Урок английского языка "The Great Patriotic war" 10 класс

Филиал МОБУ СОШ с. Ефремкино СОШ им.М.М. Шаймуратова
с. Шаймуратово муниципального района Кармаскалинский район
Республики Башкортостан
Урок английского языка в 10-ом классе по теме
“The Great Patriotic war”
Разработала: Каримова Гузяль Сабирьяновна,
учитель английского языка
с. Шаймуратово Каримаскалинского района
Республики Башкортостан
Шаймуратово, 2019 г.
Пояснительная записка
Данная методическая разработка представляет собой урок английского
языка. Урок рассчитан на обучающихся 9 11 классов средней
общеобразовательной школы. Урок содержит краеведческий материал из
школьного исторического музея средней общеобразовательной школы им.
М.М. Шаймуратова с. Шаймуратово муниципального района Кармаскалинский
район Республики Башкортостан.
Цели урока:
образовательная расширение знаний учащихся по теме «Великая
Отечественная война»;
практическая – активизация лексической и грамматической базы у обучаемых
по теме «Великая Отечественная война»; создание условий для применения
полученных знаний на практике при работе над кратким выступлением;
развивающая - развитие у учащихся навыка самостоятельного добывания
знаний для повышения уровня владения языком; совершенствование
коммуникативных и речевых навыков через монологическую и диалогическую
воспитательная воспитание чувства патриотизма, гордости за свой родной
край; воспитание уважительного отношения к ветеранам войны.
Сопутствующие задачи урока:
1. развитие у учащихся навыков чтения с пониманием основного содержания
2. совершенствование у учащихся умения участвовать в коллективных формах
работы на основе методики сотрудничества;
3. развитие межпредметной связи с историей.
Оборудование и ТСО: магнитофон, аудиокассета с записью музыки к песне
«Шаймуратов генерал», компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, текст о
Великой Отечественной войне с вопросами.
План урока:
I. Начало урока.
1. Приветствие.
2. Цели урока.
3. Речевая зарядка.
II. Центральная часть урока.
1. Чтение текста с извлечением основного содержания.
2. Ответы на вопросы к тексту.
3. Составление предложений с новой лексикой.
4. Проверка творческих заданий учащихся на темы:
«Биография М.М. Шаймуратова»;
«Школьный музей»;
«Мои впечатления от экскурсии в музей 112-ой Башкирской кавалерийской
«Празднование 110-ой годовщины со дня рождения М.М. Шаймуратова»
(рассказы с презентацией)
III. Заключительная часть урока.
1. Подведение итогов.
2. Исполнение песни «Шаймуратов – генерал».
Ход урока.
I. 1.Greetings.
T.: Good morning, students. I’m glad to tell you that our lesson will be devoted to the
anniversary of the Great Victory over nazism and fascism. On History lessons
you have already spoken about the Great Patriotic war. The Victory went down in
history as the most important achievement of all peace and freedom loving people of
the world.
2. Warm-up activity.
Answer my questions!
- When did the Great Patriotic war start?
- When did the Great Patriotic war finish?
- Can you tell the names of the hero-cities?
- Have you ever read any books about this war?
- What books have you read?
- Do you know any heros from our republic?
- How many war veterans live in our village?
II. 1. Working with the new words and word combinations from the text. Pupils
make their own sentences using new lexical material.
Blitzkrieg The Soviet authorities
the Soviet Union counterattack
the Great Patriotic war to hold the initiative
World War II epochal
harsh weather Soviet frontiers
Eastern Europe bands of partisans
2. Scan the text about the Great Patriotic war.
The German blitzkrieg, known as Operation Barbarossa, nearly succeeded in
breaking the Soviet Union in the months that followed. Caught unprepared, the
Soviet forces lost whole armies and vast quantities of equipment in the first weeks of
the war. By November the German army had seized the Ukrainian Republic, besieged
Leningrad, the Soviet Union's second largest city, and threatened Moscow itself. The
Great Patriotic War began, as the Soviet Union and then Russia have called that
phase of World War II.
By the end of 1941, however, the German forces had lost their momentum. German
movements were restricted by harsh winter weather, attacks from bands of partisans.
At the same time, the Red Army, after recovering from the initial blow, launched its
first counterattacks against the invaders in December. The Soviet authorities moved
thousands of factories and their key personnel from the war zone to the interior of the
country where the plants began producing war materiel.
In the first half of 1942 the German army won a number of victories in the
Ukrainian Republic, Crimea, and southern Russia. Then German forces attempted to
capture the city of Stalingrad (present-day Volgograd) to gain control of the lower
Volga River region. Here Soviet forces led by General Georgiy Zhukov surrounded
the German attackers and forced their surrender in February 1943.
After Stalingrad the Soviet Union held the initiative for the rest of the war. By the
end of 1943 the Red Army had broken through the German siege of Leningrad and
recaptured much of the Ukrainian Republic. By the end of 1944, the front had moved
beyond the 1939 Soviet frontiers into Eastern Europe. Soviet forces drove into
eastern Germany, capturing Berlin in May 1945. The war with Germany ended
triumphantly for the Soviet Union.
But this victory came at a high cost. 20 million Soviet soldiers and civilians
perished in the war.
3. Аnswer the questions!
