Тест "Future Perfect vs. Future Perfect Continuous"

Future Perfect vs. Future Perfect Continuous
1. Для обозначения каких действий употребляются будущее совершённое и будущее совершённое
продолженное времена? Каково формообразование данных времён?
2. Раскройте скобки:
1. I (not/finish) the report by Monday, and it’s needed for Monday morning.
2. She (write) for ten years.
3. When I get home tonight I (drive) for fourteen hours non-stop.
4. On our next wedding anniversary we (be married) for twenty-five years.
5. When I retire I (work) for forty years.
6. After ten years she (write) 100 pages.
7. By the end of this month we (learn) this language for five years.
8. When my daughter goes to school we (live) here for over five years.
9. (You/translate) this letter by 6 o’clock this afternoon?
10. I (not/learn) the lesson by tomorrow.
11. They will be painting the fence. If we arrive at 8.30, they (paint) it for 3 hours at least.
12. (You/make) this doll by her birthday?
Future Perfect vs. Future Perfect Continuous
1. Для обозначения каких действий употребляются будущее совершённое и будущее совершённое
продолженное времена? Каково формообразование данных времён?
2. Раскройте скобки:
1. I (not/finish) the report by Monday, and it’s needed for Monday morning.
2. She (write) for ten years.
3. When I get home tonight I (drive) for fourteen hours non-stop.
4. On our next wedding anniversary we (be married) for twenty-five years.
5. When I retire I (work) for forty years.
6. After ten years she (write) 100 pages.
7. By the end of this month we (learn) this language for five years.
8. When my daughter goes to school we (live) here for over five years.
9. (You/translate) this letter by 6 o’clock this afternoon?
10. I (not/learn) the lesson by tomorrow.
11. They will be painting the fence. If we arrive at 8.30, they (paint) it for 3 hours at least.
12. (You/make) this doll by her birthday?
Future Perfect vs. Future Perfect Continuous
1. Для обозначения каких действий употребляются будущее совершённое и будущее совершённое
продолженное времена? Каково формообразование данных времён?
2. Раскройте скобки:
1. I (not/finish) the report by Monday, and it’s needed for Monday morning.
2. She (write) for ten years.
3. When I get home tonight I (drive) for fourteen hours non-stop.
4. On our next wedding anniversary we (be married) for twenty-five years.
5. When I retire I (work) for forty years.
6. After ten years she (write) 100 pages.
7. By the end of this month we (learn) this language for five years.
8. When my daughter goes to school we (live) here for over five years.
9. (You/translate) this letter by 6 o’clock this afternoon?
10. I (not/learn) the lesson by tomorrow.
11. They will be painting the fence. If we arrive at 8.30, they (paint) it for 3 hours at least.
12. (You/make) this doll by her birthday?