Конспект урока "Вопросительные предложения в косвенной речи" 8 класс

Урок английского языка
учителя иностранного языка
Сираевой Гульзиры Разамировны
Класс: 8 А класс
Дата: 1.03.2016
Тема: «Вопросительные предложения в косвенной речи»
Цель урока: расширить знания учащихся при применении косвенной речи
Задачи урока:
- активизировать имеющиеся знания о косвенной речи, систематизировать
их в схеме;
- познакомить учащихся с перефразированием вопросов из прямой речи в
- осуществить первичную отработку грамматической темы
Оборудование: учебник, раздаточный материал.
Ход урока:
I. Оргмомент
- Good morning! (- Good morning, good morning?
Good morning to you,
Good morning dear teacher,
We’re glad to see you!)
- I’m glad to see you too. Sit down please. How are you today? Today we have
guests on our lesson, so I think you’ll do everything you can to show them how
smart you are. So, let’s start.
II. Речевая разминка.
- Here is a short poem by R. Kipling.
I have six honest serving men
They taught me all I knew
Their names are WHAT, and WHY and WHEN
And HOW and WHERE and WHO!
- What is the poem about? What are the Key-words of the poem? Repeat after me
now (повторяют стихотворение).
III. Активизация знаний по теме «Косвенная речь»
- Before starting a new topic we need to revise the information about Reported
speech. You have A4 sheets of paper on your desks. Take one in your hands and
fold it like that (сгибаю пополам) and fold it again. Then fold the corner. Then
unfold the paper and draw the folded lines. You’ll have a scheme like that:
1) obligatory features 2) non-obligatory features
3) Examples 4) contrexample
Put down the topic in the middle “Reported speech”. Fill the Frayer Model.
You have 3 minutes.
IV. Разрешение проблемной ситуации
- I’ve got one more task for you: here is the card for each group. Paraphrase the
short dialogue into the reported speech. You will have 2 min.
- Ok. Time is up. Did you have any difficulties?
- Try to guess what are we going to talk about today?
V. Введение новой грамматической темы
You can see a sentence on the blackboard:
Father said: “Did you understand the teacher’s question?”
Translate the question. Now paraphrase the sentence into the reported speech
in Russian. Папа спросил поняли ЛИ он вопрос учителя. Let’s try to translate it
in English. What do you need for that? (The translation of the word ЛИ)
How will the sentence sound then? (The father said if he had understood the
teacher’s question)
Here’s one more question: Father said: “Why did you get 2?” Translate the
question. Now paraphrase the sentence into the reported speech in Russian. Отец
сказал: «Почему ты получил 2?» Let’s try to translate it in English. What do you
need for that? (ввести прямой порядок слов Father asked why he had got 2?”
Now let’s look through the rule on p. 80.
VI. Первичное закрепление новой темы
Find the Ex. 88 p. 81 in your textbooks. Work in pairs: read the extract and report
it. You’ll have 2 minutes.
Ok. Lets check.
VII. Развитие навыков чтения
Now we will read a little. Work in groups: read and understand the extracts from
the ex. 90 p.81 and put them into correct order.
I advise you to share your duties between the members of the team.
Each group will ask 4 questions to the text. You’ll have 5 min. Take a sheet of paper
to put them down. Go ahead!
Change the questions with the other team.
VIII. Подведение итогов
Put down your home task: ex. 36 p. 80, * report the dialogue, ** retell the dialogue
using the reported speech.
XIX. Рефлексия
In the end of the lesson I’ll ask you to choose the phrase, which is suitable for you:
Everything was clear. I understood everything
? Not everything was clear. I still have some questions.
I didn’t understand the theme.
Put down your name in one of the colored stickers and stick it under the sign on your
way out.
Thank you for the lesson! Have a nice day!
Pete: I’m very sorry but I got “two” in Maths
Father: Why did you get “two”? Did you
understand the teacher’s question?
Pete: Of course I did. He didn’t understand me
Pete: I’m very sorry but I got “two” in Maths
Father: Why did you get “two”? Did you
understand the teacher’s question?
Pete: Of course I did. He didn’t understand me
Pete: I’m very sorry but I got “two” in Maths
Father: Why did you get “two”? Did you
understand the teacher’s question?
Pete: Of course I did. He didn’t understand me
Pete: I’m very sorry but I got “two” in Maths
Father: Why did you get “two”? Did you
understand the teacher’s question?
Pete: Of course I did. He didn’t understand me
Pete: I’m very sorry but I got “two” in Maths
Father: Why did you get “two”? Did you
understand the teacher’s question?
Pete: Of course I did. He didn’t understand me
Pete: I’m very sorry but I got “two” in Maths
Father: Why did you get “two”? Did you
understand the teacher’s question?
Pete: Of course I did. He didn’t understand me
I have six honest serving men
They taught me all I knew
Their names are WHAT, and WHY and WHEN
And HOW and WHERE and WHO!
I have six honest serving men
They taught me all I knew
Their names are WHAT, and WHY and WHEN
And HOW and WHERE and WHO!
I have six honest serving men
They taught me all I knew
Their names are WHAT, and WHY and WHEN
And HOW and WHERE and WHO!
I have six honest serving men
They taught me all I knew
Their names are WHAT, and WHY and WHEN
And HOW and WHERE and WHO!
I have six honest serving men
They taught me all I knew
Their names are WHAT, and WHY and WHEN
And HOW and WHERE and WHO!
I have six honest serving men
They taught me all I knew
Their names are WHAT, and WHY and WHEN
And HOW and WHERE and WHO!
I have six honest serving men
They taught me all I knew
Their names are WHAT, and WHY and WHEN
And HOW and WHERE and WHO!
I have six honest serving men
They taught me all I knew
Their names are WHAT, and WHY and WHEN
And HOW and WHERE and WHO!
I have six honest serving men
They taught me all I knew
Their names are WHAT, and WHY and WHEN
And HOW and WHERE and WHO!
I have six honest serving men
They taught me all I knew
Their names are WHAT, and WHY and WHEN
And HOW and WHERE and WHO!
I have six honest serving men
They taught me all I knew
Their names are WHAT, and WHY and WHEN
And HOW and WHERE and WHO!
I have six honest serving men
They taught me all I knew
Their names are WHAT, and WHY and WHEN
And HOW and WHERE and WHO!
Father said: “Did you
understand the teacher’s
Отец спросил: «Ты не
понял вопрос учителя?»
Папа спросил понял
ЛИ он вопрос учителя.
Father said: “Why did
you get 2?
Отец сказал: «Почему
ты получил 2?»
Отец спросил почему
он получил 2
Everything was clear. I understood everything
Not everything was clear. I still have some questions.
I didn’t understand the theme.