Разработка урока "What’s Wrong With the Young Generation?" 10 класс

Разработка урока в 10 классе по УМК П.П.Кузовлева
по теме
“What’s Wrong With the Young Generation?”
Урок разработали: Зотова В.Н., Николаева Л.П.
2015 год
Разработка урока в 10 классе по УМК В. П. Кузовлева по теме
What Is Hot With the Young Generation?”
Тема урока: Violence! Violence? Violence…”
Цели урока:
воспитание гражданственности, нравственной ответственности за свои поступки;
развитие толерантности;
соблюдение правил морали и нравственности, недопустимость их нарушения;
повышение социально-правовой активности учащихся.
Задачи урока:
развитие умения аудировать с целью извлечения информации;
развитие умения письменно излагать собственную точку зрения;
совершенствование лексических навыков говорения;
совершенствование навыков монологического высказывания.
Оснащение урока:
интерактивная доска;
диск с записью текста письма для аудирования;
карточки с информацией по Хабаровскому краю;
карточки с тематической лексикой урока;
цитата из высказывания психолога E. Jampolsky о ценности жизни:Two strong
emotions rule the world: love and fear. Love builds up, fear destroys. What we
Ход урока.
1.Организационный момент:
Учитель: Good morning, children! We are having an extraordinary lesson today. I’d like
to pay your attention to the theme of our lesson. I expect you to be very active in the discussion,
to be attentive to the information you’ll be offered.
What do you think are we going to speak about? Why does the theme sound like this
2.Просмотр видеосюжета о молодежных субкультурах и его обсуждение.
Высказывания учащихся по теме урока (тема высвечивается на интерактивной
Примерные высказывания учащихся:
Ученик 1: To my mind, we’ll speak about one of the most important problems nowadays,
it is violence.
Ученик 2: In my opinion, we are going to discuss what we can do to improve the
situation connected with violence.
Ученик 3: It’s rather difficult to solve this problem but we try to do it.
Учитель: At the end of the lesson you should point out the main items of the problem of
violence and, perhaps, try to solve some of these questions. Besides, you should decide what
form of the project connected with our theme you are going to choose and to represent them at
our next lessons. You can write a composition on the problem, a letter to your pal friend, or
make a web-site and discuss this problem with other people, or to write an essay, or make a
multimedia project. Perhaps, you’ll decide to make even a newspaper. It’s up to you what to
choose. So, let’s begin our discussion.
3. Речевая зарядка.
Учитель: Look at these three questions. By the end of the lesson we should give answers
to them.
1. What does violence mean?
2. What are the causes of it? Is the problem of violence actual nowadays? Why? Why
3. What can we do to solve this problem?
4.Работа над лексическим материалом урока:
Учитель: I’d like you to work on the computers. Will you take your places at them? Your
task is to read a list of vocabulary and choose the words and word combinations which are
connected with our lesson. You should cross them out. Each of you will get a mark for your
work. I give you 2 minutes to do this task.
Работа учащихся за компьютерами. Выбор слов, соответствующих тематике урока
(приложение 1).
Учитель: Your time is up. Lets check up your task (на доске высвечивается задание.
Учащиеся читают выбранные слова (смотри приложение №1)
Учитель: So, what things do we associate with violence?
Высказывания учащихся, что такое насилие, используя лексику урока.
Примерные высказывания учащихся:
Ученик 1: To my mind, violence is blood, tears, murders and many other things.
Ученик 2: Violence is associated with cruelty, fighting, wars.
Учитель: So, we’ve answered the first question. There is much violence in the world,
isn’t there? Where can we see it?
Высказывания учащихся по предложенным вопросам.
Учитель: Some young people are sure that there is a lot of violence only in Russia. They
think that life in other countries is quite safety. Is it really so? One of our former students is
living in the USA. Not long ago we got a letter from him. He touches upon the problem of
violence among the American youngsters. Now I want you to listen to his letter and do the task:
you should choose the correct statements according to his letter. While you are listening to the
text pay attention to the new words and word combinations (приложение №2).
