Открытый урок "По дороге в школу. (Учимся объяснять маршрут)" 7 класс

Открытый урок английского языка
«Учитель года 2017»
Учитель: Кадырова Г.А. Класс: 7б
По дороге в школу. (Учимся объяснять маршрут)
Цель урока: развитие коммуникативных умений в говорении: диалогическая
речь (диалог- расспрос), овладение умением запрашивать и сообщать
фактическую информацию.
1. Учебный аспект:
закрепление употребления в речи предлогов направления, развитие
навыков аудирования;
развитие умения ориентироваться в городе по фрагменту плана и
описывать маршрут, используя необходимую лексику и прослушанный
2. Развивающий аспект:
развитие речевых и языковых способностей, памяти, внимания,
восприятия и воображения;
развитие умения оставлять маршрута по карте.
3. Воспитательный аспект:
воспитание культуры общения, уважительного отношения друг к
другу, развития умения слушать друг друга;
поддержание интереса к изучению английского языка
Оборудование: проектор, раздаточный материал, аудиозапись, видеосюжет,
карточки с текстом, карта города, схемы, таблицы.
Ход у р о к а :
I. Организационный момент: - Good day, boys and girls! Sit down, please.
I am glad to see you! My name is G.A. I am your teacher for your lesson today.
How are you? Are you ready to start our lesson? (слайд 1)
2) Постановка учебной задачи: -Now, watch а video and try to answer my
questions: What are the people speaking about? What we are going to talk about
today? (слайд 2)
-You have watched the video and now answer my questions, please.
-Say what we are going to do? (определение целей и задач урока, презентация,
слайд 3)
-You are right. The topic of our lesson is «On the Way to school » (слайд 4)
Today we will listen, translate, read and of course, speak how to ask the way and
explain the way in the street.
II. Фонетическаяразминка: -Listen to the poem and repeat them after
me.Who wants to translate this poem? Who wants to read? Thank you. (cлайд 5)
Stop! Look! Listen!
Before you cross the street.
Use your eyes, use your ears,
And then use your feet!
III. Речеваяразминка:-I'd like to ask you some questions.
(cлайд 6)
- Do you go to school every day?
- How long does it take you to get to school?
- Is your school far from your house?
- How do you get to school?
- Do you go to school by yourself or with any of your classmates?
- Thank for you work. It was great!
IV. Активизация орфографических и фонетических навыков: -You have
learnt some prepositions. Match the word combinations with these words, please.
Let's read these words all together. (слайд 7)
V. Формирование навыков аудирования: - Let's listen to the dialogue and find
out what it is about. What prepositions will be there? Good. It’s time to repeat
some phrases if you need to ask the way. (cлайд 8)
VI. Развитие навыков чтения, письма, говоренияиалогическая речь):
- Lets work in groups.
1. Make up an own dialogue. Use the information from your textbooks at page 65,
exercise 15. (слайд 9)
2. Look at the map, please. Follow the instructions and find the way to… Say
where you are at the end of your way. (слайд 10).
3. Write the missing words how to get from the railway station to the Pharmacy.
Use the information from exercise books at page 48, exercise 3.
- I’ll give you 4 minutes.
- Stop working. Who wants to answer? So, you, please, go to the blackboard and
tell us your dialogues. Excellent! Right. Now you may explain how to get to the
necessary place. (слайд 11)
Физкультминуткa: - It's time to have a rest and to do some exercises. Stand up.
Repeat after me, please. (слайд 12)
Up, down, up, down,
Which is the way to my town?
Go straight ahead,
Turn left, turn right,
Go past and turn around.
Stop! And you are in the town.
VIII.Развитие навыков монологической речи: -The next task for you. Make
the map of our town. Show where your school is in the map. Explain to us how to
get to from your school to different places. (слайд 13)
You will have 5 minutes to create the map and discuss the way in groups.
1 -from your school to the theater,
2 -from your school to the bank,
3- from your school to the hospital. (слайд 14)
- Stop working. Who wants to answer? So, you, please, go to the blackboard and
tell us your way. Excellent!
IX. Подведение итогов урока: - Can you explain the way to the place?
- Can you ask the way?
- Do you understand what other people speak about? (слайд 15)
X. Рефлексия: I’ll give you the pencils and write, please, one word about
classmates, about yourself, about lesson.
-So, please, you can do it, come to the blackboard all together. May be you would
like some pictures, any sighs. Thank you very much.
Your classmate
XI. Домашнеезадание: And now write down your homework, please. Draw a
map of your living place and show the way from your house to the school.
(слайд 16)
Thank you for your good job at the lesson. You are so hardworking. I’m sure you
can ask the way politely and you can explain the way when somebody needs help.
Your marks are …
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