Конспект урока "Джонатан Свифт. «Приключения Гулливера»" 8 класс

Бурак Юлия Николаевна
Предмет: английский язык
Класс: 8
Тема урока: Джонатан Свифт. «Приключения Гулливера».
Цель урока: развитие языковой компетентности учащихся по теме
«Окружающая среда».
практические - активизировать знания, умения и навыки учащихся по теме
«Окружающая среда»; учить логически строить высказывание на основе
прослушанной, прочитанной и переработанной информации;
коммуникативные задачи - развивать умения чтения с целью извлечения
конкретнойинформации; развивать умения говорения –выражать мнения
пообсуждаемой проблеме;
развивающие развивать кругозор обучающихся, память, творческие
навыки; развиватьумения делать выводы, выражать собственное мнение;
воспитательные воспитывать чувство любви и бережного отношения к
окружающей среде, чувство ответственности за место, где ты живешь;
создавать возможность для проявления индивидуальных способностей
учащихся, развитие навыков сотрудничества;
образовательные совершенствовать фонетические и лексические навыки,
расширить словарный запас, активизировать знакомую лексику в речевых
ситуациях, создать условия для спонтанной речи.
Оснащение урока: компьютер, видеоматериалы к уроку, УМК М. З.
Биболетовой “EnjoyEnglish - 8”,раздаточный материал,.
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Ход урока:
1. Организационныймомент (organization of the lesson + warm up)
Good morning. I’m very glad to see all of you today. I hope everybody is ready
towork. How are you?
2. Речеваязарядка (speech phonetic practice) ~ 1 минута
Let’s revise irregular verbs.
3.Постановка целей и задач урока(gettingtoknowthetopic) ~ 3 минуты
Boys and girls, tell me please what we are going to do at the lesson?
Students go to the blackboard and write the purposes.
Have a look at the screen. You can see some pictures. Can you guess what we are
going to talk about today?
So, today we’re going to speak about ecological problems.
People all over the world are worried about what is happening to the environment.
They understand that the Earth is their common home, a big greenhome. Our
purpose is to learn new words on the topic and to work with the text.
4.Проверкавыполнениядомашнегозадания ~ 3 минуты
Your home task was to learn by heart new words. So, are you ready? Let’s make
an information map(cоставлениеинтеллекткарты).
Бурак Юлия Николаевна
I’ll switch on the tape recorder. “The Earth Song” by Michael Jackson.
Pupils write word combinations on the blackboard.
That’s a pity, but we have a lot of Ecological problems.
5.Развитие навыков аудирования (listening) ~ 10 минут
- Предтекстовое задание (pre listening)
Before listening, answer the questions. Have you ever heard about any eco
organizations? (Greenpeace, WWF, «Зеленыйпатруль»,…)
What are their aims?
Now I’d like you to listen about the Eden Project. Watch this video of Richard’s
visit to the Eden Project. As you watch, think about how you would complete the
- Просмотрвидео(while listening)
Divide students into 2 or 3 groups and give each group a different listening task.
Then swap their answers and have students listen again and check their
classmates’ answers.
-Работа в команде (workingroups)Выполняют упражнение 1 ,
зачитывают ответы.
Welldone! Good!
6. Развитиенавыковговорения (speaking)~ 3 минуты
Look at this picture and say if you know this man.
Students: Jonathan Swift.
Teacher: You’re right. What was he?
Students: He was a writer.
Teacher: Good! Can you name any of his works?
Students: Gulliver’s Travels.
The most serious
problems of our days
The ozone layer
Acid rains
Noise pollution
Air pollution
Water pollution
Бурак Юлия Николаевна
Teacher: I absolutely agree with you. Jonathan Swift was one of the greatest
English writers. He lived more than 300 years ago. His famous novel “Gulliver’
Travels” is popular nowadays. And the problems shown in his novel are still
So, can you tell me what we will do today?
Students: We’ll discuss these problems.
Teacher: Yes, you are right! This time we’ll pick out the main problems and at the
end of the lesson you’ll be able to speak what you should do to save our world.
