Технологическая карта урока "В какой школе учиться лучше общеобразовательной, школе-интернате, предпочесть обучение на дому или…"

Технологическая карта урока
Предмет: _____ английский язык____________________________________
Класс ______9___________________
Базовый учебник :_ «Английский язык. 9 класс» авторы Кузовлев В.П.,
Перегудова Э.Ш., издательство М:«Просвещение», 2016____
Тема урока:__ «В какой школе учиться лучше: общеобразовательной,
школе-интернате, предпочесть обучение на дому или…
Механизм создания мотивационного поля: проблемная ситуация
Формы организации работы: групповая, фронтальный опрос,
индивидуальные задания
Планируемые результаты учебного занятия:
- личностные: - формирование коммуникативной компетентности в
общении и сотрудничестве со сверстниками.
- метапредметные: умение работать в группе, строить логические
рассуждения, умозаключения, уметь адекватно и осознано использовать
речевые средства в соответствии с задачей коммуникации
- предметные: развивать умения систематизировать знания и на их основе
составлять собственное монологическое высказывание.
Цель урока: формирование умения монологического высказывания о
школе, формирование лингво-культурной компетенции учащихся.
1.Ход урока.
1. Приветственное слово учителя. Организационный момент.
Teacher: (делятся на группы) Good morning, dear friends. I’m glad to see you
.Today we have many guests at our lesson, let’s greet them. So, how are you
feeling today? And now, I offer you to say hello with a help of the song. You have
the copies, here are “bread and butter”, the hello song.(Приложение 1) And
now we’ll start.
2. Чтение письма
(В кабинет входит почтальон и говорит на английском языке, что у
него письмо из Британии)
Teacher: Our lesson I’d like to study with the letter from Britain. This letter is
from Martin. He is a British pupil. Let’s read it. (слайд 1) (Приложение 2)
3.Активизация лексики по теме
Let’s remember the types of schools in Russia (слайд 2) перечисляют типы
школ на экране.
Do the Russian and English systems of education are similar?
Do you know that British pupils have an opportunity to choose where to study: at
school or at home. Teens have different opinions about where to study.
How do you think, what are we going to talk about? (называют тему, цели урока)
(слайд 3)
4.Подготовка к просмотру видеофильма.
Teacher: I want you to show a film about schools in Britain. But before watching
the film, look at some words at the board.
GCSE examination independent The John Mason School
‘A’ level exam a boarding school
Teacher: After the watching, you do some tasks, that’s why be very attentively
and try to remember as much as possible.
First of all pay attention to these numbers. What information do they stand for?
5.Просмотр видеосюжета.(4 слайд)
Teacher: Now we are ready to start.Начинают смотреть фильм. Сюжет
начинается с вопросов, которые адресованы зрителю: «Do you go to school on
Saturdays?, Do you wear a uniform?, Do you like school?». Отвечают на
6.Работа по заданиям после просмотра фильма.
Task 1. What do these numbers stand for?(устно)
At 11 students go to a secondary school.
30% of students leave school at the age of sixteen. 20% - go to universities.
School starts at 9 am.
There are usually about 22 students in a secondary school class.
In Britain 92% of schools are state schools which are free.
Task 2. True/ false statement. Put ‘T’ if the statement is true, ‘F’ if it is wrong.
(Задание на карточках, работают индивидуально) (Приложение 3)
(5 слайд)
Students go to secondary school at the age of 12.
50 % of British students leave school at 16.
The most popular foreign language to study is German.
All students go home for lunch.
They do different after-school activities.
Students wear a uniform in all schools.
Parents have to pay for their children’s education.
Teacher: I think you’re tired, let’s have a rest.
11 30% 20% 9 am
22 92%
7.Физминутка для глаз (6 слайд) (под музыку с выключенным проектором
повторяют движения глаз), физминутку проводит один из учеников.
Look left, look right
Look up, look down
Look around
Look at your nose
Look at this rose
Close your eyes
Open, wink and smile
8. Чтение с целью извлечения конкретной информации
Teacher: Your home task was to read and translate three texts about types of
schools in Britain. (SB- p.100-101) Here are some students’ opinions about what
school is better to study at and answer the questions what schools Matt, Caroline
and Andrea go to. Why do the children like their school?
