План конспект урока "Мой дом" 9 класс

План конспект урока английского языка в 4 класса
Тема: «Мой дом»
Место в системе уроков: урок 9
Коммуникативная ситуация урока: «Ключ от королевства»
Цель урока: совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков по теме «Мой дом».
Задачи урока:
закрепить лексические навыки по теме «Мой дом/ квартира»;
–развивать навык чтения, грамматические навыки (тренировать правильное употребление в
речи сравнительной степени имени прилагательных; конструкции There is/ there are в
утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях);
–формировать познавательную активность учащихся;
расширять культурологические знания.
Оснащение урока:
- Английский язык. 4 класс. Учебник часть 2. Авторы: Лапицкая Л. М., Калишевич А. И.,
Севрюкова Т. Ю., Седунова Н. М.
- Английский язык. 4 класс. Рабочая тетрадь часть 2. Авторы: Лапицкая Л. М., Калишевич А.
И., Севрюкова Т. Ю., Седунова Н. М.
- карточки с новой лексикой
- ключ, корзина, цветы
- карточки с дополнительными лексическими и грамматическими заданиями
My house
Lesson 9 “The key of the kingdom”
Aim: to develop lexical and grammatical skills on the topic of “My house
-to consolidate lexical skills on the topic “My house”
- to develop listening and reading skills, grammatical skills (to train the correct use in speech: of the
comparative degree of the name of adjectives; There are / there constructions in affirmative, negative and
interrogative sentences
- to form cognitive activity of students
- to expand culturological knowledge
Lesson equipment:
- English. 4th grade. Textbook part 2. Authors: Lapitskaya L.M., Kalishevich A.I., Sevryukova T.
Yu., Sedunova N.M.
- English. 4th grade. Workbook Part 2. Authors: Lapitskaya L.M., Kalishevich A.I., Sevryukova T.
Yu., Sedunova N.M.
- cards with the new vocabulary
- key, basket, flowers
- cards with additional lexical and grammatical tasks
Lesson plan
Stages of the
Didactical task
The content of the
lesson phase
Pupils activity
I. Organizing
Preparing pupils for the
lesson, stating the theme
of the lesson, the goals,
the formation of
Speech Warm-up
Greet Teacher
Make sentences with the words in the
II. Phonetic
Control and activation of
vocabulary on the topic
and grammar
Phonetic workout
Checking homework
Pupils remember the words:
Bathroom, table, board, chair, carpet,
bath, table, kitchen, bedroom, room,
radio, lamp and ect.
pupils present their projects
III. Listening,
reading, and
Motivate the need to read
the text
check understanding of the
new words
Talking with pupils
before listening/
reading the text
Pre-listening stage
listen, repeat and read the words
answer the questions
improve listening skills
improve reading skills
Reading the text of
the poem
pupils listen the poem and do pre-
listening task: children look at the
pictures and choose which room is
described in the poem
after that, they read the poem “one by
then shared reading (group 1 read
full sentences, group 2 short
IV. Moving
writing the active dictation
Active workout
pupils write the active dictation
V. Workbook
check understanding of the
To check up as children
have remembered the text
of poem
check learning the new
Post-reading stage
pupils place cards with words on the
board from “big” to “small”
pupils say the poem
pupils do exercise on the cards
VI. Round-up
check the knowledge of
children at the end of the
to explain the marks for
the lesson
Summing up the
Marking out
pupils answer teacher’s questions
VII. Homework
to explain homework
VIII. Reflection
check the emotional state
of pupils at the end of the
Checking the
emotional state
pupils do the teacher’s task