Открытый урок по английскому языку "Изобретения человечества" 11 класс
МБОУ Урывская СОШ
Открытый урок
по английскому языку
на тему
« Изобретения человечества»
Цели:-активизировать изученную лексику по теме и расширить лексический запас учащихся за
счет чтения текстов и информации, найденной в Интернете;
-развивать языковую догадку, опираясь на контекст;
-использовать освоенные навыки из других областей знаний и развитие межпредметных связей
(физика, информатика, история);
-приобщить учащихся к истории развития техники и технологий;
-формирование интереса к достижениям человечества и внимательное отношение ко всему
Ход урока
‘EURIKA’- с греческого означает ‘I have found it!’ Архимед сделал открытие, принимая ванну: на
всякое тело, погруженное в жидкость, действует выталкивающая сила, направленная вверх и
равная весу вытесненной им жидкости.
Archimedes principle – a scientific rule which says that an object placed in water will be affected by a
force pushing upwards that is equal to the weight of the water moved by the object.
T – ‘This example shows that some inventions can be made unexpectedly, just by chance or because of
someone’s mistake. Can you give some examples proving the idea?
P1 – Yes. As I remember Dmitry Mendeleyev saw the table of chemical elements in his dream and then
he wrote it.
P2 – There is such a legend that Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravity with the help of an apple.
One day he was sitting in the garden under an apple tree and when an apple fell down and hit his head,
he began thinking about the reason of the apple falling.
T – Look at the table. You can see a bowl covered with a napkin. Guess what is inside it. Ask me some
questions about it.
P1 – What size is it?
T – It can be either small or large.
P2 – What colour is it?
T – It can be green, yellow, red.
P3 – Is it eatable?
T – Yes, it is. And it is very tasty.
P4 – Is it a fruit or a vegetable?
T – It’s a fruit.
P5 – “Is it an apple?
T – Yes, my congratulations! And it has helped to make a discovery – the law of universal gravity as you
have said.
3. Работа в группах
T – Work in groups. Put the following in order from the most useful (1) to the least useful (7): bubble
gum, the theory of relativity, the printing press, corn flakes, the hula hoop, tea, the opener.
Pupils are given 3 minutes. After completing the task they give their answers and explain why they have
put the inventions in this or that order.
4. T – Match the inventions above to these inventors:
Will Keith Kellogg, Emperor Shen Nung, Albert Einstein, Walter E. Diemer, Ezra Warner, Johann
Gutenberg, Richard P Knerr.
Pupils use their knowledge they got at the lessons of physics, history, geography and ability to think
logically. They work in groups. The teacher asks the groups’ ideas in 2-3 minutes. Pupils use the phrases:
“I think”, “I’m sure”, “I’m not quite sure, but I think”.
5. ИКТ
T – Check your answers to the previous exercise. The teacher gives 3-5 minutes. Then pupils take their
seats at the desks and give the right answers. Pupils work individually.
Will Keith Kellogg – corn flakes
Emperor Shen Nung – tea
Albert Einstein – the theory of relativity
Walter E. Diemer – bubble gum
Ezra Warner – the can opener
Johann Gutenberg – the printing press
Richard P Knerr – the hula hoop
7. Pupils take their seats at the desks after finding necessary information in the Net. They read their
ideas and give their comments to each invention. Other pupils add some more details if they have found
the information about the same invention.
8. There is a quotation on the blackboard. The teacher draws pupils attention to it. “What people say
you can’t do, you try and find that you can” – Henry Theogeau.
T – I know that not everybody has the Net at home, but you’ve tried and have found that you can use it.
That’s great.
9. T – Look at the blackboard. You can see the words denoting different technologies. Read them after
me and tell me what you know about them. The words are: nanotechnology, microelectronics,
futurology, nuclear physics, engineering.
If pupils don’t know anything about some technologies, the teacher says that they will find about them
in the text which they should read at home.
10. Home tasks – to read the text ‘Futurology’. The teacher gives it to each pupil. It is from the book
“New Opportunities. Upper Intermediate.”
11. The teacher gives apples from the bowl to pupils and says:
“I hope that you will make some discoveries or inventions using these new technologies, this apple will
help you to do it.
Thank you for the lesson.!
Алгебра - еще материалы к урокам:
- Проверочная работа "Геометрический и физический смысл производной" 11 класс
- Самостоятельная работа "Сравнение натуральных чисел" 5 класс
- Самостоятельная работа "Запись и чтение натуральных чисел" 5 класс
- Самостоятельная работа "Приведение подобных" 7 класс
- Тест "Многочлены. Арифметические операции над многочленами Основные понятия" 7 класс
- Тест "Свойства степени с натуральным показателем. Решение уравнений, содержащих степень" 7