План-конспект урока "Grammar Discoveries: Present Perfect" 5-6 класс

Серова Елена Михайловна
Учитель английского языка
г Магнитогорска
План конспект урока английского языка
по теме «Grammar Discoveries: Present Perfect»
к УМК Enjoy English 5-6 класс
Тема учебного занятия: «Grammar Discoveries: Present Perfect»
Продолжительность учебного занятия: _45_ мин.
Тип учебного занятия: активизация в речи грамматического материала
Цели (образовательная, развивающая, воспитательная) учебного занятия:
1.1 семантизация в речи лексических единиц по теме Animals
1.2 формирование навыков чтения и произносительных навыков
1.3 активизация в речи грамматического явления
2. 1 совершенствование мыслительных операций: синтеза, анализа, обобщения.
2.2 развитие творческого потенциала учащихся.
3. формирование познавательной активности.
Используемая литература:
УМК Enjoy English 5-6 класс Биболетовой М. З. - Учебник англ яз для 5 кл общеобраз шк.-
Обнинск: Титул,1998.-208 с.:ил
http://dnevnik.detstvo.ru/18883/archive/theme17/?printver=1 карта зоопарка
http://www.beenergy.ru/2009/02/page/28/ - изображение босса
Ход урока:
Teacher: Hello, boys and girls! We continue talking about animals and places they live in. First
of all, we should practice the ending of regular verbs to sound properly. (проверка домашнего
задания - упр 24 стр 53 )
Teacher: Thank you, now I see that you can sound well. Today I want to invite you to the zoo
look at the map of this zoo and say what animal you would like to go first and explain why.
P1: I would like to visit elephant valley. I like elephants. I think they are very friendly.
P2: I would like to visit monkey house. Monkeys are funny.
Teacher: in the zoo there is a lot of work and keepers are very busy, but if they work hard, they
like to boast. Let’s imagine that we are hard-working keepers and talk about work that we have
done. Repeat after me, please. I have cleaned the cages.
P1: I have cleaned the cages, too.
T: I have fed the tigers.
P2: I have fed the tigers.
T: I have brushed the horses.
P3: I have brushed the horses.
Teacher: Look this is the director of our zoo
and he wants to know what we have already
done. The verbs from the board will help
you, but you should use the verb only once.
- Boss, I have cleaned the cages.
- ……..
- ………
- ………
(на доску заранее выписаны глаголы)
Teacher: Our director is very angry, because
Somebody has broken the cage with the tigers. Say that you haven’t done it.
Somebody has teased the monkeys.
Somebody has thrown the litter in the Elephant Valley.
Somebody has forgotten to close the gate of the farm.
Teacher: Ребята послушайте, как грозный директор задаёт вопросы своим работникам:
Have you cleaned the cages?
Have you brushed the horses?
Have you fed the monkeys?
А какие вопросы он ещё может нам задать?
P1 P2 P3 …
Teacher: Great you are! I like your work very much. Do you like our lesson? Why?
Thanks! Your hometask is ex 32 on page 113 and ex 33 on page 114
Good bye!