Контрольная работа по английскому языку 4 класс за 1 четверть (RainbowEnglish О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева)

Контрольная работа № 1 4 класс (RainbowEnglish О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева)
1.Вставь в пропуски doили does, чтобы закончить вопросы.
1._________you have friends at school?
2. Where _______John Finn swim?
3. _______they have brothers or sisters.
4. Why ________Sally often watch old films?
5. What books _______your cousin like to read?
2.Используй соответствующие слова из рамки, чтобы закончить вопросы:
What, When, Where, Why, Who
1. _______does she drink milk?- In the evening.
2. _______do you see by the lake?-Mr Webster.
3. _________books does he like to read?-English and Russian books.
4. _______do they go in the morning?-To school.
5. _______does she watch old films?-She likes them.
3.Соотнеси русские и английские словосочетания.
1. Собаки моей дочери
2. Собаки моих дочерей
3. Пианино двоюродного брата
4. Пианино двоюродных братьев
5. Цвет птицы
6. Цвет птиц
1. The bird`s colour
2. My daughter`s dogs
3. The birds` colour
4. My cousin`s piano
5. My daughters` dogs
6. My cousins` piano
1. ________2.___________3. _________4._________5.____________6.________
4.Прочитай текст и обведи номера неверных предложений после него.
Hi! I` m Linda Parson. I`m from London. I have a family. It is not big. I have a husband anf a
daughter. We are good friends. My husband is not at work at the weekend. We are together in our
house. We often watch television and listen to music.
1. Linda is from Australia.
2. Linda`s family is big.
3. Linda has a son.
4. Linda and her husband are at their house at the weekend.
5. Linda`s husband doesn`t go to work on Sundays and on Saturdays.
5.Напиши слова, данные в транскрипции, и переведи их.
[kʌm] _____________________________ [dres] ___________________________
[bi`gin] ____________________________ [`a:ftə]___________________________
[həʊm] ____________________________ [lʌntʃ] ___________________________
[teik] ______________________________ [`finiʃ] __________________________
[`brekfəst] __________________________ [wɒʃ] ___________________________
6. Вставь в предложения нужную форму глагола to be (am /is are).
1) My friend ______riding a bike.
2) They ________counting.
3) You ________ playing games.
4) Sue _______driving a car.
5) I _______drinking tea.