Методическая разработка урока "What is tolerance? Am I tolerant? How to be tolerant?" 10-11 класс
Методическая разработка урока
по учебной дисциплине «Английский язык»
Тема: “What is tolerance? Am I tolerant? How to be tolerant?”
Разработчик: Денисенко М.В.,
преподаватель английского языка
г. Губкин
2016 г.
Тема: “What is tolerance? Am I tolerant? How to be tolerant?”
Тип урока: комбинированный
Цель урока: Обобщение знаний по теме «Права человека» и развитие языковой
компетенции обучающихся.
Задачи урока:
1. Повторить и систематизировать лексику по теме «Человек и общество»,
сформировать понятие «толерантность».
2. Развивать навык монологического высказывания, навык восприятия и
понимания речи на слух.
3. Развивать стремление быть терпимым в обществе людей, воспитывать
интернационализм, формировать целостное представление о мире, об
общих проблемах, стоящих перед человечеством в XXI веке.
Оснащение урока: компьютер, проектор, презентация Microsoft Power Point по
теме, видеоклип с песней, карточки со словами по теме.
Планируемый результат
Личностные УУД:
устанавливать связь между целью деятельности и ее результатом;
формирование уважительного отношения к культуре других народов.
Регулятивные УУД:
осуществлять саморегуляцию и самоконтроль;
оценивать правильность выполнения учебной задачи, возможности ее решения;
совместно с преподавателем и сверстниками давать оценку деятельности на
Познавательные УУД:
синтез – составление целого из частей; установление причинно-следственных
осознанное и произвольное построение речевого высказывания с
использованием плана.
Коммуникативные УУД: слушать и понимать речь преподавателя;
уметь с достаточной полнотой и точностью выражать свои мысли в
соответствии с задачами и условиями коммуникации;
планировать учебное сотрудничество с преподавателем и сверстниками;
владеть диалогической и монологической формой речи в соответствии с
грамматическими и синтаксическими нормами.
Ход урока
I.Организационный момент
Приветствие обучающихся, проверка готовности к уроку, отсутствующих,
психологический настрой на выполнение предстоящей работы.
Teacher: Good morning, students! Glad to see you! Let’s start our lesson saying
compliments to each other. Turn to each other and try to say some polite words to
each other.
Student: (You are great, you are fine, you are sociable, you are kind, you are helpful
II.Актуализация знаний. Постановка учебных задач.
T: Thank you. What was the main topic of all our lessons during this term?
Students’ answers….
T: As you remember, for all this term we have been talking about relationships of
people in society, institutions and instruments that govern these relationships, about
the ways of preventing conflicts and their peaceful resolution. Look at the screen:
“Be tolerant and you will prevent conflicts”. Translate, please. Do you agree to this
statement? In my opinion most conflicts happen because of lack of tolerance. Is it
Students’ answers …
T: What do you think about the theme of our lesson?
Students’ answers …
T: Yes, the theme of our lesson is “What is tolerance? Am I tolerant? How to be
tolerant?” What shall we do during the lesson?
Students’ answers… (преподаватель фиксирует на доске ответы обучающихся).
Now, let’s continue our lesson. I hope that by the end of this lesson you’ll
understand what tolerance is and what we must do to be tolerant. (Актуализация.
Как этот урок связан с предыдущими? Что знают, что нет? Что значит
III. Активизация лексики по теме в речи
T.: I can explain tolerance as aspiration and ability to an establishment and maintain
friendly relations with the people. The definition of a word “tolerance” in different
languages of the globe sounds differently. I’d like you to look at the screen and reed
these definitions.
S1: In Spanish language tolerance means ability to recognize indistinct from all own
idea or opinion.
S2: In French – the relation at which it is supposed that others can think or work
differently, rather than you.
S3: In English it means readiness to be tolerant, indulgent.
S4: In Chinese – to allow, to accept, to be in relation to other magnanimous.
S5: In Arabian – pardon, condescension, softness, mercy, compassion, patience.
