
3. (This/These) is an apple.
4. (That/Those) are lamps.
5. I like (this/these) pen.
Инструмент проверки : ключ
1. these 2. that 3. This 4. Those 5. this
II уровень: Напиши предложения во множественном числе. ( Write down
the sentences in plural)
Образец: This flower is red. These flowers are red.
1. This desk is green.
2. That toy is interesting.
3. This is an apple.
4. That is a lamp.
5. I like this pen.
Инструмент проверки : ключ
1. These desks are green.
2. Those toys are interesting.
3. These are apples.
4. Those are lamps.
5. I like these pens.
III уровень: Переведи предложения на английский язык. (Translate the
sentences into English)
1. Эти парты зелёные.
2. Та игрушка интересная.
3. Это – яблоко.
4. Те – лампы.
5. Мне нравится эта ручка.
Инструмент проверки : ключ
1. These desks are green.
2. That toy is interesting.
3. This is an apple.
4. Those are lamps.
5. I like this pen.
Автор: Салахова Гульнара Габделфатовна
Школа: МБОУ «ЗСОШ № 6» (Г.Заинск)
Класс: 8
Предмет: английский язык
Метапредметный результат: уметь извлекать информацию из
представленных источников
Формулировка задания: Read the text and list the tips below in order they
appear in the text.
Travellers look forward to their summer holidays but are they aware of the
unsafe choices they are about to make? Probably not! That is why many will end
up sick instead of out on the beach. Here are some travel tips to help tourists stay
in good health while abroad.
First of all, tourists should visit their doctors. Their doctors will see if they need
any vaccinations based on where they are going. Travellers should also make sure
they take any required medication and a first-aid kit (аптечка первой помощи)
with them when they travel abroad.
In addition, since it is possible for travellers to fall ill even before they land,
they must remember that drinking water and getting exercise during long flights is
important. If not, they risk the possibility of developing cramps or even serious
health problems. To avoid this, stretching (потягиваться) every hour and drinking
a lot of water is highly recommended.
For the most part, it is important for travellers to watch what they eat and drink
while on holiday. At least 20% of tourists get food poisoning(пищевое
отравление). This happens because many tourists make the mistake of believing
that what they see on a menu is safe. Tourists need to choose bottled water and
drinks without ice, eat well-cooked foods, choose fruit that hasn't been peeled (не
были очищены) and of course keep their hands clean.
Moreover, travellers to Asia, Africa and Central and South America should be
aware of diseases (illnesses) like malaria that are passed on the insects. They can
protect themselves by putting on bug spray (спрей от насекомых). Furthermore, if
their rooms don't have air-conditioning, they should sleep under a mosquito net at
When travelling to exotic places, travellers need to know the possible health
threats they can face. After all, knowledge is the best way for tourists to protect
themselves and stay healthy abroad.
Read the text and list the tips below in order they appear in the text.
_____Travellers should take a first-aid kit with them.
_____They should choose fruit that hasn't been peeled.
_____They should stretch every hour and drink a lot of water during the flight.
_____They should put on bug spray.
_____They should keep their hands clean.
_____They should sleep under a mosquito net at night in exotic countries.
_____ Travellers should visit their doctors.
_____ They should choose bottled water and eat well-cooked food.
Инструмент проверки : ключ
___2__Travellers should take a first-aid kit with them.
___5__They should choose fruit that hasn't been peeled.
___3__They should stretch every hour and drink a lot of water during the flight.
___7__They should put on bug spray.
___6__They should keep their hands clean.
___8__They should sleep under a mosquito net at night in exotic countries.
___1__ Travellers should visit their doctors.
___4__ They should choose bottled water and eat well-cooked food.