Конспект урока английского языка "Let’s be tolerant"

Конспект урока английского языка
на тему: «Lets be tolerant»
Тип урока: урок совершенствования навыков диалогической речи по теме.
Цель урока: способствование совершенствованию лексических навыков по теме «Толерантность», развитию навыков
чтения, аудирования и монологической и диалогической речи, развитие грамматических навыков по теме «Абсолютная
форма притяжательных местоимений»; формирование метапредметных связей и умений (французский язык,
обществознание); cспособствование развитию стремления быть терпимым в обществе людей, оказывать помощь людям,
воспитанию интернационализма, работе индивидуально и в парах.
Ход урока:
1.Организационный момент
T: Hello, boys and girls. I am very glad to see today. How are you today?
P: We are fine. And you?
T: Thank you, so am I. Let’s start our lesson saying compliments to each other.
Turn to each other, touch your hands and try to say some polite words to each other.
P: (You are great, you are fine, you are sociable, you are kind, you are helpful etc.)
2).Актуализация знаний. Постановка учебных задач.
T:: Thank you. What have you done? You gave compliments to each other; you have shown a respectable attitude. What is the
synonym of the respectable attitude?
P: Tolerance
T: You are right. Have a look what this term means.
Tolerance - The quality of allowing people to do or believe what they want although you do not agree with it (English dictionary)
T: Let’s read a poem and find out more new things about tolerance:
P: Let’s be tolerant
Let’s save the world
Let’s act together
For a better future
And stop the hate
The earth belongs
To us all
We don’t need wars
3) Введение нового материала:
T: Children, to understand this topic successfully we have to learn the new vocabulary. Open your books on page 131. Have a
look new words. Listen to me and repeat after me:
private privacy конфиденциальный -конфиденциальность
suffer suffering страдать - страдающий
racial racism расовый - расизм
tolerant tolerance толерантный терпимый
cruel cruelty жестокий - жестокость
equal equality равный-равенство
ethnic ethnicity этнический - этничность
protect protection защищать - защита
declare declaration объявлять- объявление
discriminate discrimination дискриминировать - дискриминация
prohibit prohibition запретить- запрет
T: These words have Latin roots, so you can find them in many European languages, including Russian and French. Having
learning these words in English , you will understand their meanings in other languages. Now try to match English words and
their French equivalents.
P: private privacy privé -confidentalité
suffer suffering souffrir - souffrant
racial racism racial-racisme
tolerant tolerance tolérant- tolérance
cruel cruelty cruel -cruauté
equal equality égale - égalité
ethnic ethnicity ethnique -ethnicité
protect protection protéger-protection
declare declaration declare declaration
discriminate discrimination discriminer -discrimination
prohibit prohibition discriminer discrimination
4.Активизация лексики в речи по теме «Толерантность»
T: Today we are speaking about tolerance. It goes without saying that tolerance is related to the concept of Human Right. Now
you can see the list of the rights. Let’s say what right good and bad up to you. Say what kinds of rights you would like to have.
to carry a gun
to get a driving license at the age of 14
to decide whom to marry
to take an active part in the government
to own a house, land, a business
to get an education
to choose to work you like
to speak freely
to choose the climate you want to live in
to be equal with other people
to be protected against religious discrimination
to know what your rights are
P: To carry a gun, to get a driving license at the age of 14 are bad rights; to own a house, land, a business, to get an education
good rights
P: I would like to have right to speak freely. I would not like to have right to carry a gun.
T: All Human Rights are registered in the document, called «The Universal Declaration of Human Rights». Let’s read what
this document is like.
P: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a document articulating fundamental rights and freedoms for all.
T: Now open your books on page 132. We are going on talking about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Let’s read
and translate the text to understand better the main idea of this document. Fill in each space with one of these words.
Protection, discriminate, discrimination, human.
In 1948, the United Nations wrote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It listed 29 different ... (1) rights. According to
the Declaration, every person has the right to speak freely, to marry whomever he / she wants, to choose the work he / she likes
and to get education. The list of human rights includes protection against cruel punishment and ... (2) against racial, ethnic,
sexual, and religious ... (3). These rights are important for people throughout the world. But in some countries, people live
without these rights. People still practice racism and ... (4) against others.