5.Работа по аудированию текста письма из Америки. Прослушивание письма
Выполнение заданий по прослушанному тексту (контроль понимания текста с
помощью теста: приложение №3).
Учитель: Ilya asks if it is possible to solve the problem of violence. And as you see, he
answers, “Unfortunately, I don’t know”. And what do you think? Can we do anything to try to
solve the problem of violence in our society?
Высказывания учащихся по предложенному вопросу.
6. Развитие навыков устного высказывания по причинам появления
жестокости и насилия в обществе и обсуждение возможности отдельного человека и
общества в целом их преодолеть.
Учитель: To avoid violence it’s necessary to find out its causes. I think, if we know them,
we know how fight them and how to protect ourselves from violence. I suggest you the following
task. You have got the sheets of paper on your desks. First of all you should mark the causes of
violence in the order of their importance and explain your choice. And then I want you to
classify these reasons into two groups: the reasons which depend and don’t depend on us. Two
students will work at the blackboard and the rest are to work at the desks.
Учащиеся выполняют задание по выбору причин (приложение №4)
Учитель: We are ready to check up our task.
Ученики комментируют свой выбор.
Учитель: It is believed that a rich and developed state is capable to cope with violence.
Is it really so? As you know two girls from our school studied in the USA. They went there on an
exchange programme. I think it will be very interesting for you to learn about the youth problems
in that country. While listening to the girls’ stories you are to point out the reasons of violence
there and to compare them with ours.
7.Прослушивание и обсуждение рассказов учениц.
Рассказы учащихся об обучении в американских школах (приложение №5,6)
Рассказы сопровождаются фотографиями.
Учитель: So, you’ve listened to the girls’ stories. What reasons of violence in the
American schools have the girls mentioned? Are the reasons of violence in the American and
Russian societies common? Are they different?
Высказывания учащихся по предложенным вопросам.
Учитель: We have got some interesting information concerning this problem in our krai.
A pupil of your form has made a social research of the situation connected with violence in the
Khabarovskiy region (приложение №7).
Ученик представляет результаты своей работы и комментирует их (приложение
Учитель: As you can see this problem is still urgent and rather serious. It needs to solve
as quickly as we can. To my mind, we can lessen it, for example, with the help of Mass media. Do
you agree with me? The pupils of your group have made the analysis of a weekly TV programme
and commercial advertisement. What are the results of their small but interesting research
Учащиеся представляет результаты своего изучения телевизионной программы за
неделю и комментирует их.
Следующий учащийся представляет результаты изучения недельной
телевизионной рекламы и комментирует их.
Учитель: If you were a parent, what TV programmes, newspapers, magazines would you
like your children to watch, to read? Why? Which programmes wouldn’t you allow to watch?
Высказывания учащихся.
Учитель: We’ve analyzed the reasons of violence, spoken about the ways how to cope
with it, and compared the situations connected with its consequences in different countries. You
have suggested the ways of solving the problem of violence. I’d like you to read one of the
quotations by a famous American psychologist and a philosopher E.Jampolski: Two strong
emotions rule the world: love and fear. Love builds up, fear destroys. What do we choose?” I
want you to write your thoughts on his idea of the people’s feelings.
Учащиеся записывают свои мысли, объясняя свой выбор.
Учитель: So, our lesson has come to the end. Thank you very much for your activity,
interest in the discussion, your work at the lesson. Now it’s time to put your themes of the chosen
projects into the envelopes on the blackboard. Good-bye, see you next lesson.
