Разработка открытого урока "How can I get to…?" 8 класс

МБОУ гимназия № 5 г. Кызыла
Разработка открытого урока
Тема: How can I get to…?”
Составитель: Санчы Алена Сергеевна,
учитель II кв. категории.
Кызыл, 2016
Цели и задачи урока:
- формирование коммуникативной компетенции;
-развитие навыков устной речи в ситуации « Как спросить дорогу»;
- развитие интереса к изучению иностранного языка;
- воспитание интереса к культуре страны изучаемого языка.
Лексическийматериал:go past, go straight on/ahead, go up/down the
street, next to, on the corner, turn left/right, turn right/left at the corner.
Социокультурная информация: достопримечательности Лондона,
ситуация « Как спросить дорогу в незнакомом городе».
Оборудование: картинки с достопримечательностями Лондона на доске,
карточки с заданиями, магнитофон, проектор/ телевизор.
Ход урока
I. Приветствие и организационный момент начала урока.
T: Good afternoon, children! I am glad to see you. How are you today? Sit
down, please. Let's start our lesson.
II. Фонетическая зарядка.
T: Look at the blackboard and repeat after me. ( Отработка наиболее
труднопроизносимыхзвуков: [r]: street, bridge, right, read; [ð]: the, this, that,
then; [ѳ]: thin, thick, cathedral; [w]: well, when, where, what. ) Thank you,
well done. Read, please: P
, P
III. Сообщение темы, целей и задач урока.
T: Now look at the blackboard. What can you see? Yes, the sights of London.
(Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, Hyde Park, London
Eye, Big Ben, the Tower, Tower Bridge). Answer my questions:
-What color is the bus? (It is red)
- Is the Tower old or modern? (It’s old)
- Is Big Ben tall? (Yes, it is)
- Is London Eye beautiful? (Yes, it is)
- Are there many people on Trafalgar Square? (Yes, there are)
Ok, thank you. Have you ever been in London? Would you like to go there? But
you don’t know London at all. What would you do if you got lost there? ( get lost
потеряться) Do you know how to ask your way? So, what is the topic of our
lesson? Yes, Asking the way?” Today you will learn how to ask your way.
IV. Введениелексическогоматериала.
T: Look at the picture. Let’s read the expressions.
Go past - пройти мимо, go straight - идти прямо, go up the street - идти
вверх по улице, go down the street идти вниз по улице, go along идти
вдоль, turn left at the corner повернуть налево на углу, turn right at the
corner повернуть направо на углу, cross - переходить.
( Хоровое повторение, индивидуальное повторение)
V. Отработка нового лексического материала.
T: Now work in pairs. Tell your classmate where the man is going. For
example, The man is going past the post office. Ok? Translate these sentences,
VI. Работа с диалогом.
T: Let’s read the dialogue. Who is the best reader?
Ok, draw the way from Big Ben to Hyde Park on the maps. Write your names
Exchange your maps, let’s check. If there is no mistake put “5”.
VII. Физминутка.
T: Let’s have a rest. Stand up, please. Close your eyes, open your eyes, look
left, look right, look up, look down, and look at me. Hands up, hands down,
hands on hips and jump five times. Thank you, sit down, please.
VIII. Формирование навыков диалогической речи.
T: Give me your dialogues. I’ll give you another dialogue. The Londoner has
forgotten some words. Help him to show the way to Hyde Park. Read it.
Now who can show on the map? Well done, sit down please.
IX. Подведение итогов.
T: Today you have worked hard. Let’s talk about our lesson. Did you like it?
If you get lost what do you say? (How do I get to..?) Well done. Thank you very
much. The lesson is over, goodbye. Your homework is to tell your way from your
house to the school.
Read the dialogue.
You:Excuse me.
Londoner: Yes, can I help you?
You: Could you tell me how can I get to Hyde Park?
Londoner: Well, now you are at Big Ben. Go up the street ( Whitehall).
On the crossroads ( перекресток) turn left and you are on Pall Mall. Go
straight on Pall Mall. Then turn left, go down Piccadilly and you will see
Hyde Park.
You:Oh, thank you very much.
Londoner: Not at all.
Read the dialogue.
You: Excuse me.
Londoner: Yes, can I help you?
You: Could you tell me how can I get to Hyde Park?
Londoner: Well, now you are at Big Ben. Go up the street ( Whitehall).
On the crossroads ( перекресток) turn left and you are on Pall Mall. Go
straight on Pall Mall. Then turn left, go down Piccadilly and you will see
Hyde Park.
You: Oh, thank you very much.
Londoner: Not at all.
Read the dialogue.
You: Excuse me.
Londoner: Yes, can I help you?
You: Could you tell me how can I get to Hyde Park?
Londoner: Well, now you are at Big Ben. Идитевверхthe street(
Whitehall). On the crossroads ( перекресток) повернитеналевоand you
are on Pall Mall. Идитепрямоon Pall Mall.
Thenповернитеналево,идитевнизPiccadilly and you will see Hyde Park.
You: Oh, thank you very much.
Londoner: Not at all.
Read the dialogue.
You: Excuse me.
Londoner: Yes, can I help you?
You: Could you tell me how can I get to Hyde Park?
Londoner: Well, now you are at Big Ben. Идитевверхthe street(
Whitehall). On the crossroads ( перекресток) повернитеналевоand you
are on Pall Mall. Идитепрямоon Pall Mall.
Thenповернитеналево,идитевнизPiccadilly and you will see Hyde Park.
You: Oh, thank you very much.
Londoner: Not at all.