- What is “Operation Barbarossa”?
- Why was the war with Germany called the Great Patriotic war?
- Why did Soviet forces lose whole armies and vast quantities of equipment in
the first weeks of the war?
- Why did German forces want to capture the city of Stalingrad?
- When did Soviet forces surround the German attackers?
- Why was the Stalingrad battle an epochal event?
- What is the present-day name of Stalingrad?
- Why did people in the occupied territories become the partisans?
4. Speaking ( one of the pupils shows the presentations).
Teacher: We are the countrymen of the legendary general Minnigali Shaymuratov. I
would like yout to tell about him.
Pupil 1: Minnigali Shaymuratov was born on the 15
August 1899. He was born
in a poor family in the village Bishtyaki in Karmaskalinskiy district. At the age of 11
Minnigali began to work. He had been working as a farm-hand in his village for two
years. At the same time he went to school. But he studied only three or four months
each year.
From 1913 till 1918 he served as a docker on the steamer "The Ural". On the
of June 1919 Shaymuratov joined the Red Army. From this time his life was
connected with the Military Forces.
From 1919 till 1922 our countryman was at the Civil war. After the Civil war
he studied at the Military schools in Kazan, Tambov and Moscow. He also graduated
from the Frunse Military academy. Minnigali Mingasovich was a Military attache
first in Turkey then in China. In China he also worked as a teacher at Kanton
Military school. He knew German and Chinese very well.
From the 15
of December 1941 Shaymuratov was the commander of the
Bashkir Cavalry division. He was killed on the 23
February 1943 near the
village Shterovka in Voroshilovgradskiy district.
Teacher: A lot of pupils and grown-ups visit our school museum. Now
imagine that we have guests from an English-speaking country. What can you tell
them about the school museum?
Pupil 2: We are proud of our countryman. In 1964 a monument to
Shaymuratov was set in the village park. The monument was made by Boris Fuseyev,
a Bashkort sculptor. Olga Pavlovna Shaymuratova, Minnigali Mingasovich’s wife,
took part in the opening of the monument.
Our school museum was opened in September 1972. The veterans of the
Bashkir Cavalry division and the headmaster of the school Nazir
Murzabayevich Kulbachtin had worked hard to open it. It became popular at once.
The visitors learn about the fighting way of the 112
Bashkir Cavalry division,
about its commander, warriors. Here one can see the photos of Shaymuratovs
relatives. Oktyabrina Minnigaleyevna Shaymuratova came to the village during
the celebration of 90
anniversary of her father’s birthday in 1989. In ten years the
president of Republic of Bashkortostan Murtaza Gubaydullovich Rakhimov was an
honourary guest in our home village because we celebrated the 100
anniversary of
the general’s birthday.
Teacher: Last year you visited the museum of the 112
Bashkir Cavalry
division in Dyoma. What new information did you learn and see?
Pupil 3: First of all, Ive got to know that museum is bigger than ours. The guide told us
about the fighting way of the Bashkir Cavalry division, about exhibits of the museum.
The museum is decorated with two panoramas of battles with wax figures of fighters. We
saw Belov’s uniform , the banner of the division, a bag-tablet of the officer, trophies. We
also saw Shaymuratov’s Russian-Chinese and Russian- English vocabularies.
Teacher: Who wants to tell about the celebration in our village on the 12th of
September 2009?
Pupil 4: On this day we celebrated the 110
anniversary of Shaymuratov’s birthday. The
minister of culture and national policy of Republic of Bashkortostan Ildus Ilishev took part
in this memorable action. The visitors assigned flowers to the generals bust, visited our
museum, planted an avenue of trees near the school. Shaymuratov’s nephew Askhat
Gadelshin presented their family-tree.
The museum of the 112
Bashkir Cavalry division, the National library named after
Akhmet-Zaki Validi, the military-historical club «Northern cupids » organized a
remarkable show: the military-historical reconstruction Baptism of fire of the 112
Bashkir Cavalry division: September, 1942”. The participants of the reconstruction tried
to reflect the battle very authentically. The role of Shaymuratov was acted by the head of
the Northern cupids” Ildar Shayakhmetov.
III. Teacher: Thank you, students. I’m satisfied with your work. You’ve got good
marks and I think you’ve enjoyed our lesson today. At the end of it I want you to sing
the song “Shaymuratov general.
Bashkir units charged an attack
To protect their Motherland.
And in front of on the horseback
Shaymuratov - general.
He was fearless and strong-willed.
Never thought to put to flight.
In the fight was mortally- wounded,
Left alone his lovely bride.
We'll remember Shaymuratov
Being sat on foamy horse.
We are proud of Shaymuratov.
What a war-worn man he was!
Teacher: The lesson is over. Good-bye.
1. Башкортостан: краткая энциклопедия. Уфа: научное издательство
«Башкирская энциклопедия», 1996.
2. Журнал «Башкортостан уkытыусы», № 2, 2008.
3. Журнал «Иностранные языки в школе», №5, 2007.
4. Кульшарипов М.М. История Башкортостана: XX век. Учебник для 9 кл.
Уфа: Китап, 2005 г.
5. Шестаков В.А. История Отечества, XX век. Учебник для 9 класса
общеобразовательных учреждений. М.: Просвещение, 2000.