Приложение №1
1. Alcohol
2. Kindness
3. Poverty
4. Charity
5. Gangs
6. Robbery
7. Drugs
8. Sympathy
9. Friendliness
10. Unemployment
11. Vandalism
12. Fights
13. Bulling
14. Cruelty
15. Murder
16. Cruel punishing children by their parents
17. Love
18. Misunderstanding
19. Tolerance
To set up children’s organizations(societies)
Создавать детские организации
To discuss widely problems of youth
Широко обсуждать проблемы молодежи
To discuss problems of youth by young
people themselves
Решать молодежные проблемы силами
To limit selling (buying, playing) cruel
computer games
Ограничить продажу (покупку)
компьютерных игр
To avoid conflicts
Избегать конфликтов
To establish(found) special children TV
Создать специальные ТВ программы для
To found TV programmes for lovers
Создать специальные ТВ для
To be tolerant, helpful, sympathetic
Быть терпимым, понимающим,
Приложение №2
“Dear Vera Nikolaevna,
Thank you for your letter. I was glad to read news about our school, my former
classmates. Having got your letter I’d like to express my point of view on the problem of
violence among American teenagers and youth.
Almost all young people come across such problems in this or that way. There are a lot of
unpleasant things in our life. I think, our life is like a zebra with black and white stripes.
Young people have many problems as they grow up. First, they have to get good education.
It will allow them to have a good profession and then a well-paid job. In future it ‘ll permit to
buy a prestigious car, a nice house of their own or an apartment in a very good district of the
place they live in. But, of course, not all young people can afford it, especially the
representatives of poor families.
Another problem of youngsters is the unemployment among them. A job gives them a
chance to adjust themselves to the real life of adults and to stir their ambitions.
But the most important problem is misunderstanding between them and their parents .So
they try to find this understanding in different youth groups and even gangs. Many of them
use drugs and alcohol.
I hope my letter will help you see that youth problems are the same all over the world.
Is it possible to solve all these problems? Unfortunately I don/t know.
Best wishes,
Приложение №3
Choose the correct answer.
1. Why do young people have problems in their lives?
a) they want but can’t buy a car;
b) they are poor;
c) they cannot often get a good education
2. Who can afford to get a good education?
a) All young people;
b) The representatives of rich families;
c) Youngsters from poor families.
3. What is the most important problem for young people?
a) the youth unemployment;
b) drugs and alcohol;
c) misunderstanding with their parents.
4. What can the conflicts with their parents lead to?
a) teenagers try to find good relations with other teens;
b) they can be involved in trying drugs ;
c) they leave their home.
5. What does he mean when he compares our life with a zebra?
a) life is always different;
b) life is always difficult;
c) our life can be both easy and difficult.
Приложение № 4
A Story of My Life in American school.
Unfortunately there is such a problem of the American youth as using drugs. It is wide
spread among high school students (9th-12th forms). Probably there are almost no students even
in the 7
form who have never tried marihuana. I was asked by the American students, ”Have
you ever tried marihuana?” “Oh, you have not! You should definitely try it; it makes you so
Many guys at the age of 18-20 whom I’ve met there were already addicted to it.
Marihuana was the lightest drug they had ever tried. It was like a usual cigarette for them
because some of the American young people had already tried something harder, such as crack,
cocaine and ecstasy.
I knew a guy who had been dropped out of school because he was too tired of studying;
at the age of 18 he had robbed 10 stores and 3 houses. You will ask why he did it. Well, the
answer will be typical: because of his drug addiction. Drugs cost lots of money and when parents
don’t give money to their children, they do everything just for getting this or that drug. Now this
guy is in prison and, probably, he will be there for about 25 years.
Most of the Americans who live in small towns don’t lock their cars and houses because
they think they are living in the safe place and their children will never get into trouble especially
in using drugs, but they are mistaken a lot. But on the contrary in real life it takes place quite
often. It’s sad reality of the USA.
As for using guns, I also can judge the situation only in my little town Burnsville. There
is such a proverb which is known by everybody there. There is no child who has never held a
gun in his hands. And before the child is supposed to be born his Dad, especially if he is a
hunter, would go and buy his even unborn child a gun as a birthday present.
