Разработка урока по английскому языку "В. Шекспир" 9 класс

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Средняя школа № 21 города Макеевки»
Разработка урока
для учащихся 9-х классов
по английскому языку
Тема: «В.Шекспир»
учитель английского языка
Петренко Инна Михайловна
William Shakespeare
«Шекспир не умрет,
Ибо его имя высечено
На камне под названием
Джордж Байрон
(слайд 1)
Цель урока:
учить учащихся читать вслух, совершенствуя навыки произношения и
соответствующую интонацию;
развивать способность логически мыслить, воображать, вступать в
воспитывать позитивное отношение к литературному наследию других
народов, любовь к чтению печатного слова.
Оборудование: проектор, экран, презентация биографических данных и
произведений Шекспира, иллюстративный материал.
Ход урока
I. A talk with the pupils on duty
II. Teacher: I`d like to begin our lesson with such lines on W. Shakespeare:
Нуждается ль, покинув этот мир,
В труде каменотесов мой Шекспир,
Чтоб в пирамиде, к звездам обращенной,
Таится прах, веками освященный?
Наследник славы, для грядущих дней
Не просишь ты свидетельства камней.
Ты памятник у каждого из нас
Воздвиг в душе, которую потряс.
К позору нерадивого искусства
Твои стихи текут, волнуя чувства,
И в памяти у нас из книг твоих
Оттиснут навсегда дельфийский стих.
Воображенье наше до конца
Пленив и в мрамор, превратив сердца,
Ты в них покоишься.
Все короли такую честь бы жизни предпочли.
Джон Мильтон, 1630г.
Перевод С.Я. Маршака.
William Shakespeare. The greatest English poet and dramatist, was born
on about April the 23
1564 in Stratford upon Avon, in England. Stratford is a
small country town. At that time it was a market town. The Avon is a pretty river
with grass and trees along its banks. (2слайд)
Not much is known of Shakespeare`s father, John Shakespeare. He was
one of the town officers and a dealer in corn, meat. (3слайд)
The poet`s mother Mary Arden was a daughter of a rich farmer. William`s
father and mother lived in a well-built house. The house is still standing. It is now
a museum. (4слайд)
William was born here in a small room. (5слайд)
Very little is known about the life of William, about his early years. For several
years he went to school in Stratford. He was sent to school at the age of 7. He
studied there for six years. Besides reading and writing he was taught Latin and
Greek. (6слайд)
In 1577 John Shakespeare fell into debt and had to sell the larger part of his
property. William was taken from school and had to help his father in the trade. He
never went to school again.
- What he did between his fourteenth and eighteenth year is not
known. We know nothing about these five years.
In 1582 Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway (7 слайд). She was eight
years older than her husband. It is said that the marriage was not a happy one. On
May the 26-
1583 their daughter Susanna was born and in February of 1585 their
twins were born (8-9 слайд). W. Shakespeare lived in Stratford unit he was about
twenty-one when he left for London in 1586. During the first years of his life in
London Shakespeare`s life was difficult. Later he became an actor and soon began
to write plays. Many of his plays were acted in a London theatre called the Globe.
Without friends, without money, he became known as a writer only in 1593.
There is a story that when Shakespeare reached London he went straight to
the theatre to get work there and that finding nothing better to do, he began by
holding the horses of the rich gentlemen who came to see the plays. It is said that
later he called out the names of the actors and after a time was given a small part to
act. But soon he showed that he could change old plays and made them into
something different and better. Then he began to write plays himself.
It all he was the author of over thirty plays, two poems and 154 sonnets.
The Globe was opened to the public in 1599.
- Playhouses first appeared in England in queen Elizabeth`s reign (10 cлайд). A
playhouse which was called the Theatre was erected by Burbage in 1576
( James Burbage was a carpenter and then became an actor).
(11 слайд) The Globe was erected near the river. The pit was open to the sky and
the performance depended upon the weather. Flags were hoisted when a play was
given but if the weather suddenly changed the flags were pulled down and the
performance didn`t take play.
On Thursdays there was no play-acting; it was forbidden by the queen, who was
enjoyed bear baiting and cock-fighting. In the summer of 1613 the Globe caught
fire during the performance of a play and was burnt to the ground. The old
foundation of the building had not been injured and the new Globe was erected (12
Shakespeare made London his home. But he often visited Stratford where
his family lived. He bought the largest house in his native town in 1597, paid his
father`s debts. He spent the last years of his life mostly in Stratford. W.
Shakespeare died on April 23-
1616 at the age of 52 and was buried in a fine old,
Parish Church at Stratford (13слайд). On his grave one can see the following
Yood friend for Jesus sake forbeare
To dig the dust encloased heare:
Blese be ye man yt spares thes stones,
And curst be he yt moves my bones.
(14 слайд).
Добрый друг! Христа ради
Не беспокой прах, который заключен здесь.
Благословен будь, кто пощадит эти камни,
Проклят, будь тот, кто пошевелит мои кости.
- It was written by an unknown poet, but there lines give Shakespeare`s own
request. That is why Shakespeare`s body was left at Stratford and wasn`t
taken to West-minster Abby where many famous English writers and poets
were buried (15 слайд).
in 1740, 124 years after William`s death, Memorial Statue to him was
erected in Poet`s Corner in Westminster Abbey. Many centuries have passed since
his death, but Shakespeare is still considered to be the greatest of all playwrighters
and poets. Written more than 400 years ago, his plays are still read and acted in the
whole world. The wit and sayings of the English people English folklore and
London life and manners all may be found in Shakespeare`s works.
«- He was not for an age
Bat for all times» (Ben Jonson, 1572-1637)
Quotations from Shakespeare
Cowards die many times before their
deaths/Трусы умирают много раз, прежде, чем
умереть совсем.
A friend should bear his friend
infirmities/Человек должен относиться терпимо
к недостаткам своего друга.
A good heart`s worth gold/Доброе сердце
ценится на вес золота.
Men of few words are the best men/Лучшие
люди те, кто мало говорит.
Though it be honest it is never good to bring bad
news/Сообщать плохие новости хоть и честно,
но всегда плохо.
Vows made in storm forgotten in calm/Клятвы
данные в бурю, забываются в тихую погоду.
Suspicion always haunts the guilty
mind/Подозрительность всегда преследует тех,
чья совесть отягощена виной.
Wise never sit and wait their loss, but cheerfully
seek how to redress their harms/Мудрые люди
никогда не сидят и не оплакивают свои потери,
а бодро ищут пути возмещения ущерба.
Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown/Не
знает сна лишь государь один Но нет покоя
голове в венце (Пастернак).
Lawless are they that make their wills their
law/Преступны те, кто обращает свои желания
в закон. (16-17 слайд)