P: 1-human, 2-protection, 3-discrimination, 4-discriminate
T: Tick the human rights that were NOT mentioned in the text.
to speak freely
to get educated
to choose the work you like
to choose the climate you want to live in
to be equal with other people
to get a driving license at the age of 14
to know what your rights are
to be protected
P: The rights: to choose the climate you want to live in, to get a driving license at the age of 14
5.Тренировка навыков диалогической речи и работы в паре.
T: Work in pairs. Make a sentence. Ask your partner if she/he agrees or disagrees with it.
Everyone should have the right to ………. Do you agree?
Yes, I do
No, I don’t
“Because it conflicts with the rights of other people.”
Because it does not conflict with the rights of other people.
P: Everyone should have the right to be equal with other people Do you agree?
P: Yes, I do
T: Work in pairs. Match these sentences.
P: People should have the right to liberty. Peace will be built.
Learn to respect the rights of other people. We live in a country with many cultural
and ethnic differences.
We will prevent war. People’s right to be free must be observed.
Ours is a multinational country. Try and understand how to be tolerant.
It is essential that different countries cooperate. It’s impossible to prevent all conflicts between
Conflicts on the international level
are unavoidable. Cooperation with other countries is really
6. Повторение ранее изученного материала. Закрепление пройденного материала.
T: Let’s see the formation of absolute form of possessive pronouns.
В английском языке у каждого личного местоимения имеется соответствующее притяжательное местоимение.
Притяжательное местоимение определяет принадлежность и отвечает на вопрос whose? - чей? Притяжательные
местоимения имеют две формы. Первая (основная) форма местоимений является определением и стоит всегда перед
существительным. Абсолютная (вторая) форма местоимений заменяет само существительное (т.е. определяемое слово).
My opinion is different from your opinion.
My opinion is different from yours.
le mien/la mienne
le tien/la tienne
le sien/la sienne
le/la nôtre
le/la vôtre
le/la leur
T: Choose the correct form of pronouns in English and French
1) Tu n’as pas oublié .... argent ? – ton/le tien
2) Cette maison est aussi chouette que - votre/la vôtre
3) Claire cherche .... album. - son/le sien
4) Je n’ai pas de stylos, tu pourras me préter ton/le tien
5) Mt Internet is faster than…your/yours.
6) Their/theirs toys were on the floor.
7) Jane is watching her/hers favorite film.
8) My/ Mine relatives live far from me.
P: 1.ton, 2.la vôtre, 3.son , 4. le tien, 5. yours, 6.their, 7. her, 8.my
T: Let’s repeat the previous vocabulary. Match the synonyms from the two boxes.
to respect to be unhappy
to build liberty
to declare to create
to let happen to allow
to suffer to forbid
to discriminate to be tolerant
to disagree to announce
to support to help
to prohibit cruelty
freedom stranger
foreigner to have different values
violence to bully
T: Let’s continue. Read the text. Fill in the blanks with some of the following words. Mind the grammatical forms of the words.
Suffer, prevented, respect, happen, relation, opinion
People ... (1) when their rights are not respected.
People hoped that with the help of the Declaration, wars would be ... (2).
Peace can be made if people ... (3) human rights.
If people learn to be tolerant, wars will never ... (4).
Building peace begins in your family and in your ... (5) with friends.
We have the right to disagree with ... (6) different from ours
P: 1-suffer, 2-prevented, 3-will respect, 4-happen, 5-relations, 6-opinions
to live in prevent
People should
peace war
be tolerant
7. Развитие навыков аудирования
T: Listen to the interview two times. Who is being interviewed?
P: They a student, a politician , a housewife.
T: Rate the ideas of these people according to their importance
P: -To write laws and declarations that prohibit killing other people.
-To teach people to respect human rights.
-To organize peace forums, meetings, conferences and summits.
8. Подведение итогов, объяснение домашнего задания
Your work in the lesson was excellent. I think that now you know what tolerance is. I want to suggest you to do the
following work at home. Your task will be to write an article “Let’s be tolerant “. I believe that you have a lot of ideas on this
topic. Good bye!