Презентация "Christmas Star the Reindeer"

Подписи к слайдам:

Christmas Star

the Reindeer


Ольга Михайловна Степанова

учитель английского языка

МБОУ «Цивильская СОШ №1

имени Героя Советского Союза

М.В. Силантьева»

города Цивильск

Чувашской Республики


Reindeer Facts Parade

for 5 – 9 Formers

Reindeer live in the Northern parts of North America including Canada and Alaska also in Europe, Russia and Greenland. Lets us not forget with Santa

at the North Pole.

Scientific Name: Rangifer Tarasndus.

Reindeer They live on tundras. A tundra is a vast flat, treeless

Arctic Region.

A reindeer can live up to 15 years in the wild.

Reindeer are herbivores meaning they are plant eaters.

They eat lichen a type of moss, grass and plants.

A reindeer mostly has different shades of brown soft fur with white fur on their neck and parts of their back. Their fur may also be gray or a rust like color.

They can weigh anywhere between 240-700 pounds.

Did you know that reindeer are the only deer in which both male and females grow antlers. They shed their antlers in the winter.

Reindeer are usually 4-5 ft tall not including their antlers. Their antlers are 3ft tall!

Reindeer antlers are actually rubbery, living masses of blood and marrow when they are growing. The antlers grown until around August, then the bone begins to harden.

Like a human’s fingerprint no two reindeer antlers are exactly the same.

Reindeer migrate, during the winter reindeer’s migrate South. During the summer they migrate North.

The trip is 1,200 miles round trip. That is one of the world’s largest migrations.

Reindeer’s have an ankle tendon which rubs over a bone causing a clicking sound when they walk.

That clicking sound helps the reindeer keep track of each other especially when they can’t see in bad weather.

Their hooves are used to dig for food in the snow. The outer edges of their hooves are sharp while help them walk on ice and rocks.

Did you know that reindeer can run 50 miles per hour!

A male reindeer is called a Buck.

A female reindeer is called a Doe.

A reindeer’s milk has more fat than cow’s milk.

A baby reindeer is called a Fawn.

A mother usually gives birth to one fawn a year but sometimes two are born.

A fawn is usually 10-11 pounds when born.

Can you name all of Santa’s Reindeer?

Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen. Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and we can’t forget Rudolph

Santa's reindeer made their first official appearance in 1823, when Clement C. Moore published the poem "The Night Before Christmas".

The Poem says that "eight tiny rein-deer" led Santa's sleigh through the night.

Some people like to leave carrots for Santa's reindeer as a special treat on Christmas Eve.

But think about leaving moss instead - that's a real reindeer's favorite food!

The End

Thank you!

Merry Christmas and

Happy New Year!

Reindeer Facts for Kids http://www.kidsplayandcreate.com/reindeer-facts-for-kids/