Of course, there are no many problems about a criminal situation in small American
towns, but if we look at such huge cities as New York or Atlanta we’ll see how many crimes
take place in the streets every day. Moreover, they are made by young people. There are always
groups of young people who call themselves Gangsters. They say, they an eye on everything,
but the way how they do it usually is robbery, stealing, killing, street fights, beating blacks or
people of other races and ethnical groups of students.
Приложение №5
While working on your project try to use this information. It is connected with the
situation in our native place.
The number of the children left by their parents is increasing.
Cruel beating of children by their parents takes place every day.
The number of juvenile mothers is growing.
1,500 mothers are under 15.
9,000 young mothers are under the age of 16.
30,000 mothers are under the age of 17.
A great number of mothers suffer from alcohol addiction. 51% of them are cruel
to their children.
About 50,000 children leave their homes every year.
2,000 teenagers commit suicide every year.
13% of all families are one-parent families where mother is the only parent.
87% of them characterize their social position as an unsatisfactory one.
20% of them don’t receive any benefits.
60% of them don’t have their own flats.
Приложение №6
Use these words in your speech.
The Bible
10 заповедей
The 10 Commandments
Не укради!
Don’t steal!
Не убий!
Don’t kill!
Возлюби ближнего своего!
Love your neighbor!
Чти отца и мать своих!
Respect your Father and Mother!
Моральные устои
Ethical foundations
Моральные ценности
Ethical values
Offence, insult
To offend, to insult
Оскорбить человеческое достоинство
To offend one’s respect
State of mind
Нездоровая психика
Unhealthy state of mind
Причинять боль
To hurt
Уроки права
Lesson of law
Социально-правовой класс
Social-law grade(form)
Социологический опрос
Social questionnaire
Приложение 7
Causes of Violence.
Which reasons depend and don’t depend on us?
Cruel advertising
Propaganda of violence in
mass media
Lack of good education
Lack of youth organizations
Watching horror films
Drugs, alcohol addiction
Causes of violence
Приложение №6
Teenagers’ Problems in the USA.
When I came to school in the USA for the first time, I was shocked by the quantity of the
rules and regulations they have. For example, you can chew a gum, wear too short shirts, and
attend a bathroom more than 3 times in each class in a semester. But the most important rules are
about drinking and fighting. If you are caught with smoking cigarettes, you will be suspended
from school (you are not allowed to go to school about 2 or 3 days).For smoking somethings
serious (marihuana, for example) of fighting you can get into prison and you will be expelled
from school. As for my school in Arkansas we didn’t have such problems because our school
was rather small. The rules at that school were very strict and nobody smoked and fought there.
But after school about 2/ 3 of teenagers, especially students of the 9
grades, are fond of
going to the parties to smoke and to drink. Usually they smoke a lot of marihuana; they think it’s
even better than cigarettes. Some of them take special pills which make them feel very well and
they forget about their problems.
All we know the story when an American student of 16 years old killed his teacher and
some of his graders right at school. It can be explained by the fact that anyone can carry a gun to
school in the USA, especially in big schools where the security and teachers don’t have an
opportunity to check every child. American teenagers get angry very fast, especially those who
use drugs and alcohol. They become nervous, irritable. It was not surprising that the student
became almost furious when the teacher told him something unpleasant/ He began to shoot and
killed the teacher and his classmates who tried to stop him.
I would like to say about race discrimination, too. The black and white people often
struggle with each other. They put up in gangs and fight. I know the situation when a big group
of black guys killed a white teenager just because they didn’t like him. It’s reality and it’s really
hard to stop their hatred. The law in the USA doesn’t let people under the age of 21 years old to
drink and people under18 years old to smoke. But usually teenagers can easily get alcohol drinks
or something to smoke. Their older friends help to get everything. Of course, such friends can
bring some troubles. It is known that guys are able to kill anybody or steal something to get
money and to get money for drugs and alcohol. The girls leave their homes and the problem is
that such girls get pregnant too early, leave schools and don’t bring up their children properly.
Parents have a lot of difficulties with such teens. They become violent and it is really a
very serious worry for their Mom and Dad.
Приложение №7