Конспект урока "Family Disagreements" 10 класс

Тема урока: Family Disagreements
Тип урока: объяснение новой темы на основе раннее изученных лексических единиц.
Цели урока: развитие коммуникативной компетенции и мыслительных навыков
обучающихся с использованием приемов критического мышления; развитие умения
работать с информацией, анализировать различные стороны поставленной проблемы.
Задачи урока:
1. Закрепление и расширение лексических навыков по теме урока.
2. Развитие навыков говорения, аудирования, чтения с целью извлечения конкретной
3. Закрепление и расширения навыков говорения, выражения своего мнения
1. Развить интерес к изучаемому предмету.
2. Развить навыки критического мышления.
1. Сформировать личное отношение обучающихся к обсуждаемой проблеме.
2. Сформировать уважительное отношение к членам семьи.
3. Научить возможным способам избегать конфликтные ситуации или решать их
более мирным путем.
Оснащение урока: УМК Биболетова 10 класс (учебник, рабочая тетрадь, CD),
мультимедийный проектор, раздаточный материал.
Ход урока:
1) Орг. момент (Greeting): Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you and I hope you
will take an active part in our lesson and enjoy it!
2) Фонетическая разминка: “ Every quarrel begins in nothing and ends in a struggle for
supremacy”. (2min)
Please, read the quotation. Who was the best? Well done!
3) Речевая разминка (Warming up): Sometimes there are some disagreements between
people. They can occur between family members, between friends, between two people
in a couple. Is it natural to have disagreements? What are the examples of disagreements?
Can disagreements be in families? Can disagreements occur between friends, relatives?
What are the reasons? (3min)
4) Фаза вызова.(на карточках даны слова и определения, которые нужно соотнести)
SB Ex.61 p. 69 Please, find the definitions. (2min)
1 a row
a) to deal with a difficult situation
2 argument
b) a noisy argument or fight between two or more people
3 cope with
c) to discuss a plan or situation in a detailed way
4 talk through
d) a disagreement between people or groups
5 conflict
e) an angry disagreement between two or more people
6 fake
f) to deliberately try to make someone angry
7 provoke
g) false
Good! Try to make your own sentences with these words. (3min)
And now look through the previous words and try to guess the topic of our lesson. That’s
right! It is “Family Disagreements”.
You have a list of word combinations (Ex. 62 p. 69), look through them and describe the
picture in your Student’s Books. (5min)
To quarrel with
To ignore someone’s opinions
To keep a sense of humour
To listen to others
To make fun of
To find a solution
To shout at
To talk about
To discuss a conflict/argument/problem
To be angry/upset/disappointed/embarrassed/sad/aggressive/rude
To understand the problem you will listen to the teenagers talking about their attitude to
family disagreements and complete the first two lines in the table in your Activity books
(AB Ex. 3 p. 38) (7 min)
Do you have family rows?
Did you often have rows?
How do you cope with a
difficult situation in your
Well, we’ve discussed the teenagers’ points of view, and now try to tell us yours.
Answer the same questions, please. What are the reasons of your family rows? Well
done, thank you! Now let us summarize the information and complete the cluster.(5min)
Lack of
Generation gap
Problems at school
5) Фаза осмысления.
There are articles on your desks, read them and try to find reasons and facts which can lead to family
Everyone disagrees with each other sometimes and occasional tension or arguments are part of
family life. However, ongoing family conflict like arguments and tension can be stressful and
Common reasons people fight or argue with parents, guardians are:
When your own opinions and values are different.
Misunderstanding each other, jumping to the wrong conclusions, or a lack of communication.
Wanting more independence than they're willing to give you.
Feeling that you're being treated like a kid or having them not respect your right to privacy.
Changes in your family caused by separation, divorce, a new baby, moving house or even stuff
like moving from another country.
Expectations and pressure. You might feel pressure or high expectations from them about your
friends, career/job, exams, chores, or even your hairstyle or the clothes you wear.
Teenage stress increases with school work and as they move higher, a number of projects to be
done, tests to cope up with, professional choices to be focused on, drama, literary forums, sport
and other extra curricular activities from the school front add to the pressure. On the social
front, a new and tantalizing horizon opens up- dating, partying, hanging out with friends, vying
for attention with the distraction of the media, sports, music, internet relationships etc. The
teenager is under much duress to schedule time, prioritize work and achieve goals. Effective
learning skills could be of great help to these teenagers.
High parental expectation Parenting teenagers is like walking on thin ice. Parents need to strike
the right balance. Often parents live their dream through their children this is when the
pressure builds. Expecting the teenager to excel in academics, get good grades, be the child of
their expectations well behaved, responsible for themselves and sometimes for their younger
siblings and bring in accolades from extra curricular activities - is in itself enough pressure.
You’ve read the article and made your notes, now let’s discuss them. I have the same article on
the board let’s make the proper scheme using “A Fishbone. What are the reasons? What facts can
you give to prove it? Name them from the article, please. What other reasons and facts can you
name? What can such relations between family members lead to? (10min)
6) Фаза рефлексии. ( используется технология “Диаманта”)
At the end of our lesson, we are going to complete а short poem based on the topic of our lesson.
The first line is a noun (according to the topic of the lesson )
A row
The second line are two adjectives to the first noun
Angry, blazing
The third line are three verbs to the first noun
To quarrel, to shout, to provoke
The fourth line are two word combinations with both nouns
A family row; by mutual
The fifth line are three verbs to the antonym
Talk about, come to, to listen to
The sixth line are two adjectives to the antonym
Calm, polite
The seventh line is an antonym to the first noun
Very good!!! Your work was excellent today. To think more about the problem, your home task
will be to write your advice to the following situation:
Hi! I’m Alice. I’m 16. I have a problem. I’m too quarrelsome. I argue with everybody at home,
at school. I don’t know the reason of my irritation. I quite understand, that I shouldn’t behave
like this, but I can’t manage with myself. Another problem is that I can’t be the first in making
peace. All my friends avoid me, my boyfriend left me, I’m absolutely lonely. Nobody wants to
communicate with me. What should I do? Please, help me.(2min)
7) Выставление оценок. (1min)