7.Введение новых ЛЕ (topicalvocabulary)~ 4 минуты
Teacher: As usual we’ll begin with some phonetic exercises. You can see the
words and phrases from the text on the board and on your tables. Let’s pronounce
A creature
A human being
To get along with somebody
To understand each other
To receive information
To tell lies
Teacher: Thank you. Now try to guess the meaning of the words, read the
definition and match them.
1.To say something that is not true;
2. To support an idea or to agree with someone’s opinion;
3.Wanting a lot more food, money, etc, than you need;
4.To know the meaning of something that someone says;
5.A man, a woman, a child;
1.To say something that is not true; (to tell lies)
2. To support an idea or to agree with someone’s opinion; (to get along)
3.Wanting a lot more food, money, etc, than you need; (greedy)
4.To know the meaning of something that someone says; (to understand)
5.A man, a woman, a child; (a human being)
Teacher: you’ve worked quite well. Now please answer my questions.
1. Are you a human being, … ?
2. Do you get along with your sister/brother?
3. Do you often tell lies?
4. Do you like to receive only good information?
Teacher: Fantastic! Now you know these words. Try to use them in your sentences.
8. Физкультминутка (physical break)~ 1 минута
Let’s do our eyes exercises.
Eyes up,
Eyes down,
Eyes left,
Eyes right.
Бурак Юлия Николаевна
Close your eyes, open your eyes, eyes around.
And now, please, sit down.
9. Совершенствование навыков чтения и говорения (reading+ speaking) ~
14 минут
Openyourbooksatp. 48. See ex. 32. Look through the text.
Teacher: you have already read the text. Who are the main characters?
Students: They are human beings and creatures.
Teacher: What are three things Gulliver’s master didn’t know?
1 student: he didn’t know what meant telling lies.
2 student: he didn’t know why people fought.
3 student: he didn’t know the word soldier.
Стадияосмысления (post reading activity)
Teacher: Does the author say how to improve the world?
Students: he says that peace and truth are more important than making war or
making money.
Teacher: I believe you and now I see that you’re ready to express your own ideas
about how to save our world.You see that the author wants us to understand
different problems.Let us discuss them.
Exercise 2.Discuss the questions. Be ready to express your ideas, using the words
and phrases.
Case 1
Why was there no word which means «telling lies» in the fairytale country?
Can people live without telling lies?
Do you often lie? Is it bad to tell lies?
Words and phrases:
To use language
in order to …
to understand each other
to receive information
to live without lies
Exercise 2.Discuss the questions. Be ready to express your ideas, using the words
and phrases.
Case 2
Were there any wars in the fairytale country?
Is it possible to avoid (избегать) wars in our world? Why?
Why do people start wars?
Words and phrases: It’s possible
To avoid (избегать) wars
To quarrel (ссориться)
To attack another country
Бурак Юлия Николаевна
Exercise 2.Discuss the questions. Be ready to express your ideas, using the words
and phrases.
Case 3
Would you like to live on the island with Houys? Why?
Would you like our world to become similar to theirs?
Words and phrases:
They are kind and clever
Don’t tell lies
To get along with each other
Stop telling lies and arguing ['ɑːgjuː] спорить
Teacher: Thank you! I agree with you. What you’ve said is true. Now let’s make
the conclusion what people should and should not do.
Argue with each other with the help of guns; quarrel; tell the truth; tell lies; live in
peace with each other; make wars; pollute the Earth; protect our planet; recycle
the litter
People should not
People should
Teacher: As you understand there are a lot of problems in the world. Among them
is the problem of people’s relationships. Now we know what people should and
shouldn’t do.
10. Подведение итогов урока (summarizing)~ 4-5 минут
What have you done today (have we read the text, have we spoken, have we
Was the lesson interesting to you?
Do you think we had an informative lesson?
Will you do your best to help the planet?
Teacher: Thank you for your work! You were active today. Your marks: …
The world we live in belongs to everybody. People must respect the nature. We
must do all we can to protect our nature. The protection of nature is our duty.
Let’s sing the song “Don’t kill the world!” by Boney M. (Видео с субтитрами).
- Домашнее задание (home assignment)
I believe that you remember everything and at home you will:
« 5» - make a mini-project “A perfect world”.
«4» - write your ideas how to improve our world.
«3» - learn by heart new words.