Teacher: Here are 4 questions, 1 question for each group. Find the information in
the text and answer the question. (7 слайд)
The first group’s question-What is unsual in each type of school? (8 слайд)
The second group’s question-Why do children like to study in such type of school?
(9 слайд)
The third group’s question- What is the main disadvantage of school? (10 слайд)
The fourth group’s question- What interesting activities are there in each school?
(11 слайд) (Приложение 4) (делят в группе между собой обязанности, кто за
какой текст отвечает, кто будет читать ответы)
Teacher: What group will be the first? Who will answer? Let’s check up that you
have written.
9.Заключительный этап. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов урока
And now, I’d like to know your opinion about what school is better to study at?
Would you like to study at home, at boarding school or at comprehensive school?
And what is your school like? What opportunities do you have?
You will have some minutes to think it over? (продолжают предложения,
высказывая свое мнение)
Учитель организует рефлексию, побуждая детей высказать свое мнение,
задавая вопросы, и организует оценивание. (Приложение 5) (Слайд 12)
Задает домашнее задание по выбору.(выбрать любой вопрос и ответить на
него используя аргументы)
1. Would you like to choose only the subjects you want to study? What
subjects would you choose?
2. Do you want to learn practical skills or traditional academic skills?
3. Would you like to go to a private school?
4. Would you like to study abroad?
5. Should teachers give you homework? Is it necessary?
6. What out-of-school activities would you like to have?
Приложение 1
Note: Don’t clap on the word “Hello” at the end of each verse.
1. Bread and Butter Hello Song
Bread and butter,
Marmalade and jam,
Let’s say hello
As quietly as we can.
Hello! (Say quietly)
Bread and butter,
Marmalade and jam,
Let’s say hello
As loud as we can.
Hello! (Say loudly)
Bread and butter,
Marmalade and jam,
Let’s say hello
As quickly as we can.
Hello! (Say very quickly)
Bread and butter,
Marmalade and jam,
Let’s say hello
As slowly as we can.
Hello! (Say very slowly)
Приложение 2
Текст отрывка письма
….As I have said our school system is one of the most complicated in Europe. I
started school at 5 in a primary school. At the age of 7 I went to junior school. We
had set periods of arithmetic, reading and composition. History, Geography,
Nature Study, Art, Music and PE were also in the timetable. Now I am 11 and I am
going to take 11+ exam. After this exam I can go to grammar school, boarding
private school, comprehensive school or be home-educated. I do not know what
school is better. What is your school like? What school is better to study at? What
opportunities do you have?.....
Приложение 3
Task 2. True/ false statement. Put ‘T’ if the statement is true, ‘F’ if it is wrong.
Students go to secondary school at the age of 12.
50 % of British students leave school at 16.
The most popular foreign language to study is German.
All students go home for lunch.
They do different after-school activities.
Parents have to pay for their children’s education.
Приложение 4
What is unusual in each type of school?
Home schooling
Boarding school
Why do children like to study in such type of school?
Home schooling
Boarding school
What is the main disadvantage of school?
Home schooling
Boarding school
What interesting activities are there in each school?
Home schooling
Boarding school
Приложение 5
I’d like (wouldn’t) to attend…
I think…
The only thing I don’t like is…
I go to…
There are…
Note: Don’t clap on the word “Hello” at the end of each verse.
1. Bread and Butter Hello Song
Bread and butter,
Marmalade and jam,
Let’s say hello
As quietly as we can.
Hello! (Say quietly)
Bread and butter,
Marmalade and jam,
Let’s say hello
As loud as we can.
Hello! (Say loudly)
Bread and butter,
Marmalade and jam,
Let’s say hello
As quickly as we can.
Hello! (Say very quickly)
Bread and butter,
Marmalade and jam,
Let’s say hello
As slowly as we can.
Hello! (Say very slowly)
Bread and butter,
Marmalade and jam,
Let’s say hello
As high as we can.
Hello! (Say in a high-pitched voice)
Bread and butter,
Marmalade and jam,
Let’s say hello
As low as we can.
Hello! (Say in a deep-pitched voice)