S6: In Russian – ability to suffer something or someone (to be sustained, hardiness,
to be able to be reconciled with existence something, somebody)
T: Which of definitions you are imposed more by? Which definition do you like
Students’ answers …
IV.Развитие навыка монологического высказывания
T: Now let’s work in pairs. You need to give your understanding of the concept of
tolerance. And then one from your pair will share your opinion with us (эта работа
выполняется в парах, обучающимся необходимо дать свое понимание понятия
«толерантность». Затем один обучающийся из пары делится мнением.) So
how do you understand “tolerance?”
S1: Tolerance means to be able to put with something you disagree with.
S2: It is also means to not start an argument over something you disagree with and it
means to keep things to yourself that might hurt other people’s feelings.
S3: I think that tolerance means that everyone should respect each other
S4: We shouldn't judge people by their looks, like their colour.
S5: Tolerance is important so that people can learn to appreciate others and let them
live by their own beliefs.
S6: Tolerance means willingness to accept or allow behavior, beliefs and customs
which one does not like or agree with, without opposition.
S7: I’d like to add, tolerance is also respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich
diversity of our world’s cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human.
S8: I quite agree with you. I think that tolerance means that everyone should respect
other people. God created us all equal; so we should respect everyone in an equal
ability to recognize
indistinct from all own
idea or opinion
pardon, condescension,
softness, mercy,
compassion, patience
to allow, to accept, to be in
relation to other
the relation at which it is supposed
that others can think or work
differently, rather than you
ability to suffer something or
someone (to be sustained,
hardiness, to be able to be
reconciled with existence sth. or sb.)
readiness to be tolerant,
S9: Well, as a matter of fact, you shouldn’t judge people by their looks (the colour of
their skin and so on). Some people don’t treat others as they should. I am sure it’s a
good idea to talk about this kind of thing.
S10: Personally, I think that tolerance is harmony in difference. We are people of
different beliefs, religions. I wouldn’t like to go into details. Every person might have
his own secrets. We should find a place for tolerance deep in our hearts and live in
S11: Tolerance is above all an active attitude; you recognize the universal human
rights and fundamental freedoms of others.
S12: From my point of view, tolerance is a responsibility to live in accordance with
human rights. It is an ability to appreciate others and let them live by their own
beliefs. Tolerance is to be exercised by individuals, groups and states.
T: Thank you for your exciting and thrilling ideas. Now let’s decorate this tree of
tolerance with leaves on which you have written your main ideas.
to understand each
don’t quarrel
to live by joyful life
to respect each other
to help each other
to protect weak
to be attentive
to respect children and
elderly people
don’t forget about politeness
We shouldn’t judge people
by their looks.
to live in accordance with
human rights
to observed all rules and
V.Физкультминутка для глаз.
Т: I can see you are tired. It’s time to have a rest. Let’s make an exercise for our
Our eyes are tired, aren`t they?
Look up, look down, look right, look left, look around.
Close your eyes. One, two, three, four, five.
Open your eyes. Now we are ready to work.
VI. Развитие навыков аудирования.
T: Dear students, now we are going to listen the song “Tell me why?”. You should
watch video, listen to the song attentively and try to answer the questions of this
song. (обучающиеся смотрят клип, слушают песню, отвечают на вопросы
песни) Thank you for your answers.
VII.Совершенствование навыков устной речи,
лексических навыков.
T: Now take the cards from your desks. You see some words
and word combinations there. Let’s chose the words that are
related to “tolerant person”. (Обучающиеся берут карточки
со словами, выбирают те, которые описывают основные
черты, присущие толерантной личности. Затем представляют свои
результаты, сверяют с презентацией.)
respect others opinion, cynicism, goodwill, desire to do something together,
irritability, understanding and acceptance, keenness, inquisitiveness,
condescension, trust, misunderstanding, ignoring, courageous, considerate,
egoism, intolerance, expression of neglect, kind, unmotivated aggression,
honour, caring, devoted
T: Are you a tolerant person? How to be tolerant? What should you do?
VIII.Подведение итогов, объяснение домашнего задания
T: Your work in the lesson was excellent. I think that now you know what tolerance
is. I want to suggest you to do the following work at home. Your task will be to write
an article “Let’s be tolerant “. I believe that you have a lot of ideas on this topic.
Our lesson is over. Thanks for your work.
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