Тест по чтению "Hamburger Harry" 4 класс

Тест по чтению для 4 класса Hamburger Harry” (Lesson 4)
Английский язык. Книга для чтения. 4 класс. Авторы-составители Верещагина И. Н.,
Афанасьева О. В. Москва «Просвещение» 2018
Тест составлен для развития умений и для контроля навыков чтения с извлечением
нужной информации. Тест предназначен для учащихся 4 класса, изучающих английский
язык по УМК И.Н. Верещагиной, О.В. Афанасьевой для общеобразовательных
учреждений и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка.
Инструкция для прохождения теста:
True, False or Not Stated. Put a tick () in the appropriate column.
1. People like to visit fast food restaurants very much.
2. You can visit Harry’s Hamburgers only in America.
3. Food and drinks are the same in all Harry’s restaurants.
4. Hamburger Harry restaurants give parties in hospitals.
5. Hamburger Harry teaches children not to throw litter in the
6. Sometimes Hamburger Harry comes to the party with balloons
and flowers.
7. Harry’s uniform has 3 colours.
8. Children sing songs, play games and draw in Harry’s
9. Parents enjoy the parties because they don’t have to cook.
10. Children pay the bill in Hamburger Harry’s restaurants.
True, False or Not Stated. Put a tick () in the appropriate column.
1. People like to visit fast food restaurants very much.
2. You can visit Harry’s Hamburgers only in America.
3. Food and drinks are not the same in all Harry’s restaurants.
4. Hamburger Harry restaurants give parties in hospitals.
5. Hamburger Harry teaches children not to throw litter in the
6. Sometimes Hamburger Harry comes to the party with balloons
and flowers.
7. Harry’s uniform has 3 colours.
8. Children sing songs, play games and draw in Harry’s
9. Parents enjoy the parties because they don’t have to cook the
10. Children pay the bill in Hamburger Harry’s restaurants.
Комментарий к ответам:
1. True. Today fast food restaurants are very popular.
2. False. There are about 5,000 Harry’s Hamburgers in different countries.
3. False. The food is the same everywhere. In London, New York or Paris people eat the same
hamburgers and drink the same drinks.
4. Not Stated.
5. True. Harry teaches children about litter. “And don’t throw my bags away in the street.”
6. False. Hamburger Harry sometimes comes to the party with a bag of presents and a big
birthday cake.
7. True. Hamburger Harry’s uniform is green, red and yellow and he wears two big badges.
8. Not Stated.
9. True. Their parents enjoy the party too because they don’t prepare the tables and they don’t
cook the food.
10. False. Parents don’t have to clean the restaurant after the party. All they do is pay the bill.