Тест "Множественное число имён существительных"

Тест: « Множественное число имён существительных»
Раскройте скобки и напишите правильный ответ.
There are many __________________ in the wood. (FOX)
There are many __________________ in the field. (SHEEP)
There are a lot of_________________ in the street.(LORRY)
There are a lot of______________ on the plate.(CHERRY)
There are a lot of __________ in the box.(TOY)
There are some _____________________ in the fridge.(TOMATO)
There are some _______________ in our city.(ZOO)
There are some________________ in the house.(MOUSE)
There are a lot of ______________ in the park.(FLOWER)
There are some _____________ on the table.(BOOK)
There are a lot of___________ in the sea.( FISH)
There are some _______________ in the the classroom.(CHILD)