You can use the sentences that you’ve heard today.
The lesson is over. You may be free.
Бурак Юлия Николаевна
Exercise 1. Match the parts of the sentences.
At first it was just…
There are the world’s most important…
a hole in the ground.
The jade vine is a…
very rare plant from the Philippines.
New words
o a creature ['kriːʧə] создание, творение, существо
o a human being человек
o envious ['envɪəs] завистливый
o greedy ['griːdɪ] жадный; прожорливый
o to get along with somebody - ладить с кем - то
o to understand each other понимать друг друга
o to receive information получать информацию
o to tell lies - лгать
o successful [sək'sesf(ə)l ], [-ful] успешный
Exercise 2. Discuss the questions. Be ready to express your ideas, using the words
and phrases.
Case 1
Why was there no word which means «telling lies» in the fairytale country?
Can people live without telling lies?
Do you often lie? Is it bad to tell lies?
Words and phrases:
To use language
in order to …
to understand each other
to receive information
to live without lies
it’s bad
Бурак Юлия Николаевна
Exercise 1. Match the parts of the sentences.
The Eden Project is in…
big bubble shaped area is twice as high
as Big Ben.
The biome is a …
has made of the rubbish that one person
will throw away in their lifetime.
The WEEEman sculpture
New words
o a creature ['kriːʧə] создание, творение, существо
o a human being человек
o envious ['envɪəs] завистливый
o greedy ['griːdɪ] жадный; прожорливый
o to get along with somebody - ладить с кем - то
o to understand each other понимать друг друга
o to receive information получать информацию
o to tell lies - лгать
o successful [sək'sesf(ə)l ], [-ful] успешный
Exercise 2. Discuss the questions. Be ready to express your ideas, using the words
and phrases.
Case 2
Were there any wars in the fairytale country?
Is it possible to avoid (избегать) wars in our world? Why?
Why do people start wars?
Words and phrases: It’s possible
To avoid (избегать) wars
To quarrel (ссориться)
To attack another country
Бурак Юлия Николаевна
Exercise 1. Match the parts of the sentences.
The Eden Project started…
big bubble shaped area is twice as high
as Big Ben.
The biome is a …
very rare plant from the Philippines.
The jade vine is a…
over 10 years ago.
New words
o a creature ['kriːʧə] создание, творение, существо
o a human being человек
o envious ['envɪəs] завистливый
o greedy ['griːdɪ] жадный; прожорливый
o to get along with somebody - ладить с кем - то
o to understand each other понимать друг друга
o to receive information получать информацию
o to tell lies - лгать
o successful [sək'sesf(ə)l ], [-ful] успешный
Exercise 2. Discuss the questions. Be ready to express your ideas, using the words
and phrases.
Case 3
Would you like to live on the island with Houys? Why?
Would you like our world to become similar to theirs?
Words and phrases:
They are kind and clever
Don’t tell lies
To get along with each other
Stop telling lies and arguing ['ɑːgjuː] спорить
Бурак Юлия Николаевна
Для учителя
Exercise 1. Match the parts of the sentences.
№ 1
At first it was just
a hole in the ground.
№ 2
The Eden Project is in
№ 3
The Eden Project started
over 10 years ago.
№ 1
There are the world’s most
The biome is a
big bubble shaped area is twice as
high as Big Ben.
The jade vine is a
very rare plant from the Philippines.
№ 2
The WEEEman sculpture
has made of the rubbish that one
person will throw away in their
Exercise 2. Discuss the questions. Be ready to express your ideas, using the words
and phrases.
Case 1
There was no word which means “telling lies” in the fairytale country because they used
language in the country in order to understand each other and to give and receive information. I
think people can’t live without telling lies because there are sometimes situations when we need
tell lies. As for me, I don’t often lie. I think it’s bad to tell lies.
Case 2
There were no wars in the fairytale country. We think that, it is possible to avoid wars in
our world, but people can’t do it because they often argue and quarrel.
Case 3
Yes, we would. We would like to live on the island with Houys because they look like
horses, they are kind and friendly, they don’t tell lies, and they like to get along with their
neighbors. I would like our world to become similar to theirs. It is possible, we think, if people
stop telling lies and arguing.